of October 6, 2016 No. 19
About approval of Rules of professional appraiser ethic
Based on the paragraph of the sixth subitem 1.3 of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 13, 2006 "About estimative activities in the Republic of Belarus" the State committee on property of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 615
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of professional appraiser ethic.
2. This resolution becomes effective since March 4, 2017.
A. A. Gayev
Approved by the Resolution of the State committee on property of the Republic of Belarus of October 6, 2016 No. 19
1. These rules are based on the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, state standards of value assessment of objects of the civil laws and other technical regulatory legal acts, international standards of assessment, and also on traditions of estimative activities, the commonly accepted regulations of ethics and morals and contain the regulations of professional ethics following from specifics of profession of the appraiser.
2. These rules represent set of the regulations determining requirements imposed to appraisers in case of accomplishment of professional obligations by them including in relations with citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons (further - citizens), colleagues, state bodies, courts, other organizations and officials.
These rules promote public trust to honesty, openness and professionalism of appraisers, consolidation of efforts of all appraisers to high-quality accomplishment of independent assessment.
3. For the purposes of these rules terms and their determinations are used in the values determined by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 13, 2006 No. 615 "About estimative activities in the Republic of Belarus" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2006, No. 168, 1/7999).
4. The appraiser shall:
be guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 13, 2006 No. 615, other regulatory legal acts and technical regulatory legal acts, these rules, and also the commonly accepted regulations of ethics and morals;
care for professional honor and advantage, to exclude making of the acts discrediting reputation of the appraiser and undermining confidence of society to its activities;
it is fair to fulfill professional duties.
5. In cases when questions of professional ethics of appraisers are not settled by the legislation in the field of estimative activities or these rules, the appraiser shall observe the developed professional traditions.
6. Professional advantage of the appraiser is provided with its professionalism, respect for itself and respect for customers of assessment and the third parties, awareness of the personal importance in case of execution of the professional obligations and the corresponding attitude towards the appraiser from society.
7. Approval and maintenance of professional advantage of the appraiser assume making of the corresponding moral acts and non-execution of the acts degrading its professional advantage. Degrading professional advantage is considered such behavior of the appraiser which undermines confidence to activities of the appraiser.
8. The appraiser in the professional activity shall observe the following principles:
professional competence;
professional behavior;
9. Being guided by the principles:
independence, the appraiser shall be in case of accomplishment of independent assessment free from financial, property, related or any other interest which can affect objectivity of professional judgment;
objectivity, the appraiser in the professional activity not allow manifestation of bias, prejudice, addiction to the customer of assessment when carrying out independent assessment;
impartiality, the appraiser shall support in professional activity political, religious neutrality and the independence of influence of public opinion whatever it was for it adverse, from concerns of critical evaluation of its activities; shall not make for the benefit of the customer of assessment of actions which could call into question result of independent assessment;
professional competence, the appraiser shall have the necessary professional qualification allowing him on the basis of the available experience of knowledge and skills to solve professional problems and to honesty carry out the professional obligations according to the legislation. He shall improve constantly professional qualification, support the professional skills and abilities, including by self-education;
professional behavior, the appraiser shall not make the acts discrediting reputation of the appraiser and undermining confidence to it, to take part in activities which are capable to discredit him and (or) the contractor of assessment represented to them, to cause direct or consequential damage to it, to cause conflict of interest, that is situation in case of which private interests of the appraiser, his spouse (spouses), close relatives or cousins-in-laws influence or can influence proper execution of the professional obligations by it. The appraiser does not allow the actions promoting unfair competition among appraisers. The appraiser has no right to represent false information on the professional qualities (education, professional training, work experience, etc.);
confidentiality, the appraiser shall not open the confidential information received from the customer of assessment and provided by the service provision agreement by independent assessment (further - confidential information), excepting cases, stipulated by the legislation. He shall not use confidential information for the purpose of, the professional obligations which are not connected with accomplishment.
10. The appraiser shall belong with respect and understanding for work of representatives of mass media on publicizing of estimative activities and to render them necessary assistance if it does not contradict the legislation and these rules.
11. The appraiser has no right to make without preliminary approval of the management public statements in which his personal opinion can be apprehended as line item of the contractor of assessment whom he represents.
12. Information on the activities distributed by the appraiser shall not contain comparisons with other appraisers, criticism of other appraisers, and also other statements contradicting the principles of professional ethics.
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