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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Moldova

On November 4, 2016 No. 1115


of September 2, 2016 No. 108

About approval of the Provision on creation of the scheme of placement of real estate, carrying out temporary primary registration of the property rights and the simplified accomplishment of primary cadastral works at the level of buildings

(as amended on 20-09-2018)

Based on Art. 18 of the h. (3), Art. 35 of the h. (5) and Art. 56-1 of the Law on the inventory of real estate No. 1543-XIII of February 25, 1998 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 1998 No. 44-46, of the Art. 318), with subsequent changes and amendments, and also for reduction of cost in case of accomplishment of primary cadastral works at the level of the parcels of land and buildings in rural settlements of PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the Provision on creation of the scheme of placement of real estate, carrying out temporary primary registration of the property rights and the simplified accomplishment of primary cadastral works at the level of buildings (according to appendix).

2. The requirements established in the Provision to inform bodies of local public authority of settlements where mass registration, GP "Cadastru", contractors of cadastral works was not carried out.

3. Publish this order in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

4. To impose control over the implementation of this order on Mr. Stepan Krigan, the deputy director general of the Agency of land relations and the inventory.

CEO of the Agency of land relations and inventory

Anatoliye Gilash


to the Order of the Agency of land relations and the inventory of the Republic of Moldova of September 2, 2016 No. 108

Provision on creation of the scheme of placement of real estate, carrying out temporary primary registration of the property rights and the simplified accomplishment of primary cadastral works at the level of buildings

Chapter I. Creation of the scheme of placement of real estate

1. In rural settlements where mass primary registration, introduction of graphical information of real estate for the purpose of selective primary registration was not executed, it is performed based on the scheme of placement of real estate.

2. Schemes of placement of real estate are constituted by bodies of local public authority based on the existing cartographic materials (orthophotomaps). Schemes of placement are constituted for real estate of the settlement (the earth under houses and additional constructions), and also for kitchen gardens out of the settlement.

3. The site borders (identified on the orthophotomap by physical objects are reflected in the scheme of placement of real estate of the settlement: fences, trees, constructions, etc.), contour of the individual apartment house and economic extensions, and also their parameters (length, width), according to appendix No. 1 to this Provision. The scheme of placement of real estate is signed by the representative of bodies of local public authority (primar, the cadastral engineer) and the owner or the owner of the certificate on the right to inheritance.

4. For lands out of the settlement (kitchen gardens) bodies of local public authority constitute the general plan of placement of fields (appendix No. 2) and schemes of placement for each certain site with indication of border of the field (partsela), borders of the sites provided in property, sequence number and parameters of each site (length, width) according to appendix No. 3 to this Provision. The list of owners with indication of sequence numbers of sites from the scheme, their area and surname of owners is attached to the scheme of placement of sites (appendix No. 4). The amount of the areas from the list of owners shall match the area of the field from the general plan. The general plan of placement of fields, schemes of placement for each field and the list of owners signed by bodies of local public authority (primar, the cadastral engineer), are provided to territorial cadastral authority for systematization.

5. Total area of lands and out of the settlement which belong to one owner of the rights shall be equal in limit of the settlement to the area of the earth provided in property according to the document certifying the right (temporary title, the certificate on the right to inheritance).

6. For real estate of the settlement of the scheme of placement are constituted for each site separately, and the real estate out of the settlement are identified from schemes of placement of the fields (partset) provided by bodies of local public authority. Primary selective registration based on the scheme of placement of real estate, will be performed only after provision of local public authority by bodies, all schemes of placement of fields (partset) also lists of owners out of the settlement.

Chapter II. Carrying out temporary primary registration of the property rights

7. The owner or the owner of the certificate on the right to inheritance addresses to bodies of local public authority in the territory of which real estate, for creation of necessary documentation for primary selective registration of real estate is placed:

a) the schemes of placement of real estate constituted according to the requirements specified in items 3 and 4 of this provision on paper and whenever possible in electronic format (information objects of Terenuri, Cladiri in the *.tab format);

b) statements from the Register of owners of lands;

c) the statement from the Register of accounting of households which will contain data on the main building and adjacent structures, year of registration in the register, the area and procedure for use;

d) it is excluded.

8. The owner or the certificate holder about the right to inheritance after creation of set of the documents necessary for selective registration of the rights to real estate, gives to cadastral territorial authority along with the statement for updating of graphical base based on the scheme of placement and the statement for primary selective registration of the property rights to real estate having attached the documents confirming the right (temporary title, the certificate on the right to inheritance), and documents specified in the item 7 of this provision.

9. Territorial cadastral authority:


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