Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 12, 1994 No. 250

About approval of lists of the productions, organizations, works, professions, positions and indicators granting pension entitlement on favorable terms

(as amended on 08-09-2017)

In pursuance of the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 3, 1993 "About procedure for enforcement of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the state provision of pensions of citizens" the Cabinet of Ministers decides:

1. Approve enclosed:

The list No. 1 of the productions, organizations, works, professions and positions granting pension entitlement irrespective of age in the presence of the works required general and special years of service;

The list No. 2 of the productions, organizations, works, professions, positions and indicators granting pension entitlement with reduction of generally established age for 10 years in the presence of the works required general and special years of service;

The list No. 3 of the productions, organizations, works, professions, positions and indicators granting pension entitlement with reduction of generally established age for 5 years in the presence of the works required general and special years of service.

2. Determine that:

application of the List No. 2, part 1, of the List No. 3, part 1 is made taking into account certification of workplaces under the terms of work, according to the procedure, established by the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

control of correctness of application of lists on preferential provision of pensions at the companies, irrespective of patterns of ownership and departmental accessory, is performed by the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of employment and employment relationships of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3. Grant the right to the Ministry of employment and employment relationships and to make to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan explanations about procedure for application of Lists of the productions, organizations, works, professions, positions and indicators granting pension entitlement on age on favorable terms and also to enter amendments and changes in these Lists

4. To provide to the state committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on seal till June 1, 1994, by request of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the edition of the collection of regulations on preferential provision of pensions. To the Ministry of Finance to dig up resources for financing of the edition.

5. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on Department of social problems, sciences and cultures of the Cabinet of Ministers.


Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
A. Mutalov

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 12, 1994, No. 250

The list No. 1 of the productions, organizations, works, professions and positions granting pension entitlement, independence of age

Part I. Workers of the leading professions of the mining industry

Underground works on coal production, slate, ore and other minerals, and also construction of mines and mines

Stope miners

Coalminers on jackhammers

Operators of mining extraction machines


Part II. The workers occupied full time directly on underground and open mining operations including staff of mine-rescue parts on coal production, ore and other minerals, on construction of mines and mines

1. Underground mining operations in the clearing and preparatory (mountain and capital) faces operating and mines (mines) under construction on coal production (slate), the ores and other minerals containing (including in the containing breeds) silicon dioxide 10 and more percent, or in the presence of the gasdynamic phenomena, mountain blows.

a) Workers

Drillers of shots

Gornomontazhniki underground

Underground miners

Miners on repair of excavations:

road and traveling workers


collectors of excavations

The miners on repair of excavations (timberers) occupied on refixture and repayment of excavations

Miners are underground, occupied with delivery (issue) of materials and the equipment on clearing and preparatory work

Gornomonitorshchiki underground

The timberers (occupied with fixture of clearing faces when mining)

Operators of drilling rigs and their assistants

Drivers of vibroloading installations

Operators of load-haul-dumpers:

drivers of cars

the drivers of lift trucks occupied on mining operations

operators of bulldozers

operators of excavators

drivers of self-propelled trolleys

drivers of self-propelled trolleys (cars) like Joy

Drivers of driving complexes

Drivers of mixing installations of hydraulic filling

Drivers of loading machines

Operators of scraper winches

Drivers of underground installations:




operators of conveyors

operators of pumping units

drivers of feeders

operators of underground self-propelled machines

drivers of loading cranes

operators of scraper winches

Drivers of electric locomotive (underground)

Operators of hoist engines (underground)

Distributors of VV

Stem (underground)

Electricians underground (electricians (mechanics) on duty and on repair of the equipment)

Electricians underground (electricians (mechanics) on duty and on repair of the equipment), occupied with installation (demontazhy), repair and equipment maintenance on clearing and preparatory work.

b) Heads and specialists

Shotfirers, blasters

Mine foremen of underground sites

Mine foremen of mining and preparatory, (mountain and capital) sites

Mechanics of underground sites, their deputies and assistants

Electricians of mountain sites

Power engineering specialists of mountain sites

Electricians of mountain sites

Mechanics of mining and preparatory (mountain and capital) sites

Chiefs of underground sites, their deputies and assistants

2. The mine-rescue parts serving the mines and mines dangerous on the gasdynamic phenomena, mountain blows sverkhkategorny and the third category on gas

a) Workers

Rescue men

b) Heads and specialists

Commanders of departments and platoons, their deputies (assistants)

3. Open mining operations on production (vskrysha) of coal, ore and other minerals in cuts and pits of 150 meters in depth and more, except works on surface (including dumps)

a) Workers

The truck drivers occupied on removal of mountain weight

Drivers of lift trucks

Operators of bulldozers

Operators of drilling rigs and their assistants

Operators of excavators and their assistants

Part III. Workers of flight and flight-test structure

1. Workers of aircrew

Members of regular crews of aircrafts and other aircraft

Flight and instructor structure

Command aircrew:

heads (their deputies)

the inspectors and other experts in flight service (flight work) of the ministries, departments, managements, associations, the companies, organizations, organizations and their structural divisions having the existing flight certificate and participating in flights as a part of crew of the aircraft or other aircraft




Instructors of aviafire engineering service

Heads parachute (parachute and rescue, search and rescue) divisions

The workers of non-staff and regular paraborne groups making parachute jumps or descents (rises) on special trigger (lifting) devices from the helicopters which are in the hanging mode at the height at least 10 meters

2. Workers of flight-test structure, directly busy in flight testing (researches) of the pilot and serial aircraft, space, aeronautic and paraborne equipment

1) the Aircrew which is directly carrying out test flights on regular workplaces of aircraft and the paraborne equipment:

Flight engineers-testers

Aircraft mechanics testers




Pilots (pilots) are testers



2) the Technical structure making flights on testing (researches), delivery, acceptance of aircraft, their systems, aggregates, devices and the equipment, paraborne equipment (in the presence of the existing certificate on the admission to carrying out flight testing):






3) the Workers who are carrying out inspection of aircrew in test flights and also the persons performing management of flight-test services and participating in test flights as the crew member, the aircraft (in the presence of the existing certificate on the admission to carrying out flight testing)

Part IV. Actors of theaters and other teatralnozrelishchny companies

Ballet dancers

Actors are contractors of dancing numbers in professional art collectives

Actors of theaters of mimicry and gesture

Actresses-vocalists (soloist) of opera and ballet theaters, musical and musical and drama theaters, concert organizations, television and broadcasting

Travesta (the actors playing roles of boys, teenagers, girls)

Part V. Actors of theaters and other teatralnozrelishchny companies

Actors-vocalists (soloists) of opera and ballet theaters, musical and musical and drama theaters, concert organizations, television and broadcasting, opera studios of higher educational institutions of arts (except actresses-vocalists (soloists) specified in part IV of this list)

Actors contractors of stunt numbers (stuntmen)

The actors of professional choral collectives performing solo parts

The actors playing wind instruments in professional art collectives

Actors-puppeteers in puppet theaters

Actors of children's theaters and Theatres for Young Audience

Jugglers in circuses and the concert organizations

Part VI. Actors of theaters and other teatralnozrelishchny companies

Actors of chorus of professional art collectives

Actors of orchestra (except playing wind instruments)

Actors of mimic ensemble

Actors of vocal and drama part


Part VII. Athletes

At least 10 years which were on the staff of teams of masters, including in national teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan, or at least 6 years as a part of national teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

Honoured Masters of Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan

World class masters of sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan


N250 is approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 12, 1994

The list No. 2 of productions, organizations, works, professions, positions, and the indicators granting pension entitlement with reduction of generally established age for 10 years

Part I. The workers occupied full time at underground works, at works with especially harmful and especially severe conditions of work

I. Mining operations

Mining. Exploration works. Construction, reconstruction, modernization and capital repairs of mines, mines, mines, subways, underground channels, tunnels and other underground constructions

1. Underground works: in mines, mines and on the mines on mining; in geological exploration; in drainage mines; on construction of mines, mines, the mines

a) All workers, busy full time at underground works

b) Heads and specialists of underground sites

c) Heads of mines, mine offices as mines, mines and the mines

Chief engineers

Chief mechanical engineers

Chief power engineers

Directors, chiefs

d) The workers, heads, specialists and employees occupied at underground works of 50% and more working hours in year (in the accounting period)


Miners at geological works

Miners at surveying works



The workers and experts occupied with installation, demontazhy, repair and adjusting

Electricians (mechanics) on duty and on repair of the equipment, occupied at works on servicing of trunks, holes and hoist engines


Resident geologists

Chief geologists



Chief engineers of the shaft construction and equated to them managements, their deputies (assistants) for production, underground construction and safe engineering

Chief surveyors, their deputies

Chief mechanical engineers of the shaft construction and equated to them managements, their deputies (assistants)

Chief power engineers of the shaft construction and equated to them managements, their deputies (assistants)

Dispatchers of intra mine (mine) transport

Dispatchers mountain

Managers of mining operations

Managers of underground warehouses of explosive materials

Deputies (assistants) chief engineers for production, for safe engineering, for technology (chief technologists), drilling-and-blasting (boring, explosive) to works, ventilation, underground transport

Deputies (assistants) for production (mine construction) of directors (chiefs) of mines, mine offices as mines, mines and the mines

Deputies (assistants) chief mechanical engineers, chief power engineers

The engineers occupied in changes

The engineers (leaders, 1-2 categories and without categories) on adjustment and testing performing works in underground conditions

Inspectors mining district police officers in mines, mines and the mines with underground works


Surveyors local

The masters occupied at works on water outflow, communication and air economy

Mine foremen of production sites

Masters (general foremen) control

Masters of production sites

Mechanics (senior mechanics, shift mechanics)

Mechanics on lifting installations (mechanics on rise)

Chiefs of driving (mountain shop), their deputies (assistants)

Chiefs of changes

Chiefs of the shaft construction and equated to them managements, their deputies (assistants) for production and underground construction

Chiefs of sites, their deputies (assistants) performing works in underground conditions

Norm setters mountain

Norm setters mining district police officers

The technicians of all specialties (1-2 categories and without categories) on adjustment and testing performing works in underground conditions

Technical leads, their deputies (assistants)

Timekeepers at underground works (underground)

Electricians (senior electricians)

Electricians (senior electricians)

Power engineering specialists (senior power engineering specialists)

e) The heads and specialists of managements, batches, offices and other companies and organizations and their branches performing the works in underground conditions occupied at underground works of 50% and more working hours in year (in the accounting period)

Chief engineers, their deputies (assistants) for production

Chief surveyors, their deputies

Chief mechanical engineers, their deputies

Chief power engineers, their deputies

Mining engineers on labor protection and safe engineering

Surveyors local

Masters, mine foremen


Chiefs of managements (batches, offices, companies and branches), their deputies for production

Chiefs of sites, their deputies (assistants)

Norm setters mining district police officers


Power engineering specialists

Note. To the workers listed in subitem of "" and "d", occupied at underground works less than a half of working hours in year (in the accounting period), pension is granted according to the N 3 List

e) All workers occupied full time underground with servicing of the workers and employees (medical staff of underground health centers, workers of underground telephone communication, etc.) stated above

2. Underground works on construction, reconstruction, modernization and capital repairs: excavations, subways, underground channels, tunnels and other underground constructions

a) Workers



Drillers of shots


Drivers of cars (dump trucks)

Underground miners

Insulation workers


Winch operators

Operators of bulldozers

Operators of drilling rigs

Operators of cranes (crane operators)

Drivers of autonomous cars

Operators of pumping units

Drivers of loading machines

Operators of underground self-propelled machines

The operators of hoist engines occupied on "blind" trunks

Drivers of lifting and portable scaffolding

Drivers of driving complexes

Operators of scrapers

Operators of scraper winches

Operators of excavators odnokovshovy, occupied on driving

Drivers of electric locomotives

The mechanics of ventilating installations occupied on driving


Distributors of explosive materials




Electric and gas welders

The electricians on servicing of substations occupied on driving

Electric welders by automatic and semi-automatic machines

Electric welders of manual welding

Electricians-assemblers of the underground tunnelling equipment

Electricians on driving

Electricians (mechanics) on duty and on repair of the equipment

b) The workers, heads, specialists and employees occupied at underground works of 50 percent and more working hours in year (in the accounting period)

Miners at surveying works

The assemblers of the mountain equipment occupied on driving

Chief engineers, their deputies for production, underground construction, safe engineering

Chief surveyors, their deputies

Chief mechanical engineers, their deputies

Chief power engineers, their deputies

Mining operations engineers of underground sites

Surveyors of all names

Masters of mountain sites

Mechanics replaceable

Mechanics of underground sites

Chiefs of changes

Chiefs of managements, their deputies for production, for underground construction

Chiefs of sites, their deputies (assistants)

Chiefs of mines, their deputies (assistants)

Norm setters mountain

Technicians of underground sites

Technical leads, their deputies (assistants)

Electricians of underground sites, their deputies (assistants)

Power engineering specialists of underground sites

Note. To the workers listed in the item, occupied at underground works less than a half of working hours in year (in the accounting period), pension is granted according to the N 3 List

3. Cuts (pits) and mines on mining of 150 m in depth and below

Workers, heads and specialists, busy full time in cuts, pits and mines, except the workers occupied on surface

4. Production of mountain wax (wax brown-coal) and ozokerite

a) Workers

Bureaucrats of production of mountain wax

Operators of razlivochny machines

The workers occupied with spill of ozokerite manually

b) Heads and specialists

The masters, general foremen leading the workers listed in the item "and" of this Item

5. Mine-rescue parts (stations)

a) Workers

Typesetters of tests in mines (mines)

Rescue men

b) Heads and specialists (command structure)

Commanders of platoons, their deputies (assistants)

Commanders of departments, their deputies (assistants)

Commanders of groups, their deputies (assistants)

Commanders of Items, their deputies (assistants)

II. Rudopodgotovka, enrichment, okuskovaniye (agglomeration, briquetting, okomkovaniye), roasting of ores and nonmetallic minerals

a) Workers


The fuelers occupied on issue of hot agglomerate and pellets


Vygruzchiki of hot agglomerate

Vygruzchiki of dust


Furnacemen on agglomeration and roasting


The dosers occupied on filling up in crushing departments

Dosers of hot return

The breakers occupied on crushing of hot agglomerate

Zagruzchiki-vygruzchiki cupolas and furnaces

The operators of conveyors occupied on transportation of hot agglomerate and pellets

The operators of cranes (crane operators) occupied on transportation of hot agglomerate and pellets

Drivers of cooling agents

The drivers of cross over trenches occupied on hot agglomerate

The operators of mixing reels occupied at works with the ore containing in dust 2% and more crystal (free) silicon dioxide and on hot return

Drivers of electric locomotives of tushilny cars


The workers occupied on shikhtovka of the ore and nonmetallic minerals (including shikhtovka in production of pellets) containing in dust 2% and more crystal (free) silicon dioxide:





operators of conveyors

drivers of mills

drivers of feeders


The workers occupied on crushing, crushing, grinding, sorting and enrichment of ores of the ferrous metals, nonmetallic minerals and mining chemical raw materials containing in dust 2% and more crystal (free) silicon dioxide:

fuelers, grokhotovshchik, dosers, breakers, operators of conveyors, crane operators (crane operators) the drivers of mills, drivers of feeders occupied on supply of dry raw materials;

separators (on dry grinding)

Trasportirovshchiki, occupied on issue of hot agglomerate and pellets

b) Heads and specialists

The masters, general foremen occupied on hot sites of works and on sites of crushing, crushing, grinding, shikhtovka of the ore, nonmetallic minerals containing in dust 2% and more crystal (free) silicon dioxide

1. Enrichment of ores and sands in case of extraction of non-ferrous, precious metals and diamonds

a) Workers

Bureaucrats of leaching

The hydrometallurgical equipment operators occupied on autoclaves and leaching

Bureaucrats of enrichment of gold-bearing ores

Grokhotovshchiki, occupied on crushing sites (departments)


The dosers occupied on xanthogenate preparation

The breakers occupied on crushing sites (departments)

Loaders of the crushing and grinding equipment

The drivers of feeders occupied on crushing

Drivers of drying installations



Probootborshchiki, occupied full time on sampling, containing cyanides or crystal (free) silicon dioxide

The workers (technological and maintenance force) occupied at works using cyanic solutions

The workers occupied in enrichment on crushing, crushing, grinding and shikhtovka of the ore and nonmetallic minerals containing in dust 2% and more crystal (free) silicon dioxide

Workers on processing of slimes

The workers of repair services occupied with repair of the equipment in places of its installation on sites (workplaces) of the operating productions where the main workers conducting engineering procedure have the right to preferential provision of pensions according to the N 2 List: service technicians, electric and gas welders, electric welders of manual welding, electricians on repair and servicing of electric equipment

Rastvorshchiki of reagents, occupied in preparation and use of xanthogenate

The dryers occupied on drying and kvartovka of concentrates

b) Heads and specialists

Masters, general foremen

Masters, general foremen in repair of the equipment, where cyanic solutions are applied

III. Metallurgical production (ferrous metals)

1. Domain production

a) Workers

11221 Foremen of bunkers

11255 Foremen of razlivochny machines

11290 Fuelers of blast furnaces

11420 Riding blast furnaces

11467 Plumbers of blast furnaces

11609 Gas-men of blast furnaces

11697 Forge desulfuration of cast iron

11699 Furnacemen of blast furnaces

11768 The loaders occupied on unloading of hot agglomerate on bunkers

12815 Ladle men

13596 The drivers of cars scales occupied in tunnels and subbunker rooms

13792 The operators of cranes of metallurgical production occupied on sharp works

14104 Operators of razlivochny machines

14239 The drivers of telfer occupied on sharp works

14364 The drivers of shikhtopodacha occupied on bunkers and in subbunker rooms

14401 The drivers of electric locomotives of metallurgical shops occupied in tunnels

15416 Ogneuporshchiki, occupied on sharp works

1753a the Workers of repair services occupied with repair of the equipment in places of its installation on sites (workplaces) of the operating productions where the main workers conducting engineering procedure have the right to preferential provision of pensions according to the N 2 List: service technicians, electric and gas welders, electric welders of manual welding, electricians on repair and servicing of electric equipment

18409 Skipovye

18897 The slingers occupied on sharp works

19220 The transporters of furnace charge occupied on delivery of furnace charge in not completely mechanized blast furnaces

19257 The cleaners of waste of metallurgical production occupied on cleaning of koloshnikovy dust and cleaning of gas pipelines

19622 Shlakovshchiki

b) Heads and specialists

23187 The masters, general foremen occupied on hot sites of works


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