Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of November 4, 2016 No. 907

About measures for realization of the Forest code of the Republic of Belarus

(as amended on 06-02-2024)

Based on subitems 1. 4, 1.7–1.9, 1.11 Item 1 of Article 11 and Item 3 of Article 35 of the Forest code of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus

1. Approve:

Regulations on establishment of procedure for carrying out forest management, development and approval of the forest management project, introduction in it of changes and (or) amendments (are applied);

The regulations on procedure for holding timber auctions (are applied);

Regulations on procedure for carrying out monitoring of the woods and use of its data (are applied);

Regulations on procedure for maintaining the state forest inventory and use of its data (are applied);

The regulations on accounting treatment, storages, fillings, issues and cancellations of the logging ticket, the order and the forest ticket (are applied).

2. Establish:

form of the logging ticket according to appendix 1;

order form according to appendix 2;

form of the forest ticket according to appendix 3;

standard form of the lease agreement of the site of forest fund according to appendix 4;

standard form of the schematic map with the designated borders of the site of forest fund for its provision in lease according to appendix 5.

3. Determine the forest management republican unitary enterprise "Belgosles" and its affiliated enterprises the organizations, authorized to carry out forest management (further – the forest management organization).

4. Make changes and additions to the following resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus:

4.1. in the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 20, 2001 No. 1073 "About collection of cost illegally the extracted wood and other forest products in case of impossibility of their withdrawal at legal entities and physical persons" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2001, No. 72, 5/6461; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 29.09.2012, 5/36275; 23:10. 2015, 5/41177):

in the name, paragraphs second and third Item 1 of the word "the extracted wood and other" and "their withdrawals at legal entities and physical persons" to replace respectively with words "prepared" and "its withdrawal and (or) economic inexpediency of its withdrawal, transfer and realization or impossibility of realization";

according to the procedure of collection of cost illegally the extracted wood and other forest products in case of impossibility of their withdrawal at legal entities and physical persons, approved by this resolution:

in the name of the word "the extracted wood and other" and "their withdrawals at legal entities and physical persons" to replace respectively with words "prepared" and "its withdrawal and (or) economic inexpediency of its withdrawal, transfer and realization or impossibility of realization";

state Items 1 and 2 in the following edition:

"1. This Procedure is applied in case of collection of cost illegally of the prepared forest products in case of impossibility of its withdrawal and (or) economic inexpediency of its withdrawal, transfer and realization or impossibility of realization.

2. The legal entity or physical person which illegally prepared forest products in case of impossibility of its withdrawal and (or) economic inexpediency of its withdrawal, transfer and realization or impossibility of realization pays its cost. The cost illegally of the prepared forest products is determined by the rates approved by the resolution which approved this Procedure.";

in Item 3:

the paragraph one to state in the following edition:

"3. Collection of cost is illegal the prepared forest products in case of impossibility of its withdrawal and (or) economic inexpediency of its withdrawal, transfer and realization or impossibility of realization is made in the procedure established by the legislation on the basis:";

paragraph two after words "the President of the Republic of Belarus" to add with words "officials to whom functions are assigned";

in item 4:

in word part one "the extracted wood and (or) other" to replace with the word "prepared";

in word part two "production of wood and (or) other" to replace with the word "procurements";

in word part three "production of wood and (or) other", "the extracted wood and (or) other" to replace respectively with words "procurement", "prepared";

in Item 5 of the word "the extracted wood and (or) other", "production of wood and (or) other" and "production of wood and (or) other" to replace respectively with words "prepared", "procurement" and "procurements";

in Item 6 of the word "got wood and (or) other" to replace with the word "prepared";

in Item 7 of the word "production of wood and (or) other" and "the extracted wood and (or) other" to replace respectively with words "procurement" and "prepared";

in dachshunds for calculation of the amount of collection of cost illegally the extracted wood and other forest products in case of impossibility of their withdrawal at the legal entities and physical persons approved by this resolution:

in the name of the word "the extracted wood and other" and "their withdrawals at legal entities and physical persons" to replace respectively with words "prepared" and "its withdrawal and (or) economic inexpediency of its withdrawal, transfer and realization or impossibility of realization";

in Item 3 of the word "For Each New Year's Fir-tree" shall be replaced with words "For each New Year's tree of coniferous breeds";

to add item 4 after the word of "stubs" with the words "and roots";

add rates with Item 4-1 of the following content:

"41. For each kilogram of birch bark, branches of trees, bass and bark


in Item 5 of the word "For Each Ton of Juice (Birch, Maple)" shall be replaced with words "For each ton of wood juice";

add Item 6 with the word", fruits";

state Item 8 in the following edition:

"8. For each kilogram of wild-growing plants and their parts, including the officinal and other plants which are grown up on fruit and berry, nuciferous and other forest plantations


add rates with Items 9 and 10 of the following content:

"9. For each kilogram of moss, forest laying and fallen leaves


10. For withdrawal of one wild-growing plant



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