Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Republic of Uzbekistan

of December 22, 1999 No. 858

Approved by the Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 29, 1999 No. 2080/04-1

Regulations on procedure for provision to bodies for work of data on availability of free workplaces (vacant positions) and information on the forthcoming release of workers

(as amended on 26-02-2019)

It is approved

Deputy minister of macroeconomic and statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Baratov F. P.

of November 29, 1999 No. 3-01-42


This Provision determines procedure for provision to bodies for work by employers of data on availability of free workplaces (vacant positions) (further - vacancies) and information on the forthcoming release of workers.

1. According to article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About employment of the population" employers shall provide monthly in body for work the information about availability of vacancies, and also beforehand, not later than two months, to transfer information on the forthcoming release of each worker to body for work.


1) Further - "employers"

2) Further - "vacancies"

2. Data on availability of vacancies and information on the forthcoming release of workers move all employers - legal entities irrespective of patterns of ownership without fail, and for small business entities - in voluntary.

3. On each employer the Center of assistance of employment of the population gets special form of accounting where the main details of the employer, nature of activities, contact persons and other characteristics (appendix 1 to this Provision) are specified, and also marks about the actual term of provision of monthly data on availability of vacancies and information on the forthcoming release of workers are made, and other current changes are fixed (including about application in relation to the employer of insolvency proceeding, mass release of workers).

4. The data on availability of vacancies certified by the digital signature of the authorized officer of the employer are entered the Ministries of employment and employment relationships of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in electronic form through the portal (on the website -, and in case of absence at the employer of the digital signature or access to information and communication technologies, the information on availability of vacancies is provided in paper form according to appendix No. 2 to this Provision in the district (city) Center of assistance of employment of the population for the place of implementation of activities of the employer. At the same time the data provided in paper form are signed by the official of the employer.

Information on availability of vacancy is provided monthly no later than the 5th following the accounting period.

Information on availability of vacancies is provided as of the end of each month under report.

In case of origin at the employer of need for workers, data on availability of vacancies can is entered through the portal of the Ministry of employment and employment relationships of the Republic of Uzbekistan (on the website - or to be transferred to the Center of assistance of employment of the population in paper form in any other time, in process of emergence of such requirement. At the same time submission of data on availability of vacancies in interval between the terms established by this Provision does not exempt the employer from obligation of introduction or provision of the specified data at the scheduled time.

In data on availability of vacancies for month under report are specified all actually available for the established date of vacancy even if these vacancies were specified in data for preceding period.

If the employer in month under report actually has no vacancies, the information on availability of vacancies is provided in body for work by putting down of the mark "0".

5. If the employer has the structural divisions (shops, sites and other) which are outside the area (city) where the administration of the employer is located, the information on availability of vacancies is provided as well in the Center of assistance of employment of the population for the location of data of structural divisions or the Ministries of employment and employment relationships of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in electronic form through the portal (on the website - are entered into the terms specified by item 4 of this provision.

6. For concealment of vacancies, and equally untimely submission of information on the forthcoming release of each worker to bodies for work, the employer bears responsibility according to article 229 of the Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan about the administrative responsibility.

7. The center of assistance of employment of the population daily, after obtaining from employers of data on availability of vacancies, posts them on the official site of the Ministry of employment and employment relationships of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also within three days performs transfer of data on vacancies to employment inspectors for further use for the purpose of employment and carrying out consultation of the population.

8. If in data on availability of vacancies for month under report the vacancies specified earlier are not specified (in data for prior month), then these vacancies are considered as busy (closed).

9. Data on availability of vacancies by by professions (positions), with indication of required qualification are hung out at the information stand in the Center of assistance of employment of the population. At the same time, as a rule, at the information stand complete details of the employer who declared availability of vacancies are not specified.

10. The data on availability of vacancies which arrived in paper form are entered by responsibles of the district (city) Centers of assistance of employment of the population into the portal of the Ministry of employment and employment relationships of the Republic of Uzbekistan (on the website -

In case of introduction from the responsible of the Center of assistance of employment of the population into the portal of the Ministry of employment and employment relationships of the Republic of Uzbekistan of unreliable information (on the website -, to it applies measures of disciplinary responsibility.

11. The state legal inspector of work of the Center of assistance of employment of the population monthly, to the 15th, makes selection of the employers who timely did not submit data on availability of vacancies and (or) hid vacancies and apply stipulated by the legislation administrative punishments in relation to officials of employers.

12. Information on the forthcoming release of each worker is provided in the Center of assistance of employment of the population in cases if release is performed based on Items 1 and 5 of Article 100 of the Labor code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. At the same time, does not matter what number of workers is subject to release on the specified bases.


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