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of November 17, 2016 No. 722

About approval of the Federal standard of assessment "Determination of investment cost (FSO No. 13)"

According to article 20 of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ "About estimative activities in the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 1998, No. 31, Art. 3813; 2006, No. 31, Art. 3456; 2010, No. 30, Art. 3998; 2011, No. 1, Art. 43; No. 29, Art. 4291; 2014, No. 30, Art. 4226; 2016, 23, of the Art. 3296) I order to No.:

Approve the enclosed Federal standard of assessment "Determination of investment cost (the FSO No. 13)".

Vr.i.o. Minister


Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2016, No. 722

Federal standard of assessment "Determination of investment cost (FSO No. 13)"

I. General provisions

1. This Federal standard of assessment is developed taking into account federal standards of assessment "General concepts of assessment, approaches and requirements to evaluating (the FSO No. 1)" (further - the FSO No. 1), "The purpose of assessment and cost types (the FSO No. 2)", "Requirements to the valuation report (the FSO No. 3)" (further - the FSO No. 3) and determines requirements to determination of investment cost.

2. This Federal standard of assessment is applied by subjects of estimative activities when evaluating investment cost.

3. The concept of investment cost is determined in article 3 of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 No. 135-FZ "About estimative activities in the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 1998, No. 31, Art. 3813; 2002, No. 46, Art. 4537; 2006, No. 31, Art. 3456; 2010, No. 30, Art. 3998; 2011, No. 1, Art. 43; 2014, No. 30, Art. 4226; 2016, No. 27, the Art. 4293) (further - the Federal Law No. 135-FZ).

In case of determination of investment cost of objects of assessment the capability of object of assessment of need of the particular person or group of persons is calculated (to satisfy the amount of money reflecting useful effect of use of object of assessment for the particular person or group of persons) in case of the investment purposes of use of object of assessment established by this person (persons).

For the purposes of this Federal standard of assessment the investment purposes of use of object of assessment are understood as the purposes of the particular person or group of persons directed to achievement of certain useful effect of use of object of assessment and caused by the properties of this object and (or) conditions for the particular person (group of persons) connected with use of object of assessment, specific conditions of the possible transaction with assessment object (for example, object is not exposed on the public market, the parties of the transaction are affiliates) or availability of the certain documents of title or legal acts valid only for the particular person (group of persons) in relation with assessment object.

The useful effect of use of object of assessment can be implemented in receipt of different economic benefits (for example, profit, additional increase in the income, property increase in value).

Application of the concept "investment cost" used for the purposes of this Federal standard of assessment should not be identified with the concept "investing activities".

II. Assessment objects

4. For the purposes of this Federal standard of assessment the assessment objects specified in the Federal Law No. 135-FZ, estimated taking into account useful effect of their use for the particular person or group of persons can act as objects of assessment, at the same time the possibility of transactions concerning the corresponding objects of assessment can not be considered.

III. General requirements to evaluating

5. In the valuation report data on the circumstances causing determination of investment project cost of assessment shall be specified.

6. The task for assessment shall contain following additional to specified in the FSO No. 1 information:

a) the information about the particular person (group of persons) for the benefit of which the investment project cost of assessment is determined;

b) data on intended use of object of assessment by the particular person or group of persons for the benefit of which assessment, after date of assessment is performed (including as a part of other property);

c) data on the expected period of use of object of assessment by the particular person (group of persons);

d) data about expected (the particular person, including the customer of assessment) profitability of functioning or use of object of assessment and (or) about expected useful effect of use of object of assessment by the particular person and (or) group of persons (for example, the profit or additional increase in the income caused by use of object of assessment, property increase in value);

e) other essential factors relating to assessment object, to circumstances of the particular person (group of persons), causing expected useful effect of use of object of assessment by the particular person and (or) group of persons (in the presence of those).

7. The task for assessment may contain following additional to specified in the FSO No. 1 information:

a) data on possibilities of financing of the works and (or) services connected with object of assessment excellent from developed in the market for date of assessment;

b) data on amount of the planned investments, term (period) of investment (in case of expected change of functioning or use of object of assessment);

c) data on risks of functioning or use of object of assessment according to its assumed (according to task for assessment) functioning or use;

d) data on the characteristics of object of assessment or its components influencing its attractiveness for the specific buyer connected with location of object of assessment;

e) data on legal status of object of assessment, excellent from developed in the market for date of assessment, or possibility of its change according to needs of the specific user;

e) other special conditions and circumstances.

8. In the Section of basic facts and conclusions of the valuation report of investment project cost of assessment, in addition to the data provided by the FSO No. 3, the features of use of the determined investment cost connected with the investment purposes of use of object of assessment by the particular person (group of persons) for the benefit of whom, (which) determines the investment cost are specified.


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