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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Tajikistan

 On November 17, 2016 No. 99


of November 12, 2016 No. 776

"About the National strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan on counteraction to extremism and terrorism for 2016-2020"

According to article 69 of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan for the purpose of strengthening of counteraction to extremism and terrorism I decide:

1. Approve the National strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan on counteraction to extremism and terrorism for 2016-2020 (appendix 1).

2. Approve the Action plan on realization of National strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan on counteraction to extremism and terrorism for 2016-2020 (appendix 2).

3. To the central and local executive bodies of the government, local government bodies of settlements and dekhot:

- for accomplishment of the actions provided in the Action plan on realization of National strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan on counteraction to extremism and terrorism for 2016-2020 to develop and approve interdepartmental plans and to carry out explanatory works among the public on awareness of essence and the purposes of this program document;

- provide information on accomplishment of the Action plan on realization of National strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan on counteraction to extremism and terrorism for 2016-2020 in the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Tajikistan no later than January 15 every year;

- to the ministries and vedmstvo specified in the Action plan as the first contractors if necessary to create interdepartmental working groups for the purpose of high-quality and timely accomplishment of actions.

4. The Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Tajikistan by results of generalization of course of execution of National strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan on counteraction to extremism and terrorism for 2016-2020 to provide information to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan no later than February 15 every year.

President of the Republic of Tajikistan
Emomalii Rahmon

Appendix 1 to the presidential decree of the Republic of Tajikistan of November 12, 2016 No. 776

The national strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan on counteraction to extremism and terrorism for 2016-2020


1. The Republic of Tajikistan feeling the increasing threats of extremism and terrorism on homeland security and its stable development, on the way of the world community and the states of the region, toughens fight in this direction.

2. The extremist and terrorist organizations, strengthening the activities for distribution of radical ideology, kindling of religious discord in society, recruitment of youth in the ranks and to making of crimes of extremist and terrorist nature, aim to change social and political system of this or that country by violent methods.

3. The international and domestic experience of counteraction to extremism and terrorism show that achievement of success in this sphere causes need of development and realization of package of measures, directed to neutralization of ideological, social and economic, legal and institutional factors of their activation.

4. The national strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan on counteraction to extremism and terrorism for 2016 - 2020 (daleestrategiya), being the document of program nature, determines the purposes, tasks and the main directions of state policy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of counteraction to extremism and terrorism.

5. The purposes of Strategy are:

- the analysis of factors and tendencies of extremism and the radicalization leading to terrorism in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan;

- determination of the main directions of state policy in the field of counteraction to extremism and terrorism for the purpose of protection of bases of the constitutional system of the Republic of Tajikistan, public safety, the rights and freedoms of citizens against extremist and terrorist threats;

- enhancement of legal and institutional base, and also practice of counteraction to extremism and terrorism;

- assistance to forming of installations of tolerant consciousness and behavior, religious and interfaith consent in society;

- consolidation of efforts of state bodies, local government bodies of settlements and villages, institutes of civil society and international organizations for suppression of distribution of the extremist and terrorist ideas and activities;

- increase in efficiency of interaction of competent authorities according to the prevention and fight against manifestations of extremism, terrorism, drug traffic, legalization (washing) of the income gained in the criminal way which are source of financing of extremism and terrorism;

- enhancement regional п international cooperation in the field of the prevention and fight against extremism and terrorism.

6. Strategy is developed according to the Constitution, other laws and regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan, and also the international legal acts recognized by the Republic of Tajikistan.

Chapter 1. Priority directions of prevention of extremism and terrorism

§ 1. Increase in level of legal culture of society and social and legal security of the personality

7. Important condition of ensuring stability and mutual understanding in society, good behavior of citizens and the prevention to that, radical moods is forming of high political culture of society and social and legal security of the personality.

8. Level of legal culture of society is determined by compliance of system of legal values to universal moral values, degree of development of system of the right, justice condition, methods of interaction between state agencies and the population and, decisions of the legal conflicts in society.

9. The legal culture of the individual includes the high level and mastering skills of good behavior, and education and legal knowledge.

10. Social and legal security is shown in stable legal status of the personality and system of legal guarantees of its implementation, providing it possibility of reliable protection against illegal acts which can cause it damage.

11. In Tajikistan the necessary legal basis for protection of human rights and freedoms and increase in level of legal culture of citizens is created, the corresponding regulatory legal acts in this sphere are adopted.

12. Within strengthening of institutional bases of protection of human rights and freedoms in 2008 the institute of the Commissioner for Human Rights is formed, and in 2016 insinut the Ombudsman for Children, the subno-right reform, reforms of militia and legal profession are successfully performed.

13. Considering corruption as obstacle in way of realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the country leaders provide consistent focus on enhancement of mechanisms, development and implementation of state programs on fight against corruption and involvement of the public to fight against it.

14. At the same time, in connection with incompleteness of process of legal reforms the level of political culture of society did not reach due level yet, the system of precepts of law and values needs bigger harmonization with international standards and universal values.

15. With respect thereto increase in level of legal culture of society, legal education of nasleniye and strengthening of social and legal security of the personality shall be considered as component of policy of the prevention and fight against extremism and the radicalizations leading to terrorism.

16. Achievement of this purpose causes need:

- ensuring bigger harmonization of precepts of law and moral values with international standards and universal moral values by means of establishing exchange of opinions and experience with other states, and also cooperation with the international organizations for enhancement of the legislation and deepening of legal reforms for the purpose of strengthening of social and legal security of the personality;

- assistance to increase in level of legal knowledge of the population, mastering skills of good behavior and awareness of citizens on effects of illegal behavior;

- ensuring compliance with the personal, political, economic, social and cultural rights and freedoms of citizens in all state bodies, self-government institutions the settlement also sat down, the organizations, the companies and organizations;

- further humanization of the penal legislation and enhancement of the criminal procedure legislation for the purpose of strengthening of procedural guarantees of the rights of the personality;

- enhancement of activities of law enforcement agencies and courts for protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, in particular timely and objective consideration of claims and statements during operational search activities, inquiry, pretrial investigation and justice implementation.

17. At the same time it is necessary to consider that Human Rights Council of the United Nations in the resolution "Human rights and the prevention of violent extremism and fight against it" of October 2, 2015, No. 30/15, recommends to the states to develop and realize measures of fight against terrorism within international law, including the humanitarian law and the laws on refugees and human rights, and requires taking measures to their accomplishment.

§ 2. Elimination of social and economic premises of extremism and the radicalization leading to terrorism

18. Adverse social and economic conditions, lack of possibility of self-realization of the personality and feeling of hopelessness in the different states can serve as the soil for forming of extremist moods and increase in level of radicalization in society.

19. The socio-economic factor role, in particular can increase in conditions of transit economy where part of the population dissatisfied with intermediate results of social and economic reforms, can easily give in to extremist appeals.

20. Modern society of the republic is transit, post-crisis society which it is characteristic social and economic marginalization of part of the population owing to change of social and cultural identity, standards of life and polarization on the level of the income.

21. For years of the independence Tajikistan achieved considerable progress in social and economic development, in particular growth of the Gross domestic product, amount of the government budget, housing construction, quantity of workplaces and level of the income of the population repeatedly increased, decrease in level of poverty from 81% to 32% is provided.

22. At the same time, still there are separate problems limiting the further growth of economy and growth in prosperity of the population.

23. These problems are caused, first of all, by the global financial crisis which entailed output gap, decrease in amounts of cash receipts from labor migrants, emergence of central government budget deficit and insufficiency of financial resources for implementation of social programs.

24. Also insufficient compliance of management system to conditions of market economy, excessive intervention in activities of business entities from monitoring bodies is noted.

25. Reducing level of social and economic marginalization of the population causes need of the social and economic policy sent to pas growth in prosperity and the level of culture of the population, creation of motivation to constructive, to healthy lifestyle, possibility of adaptation and participation in life of society of socially vulnerable segments of the population, research and elimination of the reasons of social marginalization etc.

26. With respect thereto, as the priority directions of economic policy for the forthcoming period shall be considered forming of the socially oriented market economy providing economic recovery and welfare of the people on the basis of increase in efficiency of use of national wealth and strengthening of competitiveness of national economy.

§ 3. Forming of the national idea and strengthening of ideological work

27. Availability and the real embodiment in life of the combining national idea is important condition of preserving national unity and national statehood, creation of steady barrier on the way of penetration and distribution of the radical ideas.

28. In many respects, ideological vacuum formed in recent years existence of the Soviet power and lack of new national ideology in Post-Soviet Tajikistan in the nineties of last century promoted penetration into society of the ideology of violence which entailed shaking of bases of national unity and unleashing of civil war.

29. Now as new challenge to national unity and sustainable development of national statehood globalization of activities of the radical religious organizations aiming to create the single theocratic state acts.

30. The national idea combining in itself the principles of open civil society and the spiritual and moral beginning of the Tajik people is adequate to modern conditions.


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