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of November 16, 2016 No. 822

About approval of the Standard regulations on council of young scientists under executive bodies

According to part four of article 24 of the Law of Ukraine "About scientific and scientific and technical activities" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve Standard regulations on council of young scientists under executive bodies which are applied.

2. Recommend to National academy of Sciences, to national industry academies of Sciences, scientific centers, key laboratories, higher educational institutions and scientific institutions in case of formation of councils of young scientists to be guided by the Standard regulations on council of young scientists approved by this resolution under executive bodies.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Groysman

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 16, 2016 No. 822

Standard regulations on council of young scientists under executive bodies

1. Council of young scientists (further - council) under executive body is collegiate elected advisory body which can be formed under the central executive bodies, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the regional, Kiev and Sevastopol city state administrations for ensuring protection of the rights and interests of young scientists.

2. Council in the activities is guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and also the regulations on council of young scientists under executive bodies developed on the basis of this Standard provision.

3. In this Provision terms are used in the value given in the Laws of Ukraine "About the higher education", "About scientific and scientific and technical activities".

4. Regulations on council and changes to it affirm executive body under which council is formed (further - executive body).

5. The purpose of activities of council is assistance of realization of the rights of young scientists concerning their participation in forming and realization of state policy in the respective sphere, ensuring their active participation in carrying out scientific research and protection of their rights and interests.

6. The main objectives of council are:

assistance to interaction between executive body and young scientists;

preparation of offers on creation of legal and social and economic conditions for involvement of young scientists for work in various fields of science, stimulation of professional activity of young scientists, assistance to increase in their professional level and realization of their creative and professional activity;

advisory support of young scientists on implementation of scientific activities, cooperation with foreign customers of their products and so forth;

assistance to involvement of young scientists to participation in tenders of scientific works, to forming of groups of young scientists for accomplishment of perspective scientific projects;

support of young scientists in holding scientific and organizational, scientific and educational actions by them;

assistance to development and enhancement of the scientific sphere of Ukraine and its integration in world and European research spaces.

7. Council according to the tasks assigned to it:

represents the interests of young scientists in executive body and local government bodies, the state and public organizations and promotes assistance in the problem resolution of young scientists;

participates in project development of regulatory legal acts on the questions which are within its competence;

provides information exchange between young scientists;

promotes establishing professional contacts between scientific institutions, higher educational institutions of Ukraine and foreign scientific institutions and the organizations for deepening of scientific cooperation and joint holding actions for scientific, educational activities.

8. Council has the right:

submit proposals in executive body on enhancement of state policy in the respective sphere in the part concerning young scientists;

obtain from executive body necessary information for ensuring the activities;

involve representatives central and local executive bodies, local government bodies, organizations and the organizations (in coordination with their heads), and also independent experts (in coordination);

form in case of need for accomplishment of the tasks assigned to it constants or temporary work groups, the commissions, etc.;

organize holding the scientific conferences, seminars, meetings, public hearings and other actions directed to increase in scientific and public activity of young scientists;

delegate members of council to structure of the supreme collegiate governing body of the executive authority.

The procedure for selection of members of council and their delegation in structure of the relevant supreme collegiate governing body of the executive authority is determined in Regulations on council under executive body.

9. The structure of council is created by the constituent assembly by the industry or territorial principle of representatives of councils and societies of young scientists of scientific centers, key laboratories, higher educational institutions, scientific institutions and the organizations (further - societies of young scientists) which belong to the sphere of management of executive body or are located in the territory of the corresponding administrative and territorial unit, from calculation for one representative from society of young scientists which showed willingness to delegate the representative to structure of council.

In structure of council it can be chosen no more than on one representative from each society of young scientists.

10. The structure of council is created by the constituent assembly of representatives of societies of young scientists by rating vote for candidates who showed willingness to take part in work of council and provided by societies of young scientists.

11. The structure of council is elected for a period of five years.

12. For forming of structure of council the executive body forms the initiative working group on training of the constituent assembly for forming of structure of council (further - initiative group).

If under executive body council is already formed, then not later than 60 calendar days before the termination of its powers council for forming of new structure forms initiative group.

Representatives of societies of young scientists and executive body are part of initiative group.

13. The executive body publishes the announcement of creation of initiative group on the official website.

14. The first 10 representatives of societies of the young scientists wishing to work in initiative group also submitted in electronic form the application about participation in it, join in its structure.


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