of April 22, 2004 No. ZR-60
About units of divisions of civil defense
Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on March 31, 2004
This Law regulates procedure for replenishment, preparation, fighting application of divisions of civil defense of the Republic of Armenia, competence and organizational bases and the principles of activities.
Divisions of civil defense are the divisions of permanent readiness equipped with employees of rescue services, the special equipment, overalls, individual protection equipment; are provided for protection of the population, the organizations during fighting or elimination of effects of these actions and for participation in defense of the Republic of Armenia.
Voided according to the Law of the Republic of Armenia of 18.06.2005 No. ZR-124
The legal basis of activities of divisions of civil defense are the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the international agreements of the Republic of Armenia, this Law, other laws and legal acts of the Republic of Armenia.
The basic concepts used in this Law make the following sense:
disinfection – destruction or removal of causative agents of infectious diseases;
the special equipment – transport, technical means and the equipment which are provided for implementation of actions of civil defense and elimination of effects of emergency situations;
special processing – the protective, technical, organizational measures directed to deactivation, decontamination and disinfection of the equipment, equipment, buildings;
sanitary processing – mechanical cleaning of integument, mucous membranes of the infected people, and also disinfection of their clothes and footwear during exit from disaster zone.
Activities of divisions of civil defense are performed by the principles of legality, individual management, cooperation with the governing bodies and the organizations included in system of civil defense, humanity, human rights protection and the citizen.
The main objectives of divisions of civil defense are:
1) implementation of actions of civil defense during fighting or elimination of their effects;
2) participation in works on elimination of effects of emergency states;
3) participation in defense of the Republic of Armenia;
4) participation in defense of the territories, including, within the powers, in fight against diversionary and prospecting groups in the border territories, protection and defense of the population, piping, bridges and other objects of special importance from consequences of fighting and use of weapons;
5) implementation of other powers provided by the Laws of the Republic of Armenia "About legal regime of warlike situation", "About defense", "About civil defense", "About protection of the population against emergency situations", "About divisions of civil defense".
1. Divisions of civil defense are effective as a part of Service of rescuing.
2. Management of divisions of civil defense is performed by the director of Service of rescuing.
The structure and number of divisions of civil defense are established by the head of Authorized body.
State bodies, local government bodies, the organizations and officials within the powers help divisions of civil defense performed by the obligations assigned to them.
Landing, the parking, filling, preparation for flight and flight of the airplanes performing special flight tasks for the purpose of accomplishment of the tasks set for divisions of civil defense, and also performing the international humanitarian assistance in emergency situations are performed in the procedure established by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
Officials of authorized bodies in the transport sphere of the Republic of Armenia, military commandants, the staff of autoinspectorates of authorized bodies of public administration provide free extraordinary transportation of employees of divisions of civil defense and traffic safety.
In the conditions of legal regime of warlike situation or emergency situations state bodies, local government bodies, the organizations and officials promote first-priority use of the means of communication by divisions of civil defense.
Medical care and servicing of divisions of civil defense during execution of the obligations assigned to them by them are performed by the organizations performing medical care and servicing.
During the activities divisions of civil defense have the right:
1) in case of accomplishment of rescue and other urgent emergency recovery operations to have easy access in the territory of the organizations, and in exceptional cases, also to apartments of citizens, to open the closed doors, windows, to take down fences, buildings if their availability interferes with accomplishment of rescue operations or can create serious consequences;
Movement of persons and vehicles, for the purpose of preserving health and life of people is temporary to limit or prohibit 2);
3) extraordinary use of means of communication and communication channels for the organization and implementation of actions of civil defense, rescue operations, with further equivalent compensation;
4) to build buildings, structures, technical constructions, objects educational, material and technical resources, to carry out communication channels, to place and use the equipment on the parcels of land provided to them in the procedure established by the Law;
5) in the procedure established by the Law to participate in works on elimination and reduction of effects of emergency situations outside the territory of the Republic of Armenia;
6) to use any necessary property (regardless of accessory) and guard dogs in case of accomplishment of rescue other urgent emergency recovery operations;
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