of April 30, 2015 No. 545
About approval of Rules of public conveyances, baggage, cargo baggage and mailings by rail
According to subitem 34-15) of Item 2 of article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 8, 2001 "About rail transport" PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of public conveyances, baggage, cargo baggage and mailings by rail.
2. To committee of transport of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Asavbayev A. A.) provide:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan the direction it the copy on official publication in periodic printed publicity materials and information system of law of Ad_let;
3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on the intranet portal of state bodies;
4) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of Item 2 of this order.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Isekeshev
It is approved Minister of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan February 10, 2016 |
________________ T. Duysenova |
It is approved Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan "___" April, 2016 |
________________ A. Mamytbekov |
It is approved Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan February 24, 2016 |
________________ E.Dosayev |
It is approved Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan April 13, 2016 |
________________ B. Sultanov |
It is approved Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan February 9, 2016 |
________________ K. Kasymov |
Approved by the Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 30, 2015 No. 545
1. These rules of public conveyances, baggage, cargo baggage and mailings by railway transport (further - Rules) are developed according to subitem 34-15) of Item 2 of article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 8, 2001 "About rail transport" (further - the Law) and determine procedure for public conveyances, baggage, cargo baggage and mailings by rail.
2. Public conveyance, baggage, cargo baggage and mailings by rail in the international and transit message through the Republic of Kazakhstan is performed according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international treaties ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. In these rules the following determinations and terms are used:
1) the special train - the train appointed in run according to special or one-time schedules in graphic time-table according to the request of physical person or legal entity;
2) the special car - the car appointed in run over the established scheme of build-up of train of the regular message or instead of the car of the regular message by request of physical person or legal entity;
3) stopping point - Item on which the stop of the passenger train is performed, intended only for landing and disembarkation of passengers;
4) air fare - part of fare which is determined as payment amount, added for transportation of the passenger across all railroads of rout to follow;
5) the dispatching terminal (further - DTM) - the terminal equipment intended for automation of work of the ticket offices which are not equipped with the terminal equipment of the Express system;
6) the superliner train - the train created from modern passenger rail cars with the improved consumer characteristics;
7) the travel document (ticket) - the document certifying the conclusion of the transportation agreement of the passenger and granting the right to travel by the passenger train which is drawn up in paper or electronic digital form (the electronic travel document);
8) the passenger train - the train intended for public conveyance in all types of railway services;
9) express public conveyance by railway transport - public conveyance by the rapid passenger trains created from the cars konstruktsionno intended for running with the speeds up to 200 km/h performing the minimum number of stops with reducing transit time of following;
10) the fare of passengers - set of reserved seat and booking parts;
11) the mobile terminal of the conductor (further - MTP) - the terminal equipment, software and hardware complex of automated control system for passenger traffic on registration, reading and check of legitimacy of electronic travel documents with issue of the embarcation card;
12) the rapid transit train - the train created from the cars konstruktsionno intended for running with the speeds up to 200 km/h performing the minimum number of stops with reducing transit time of following;
13) the suburban train - the train created from motor car railway vehicles (electro-or dizelpoyezd) or passenger rail cars with places for sitting, plying in interregional, interdistrict (intraregional, long-distance) and suburban messages;
14) the embarcation card - the document certifying the fact of landing and journey of the passenger to the train according to the electronic travel document;
15) reserved seat cost - part of fare which is determined for general haulage distance of the passenger and includes payment for use of the car and servicing of the passenger along the line;
16) density of population of the train - indicator of use by passengers of the available places in cars on all travel line of the train;
17) run - movement of the train from Item of forming and before its arrival back;
18) the standard train - the train created from the passenger rail cars meeting the requirements of safe journey with the minimum set of services;
19) the car of the through-message - the car plying with rehitching in structures of two and more trains;
20) authorized body - the central actuator performing management in the field of rail transport and also in limits, stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Kazakhstan, - cross-industry coordination;
21) organized group of passengers - group of at least 10 (ten) passengers following to one destination in one passenger train, including in cars of different category;
22) organized group of children - the organized group of passengers consisting of children aged up to 15 (fifteen) years, performing trip accompanied by at least one responsible adult person on 10 (ten) children and one health worker on group;
23) the corporate train - the category of the passenger train appropriated on voluntary basis in case of train compliance to the National standard in the field of provision of services in passenger trains of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
24) the approved train - the train taking into account difference at least 1 (one) hour between arrival of the passenger on the station of change and its departure from this station to station of destination;
25) the mobile terminal of the auditor (further - MTR) - software and hardware complex on reading and check of legitimacy of electronic travel documents, with possibility of carrying out audit, according to regulating documents of Carrier;
26) service of digital documents - the object of information and communication infrastructure of "the electronic government" assigned to the operator and intended for creation, storage and use of electronic documents for the purpose of realization of the state functions and the state services following from them and also in case of interaction with physical persons and legal entities, obtaining and rendering services electronically.
Other concepts used in these rules are applied in the values determined by the Law.
4. Public conveyance, baggage and cargo baggage is performed on railway tracks between the railway stations and stopping points open for accomplishment of transactions on public conveyances, baggage, cargo baggage.
Information on opening and closing of stations and stopping points, change of their names and nature which are carried out by them commercial transactions is published in the corresponding tariff managements.
5. The national railway company by means of automated control system for passenger traffic (further - ACS) provides to authorized state body and (or) law enforcement and special state bodies of the data on the drawn-up and (or) booked tickets on rail transport with indication of routs to follow, these passengers, including about the number of travel documents (tickets) acquired by means of Internet resources.
The provided information in the information database remains at least five years.
6. The conclusion of the transportation agreement of the passenger makes sure the travel document (ticket). At the same time the passenger pays the driving in case of the conclusion of the transportation agreement for rates of carrier, and the carrier provides its transportation to station of destination.
The carrier provides sale of travel documents (tickets) for trains of the forming to the station of destination specified by the passenger. The organization of sale of travel documents (tickets) for trains of other carriers based on the agreements signed according to the Rules of the organization of sale of travel documents (tickets) on rail transport in the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 23, 2013 No. 742 is allowed (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 8853).
7. Sale of travel documents (tickets) is made by carrier in railway ticket offices. Sale of travel documents (tickets), including can be performed through ticket offices of the passenger agencies, electronic terminals and Internet resources.
At stations where there are no ticket offices, sale of travel documents (tickets) by conductors in suburban trains, and also in general cars of passenger trains is allowed.
In suburban trains, except for superliner trains, sale of travel documents (tickets) by conductors is allowed.
Ticket offices function at all stations and stopping points where is on sale 50 (fifty) and more travel documents (tickets) a day. At stations and stopping points where less than 50 (fifty) travel documents (tickets) a day are on sale, the decision on the organization of sale of travel documents (tickets) is made by carrier taking into account features of administrative and territorial unit.
The operating time of ticket offices at stations (stations) is established proceeding from local conditions and the traffic schedule of passenger trains.
Depending on the size and nature of passenger traffic at stations (stations) specialized cash desks selling travel documents (tickets) for all passenger trains can be allocated: by types of messages, for separate categories of the population and on the carried-out transactions.
8. Advance sale of travel documents (tickets) for passenger trains is performed from stations of forming and turnover of the train:
on passenger trains – from 45 (forty five) to 1 (one) days at least, except for requests of organized groups of passengers which feature of sale is reflected in Item 79 of these rules;
on suburban trains – from 10 (ten) to 1 (one) days.
Sales of travel documents (tickets) for passenger trains are performed from 7 hours 00 minutes on time of the city of Astana.
From intermediate station advance sale is made depending on the mode of sale set by carrier.
Sale of travel documents (tickets) stops in 10 (ten) minutes prior to train departure.
Sale of travel documents (tickets) for places in specialized compartment, intended for journey of persons with limited opportunities is made in ticket office:
from port timing of advance sale to train departure of persons with disability of 1 (first) group, with the restriction of capability to independent movement using for movement aids (tiflotrost, crutches, walkers, chair carriage) and (or) the help of other persons including to children with disability up to 18 (eighteen) years, and to the persons which do not have disability, but the following in case of urgent trips in (from) medical organization(s), and also accompanying them to persons;
in 7 (seven) days prior to train departure to passengers with limited opportunities of other categories of disability.
Execution of travel documents (tickets) is made according to Item 12 of these rules and in case of production of documents, the these rules, and the document confirming disability specified in Item 13 or the document issued by medical institution in which content it is specified that the passenger needs maintenance.
9. The passenger acquires the travel document (ticket) in the car and the train of any category to any station open for passenger transactions, on train rout to follow.
In the absence of the direct train to station of destination of the passenger the second travel document is processed to the following (approved) train from the station of destination specified in the first travel document (change Item). Execution of travel documents (tickets) for the approved trains is performed taking into account difference at least 1 (one) hour between arrival and departure of the approved trains in change Items.
Sale of travel documents (tickets) in cars of the through-message is made with priority to the passengers following to destinations of these cars or Items located on the site of variation from the main rout to follow of the train. At the same time sale of travel documents (tickets) to the passengers following to any of the stations located to train variation Item is made in 72 (seventy two) hours prior to train departure from forming Item.
10. The ticket office refuses sale of travel documents (tickets) in the train if in it there are no spare spaces.
Acquisition by the passenger of travel documents (tickets) of all places of one compartment is allowed. In this case the passenger pays fare for complete rate on total quantity of the acquired seats in a compartment. At the same time journey of persons which are not specified in the travel document (ticket) is not allowed.
Execution of travel documents (tickets) more than four places on one train as like as two peas, except for special transportations is not allowed. On one form of the travel document (ticket) journey on one person is drawn up.
11. Sale of travel documents (tickets) to passengers over the seating capacity which is available in the car is not allowed.
12. Execution of travel documents (tickets) is made in ACS, including in fiskalizirovanny computer system, and also by means of the dispatching terminal (DTM), self-service terminals, the Internet of resources based on one of the documents of the passenger specified in Item 13 of these rules and by means of MTP by the conductor of the passenger or suburban train with issue of the electronic travel document.
In case of execution of travel documents (tickets) for suburban trains, except for cars of luxury electric trains, production of documents of the passenger is not required.
In case of execution of travel documents (tickets) for suburban trains through Internet resources it is necessary to specify data of the passenger (First name, middle initial, last name (in case of its availability), individual identification number, number of one of the documents of the passenger specified in Item 13 of these rules).
13. Execution of the travel document (ticket) is made in case of presentation of one of the following identity documents of the passenger (further - documents of the passenger):
passport of the citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
identity certificate of the citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
the residence permit of the foreigner in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
certificate of the stateless person;
certificate of the refugee;
diplomatic passport of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
service passport of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
identity certificate of the seaman of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
foreign passport;
the certificate on return (for citizens of other states, in case of loss by them in the territory of Kazakhstan of the identity document, for driving through rout to follow home);
the certificate of birth (for children aged up to 16 (sixteen) years).
Also execution of the travel document (ticket) in case of presentation is allowed:
the military ID - for the military personnel of conscription service;
temporary identity certificate.
14. In case of execution of travel documents (tickets) through ACS data are printed by the ticket printing device connected to the terminal of this system. In case of registration of preferential and free pass through ACS data on surcharge for increase in category of journey are printed on the same form of the travel document (ticket).
Erasures on travel documents (tickets) are not allowed.
In travel documents (tickets) processed through ACS, the ticket clerk on intermediate stations is allowed to correct manually only train number if it changes on the following course.
15. Execution of travel documents (tickets) through DTM is made with use of ball pen (blue, black or violet ink), is legible without reducing words. Application of stamps with the ready text is allowed.
After filling of the corresponding columns on both parts (the form and back) of the travel document (ticket), cutting of the control coupon of the form according to the fare, car type, class of train and the number of passengers is performed (on the group travel document (ticket).
On the travel document (ticket) processed through DTM and issued to the passenger mastic or needle komposterny marks with the distinguishable data following clearly are put down: train number, number, month, year. Year if necessary is designated only by one digit.
The needle composting of travel documents (tickets) is made along with backs on excess after their folding twice on the horizontal line with capture of the first part, and the back invests in the form of the travel document (ticket).
The mastic puncher is applied on the form and back of the travel document (ticket).
In case of repayment of komposterny marks by deletion the stamp "is crosswisely put the puncher is extinguished" and date and hours of repayment are specified. These marks are certified by the authorized signature (ticket clerk) and stamp of the station.
16. The travel document (ticket) is issued for cash or clearing settlement.
17. For execution of the preferential or free travel document (ticket) it is necessary to show the document granting the right to privileges or free pass.
To faces of all groups of disability, and also children with disability the travel privilege according to social significant messages in the amount of 50% (fifty) of the cost of the travel document (ticket), and along commercial routes at the discretion of carrier is established.
18. All travel documents (tickets) including issued free of charge and preferential are not subject to transfer to other persons and are valid only in case of presentation of one of the documents of the passenger specified in Item 13 of these rules.
19. Resale of travel documents (tickets) is not allowed. Workers of railway stations and the militarized protection take all necessary measures for prevention, suppression of the facts of illegal buying up and resale of tickets (documents) in the territory of the railway station.
20. The passenger in case of receipt of the processed travel document (ticket) needs to check correctness of the data containing in the travel document (ticket) (First name, middle initial, last name (in case of its availability), individual identification number, document number of the passenger according to which the travel document (ticket), train number and date of its departure was processed).
21. The passenger if necessary leaves by the train departing before that train on which the travel document (ticket), in the presence in it spare spaces is acquired. For this purpose the passenger needs to renew the travel document (ticket). Renewal of the travel document (ticket) for other passenger is not allowed.
22. Renewal of travel documents (tickets) without change of surname and initials or name is allowed on the train before which departure there were less than 24 (twenty four) hours, in the following cases:
1) when replacing type of the car by the highest or lowest category;
2) when replacing at the same time train numbers (on earlier leaving) and like the car;
3) when replacing places in one car on places in other car of the same type;
4) when replacing number of the place in the same car.
23. For renewal of travel documents (tickets) from the passenger collection in the amount of, established by carrier keeps.
24. Renewal of travel documents (tickets) is made by registration new and return of the ancient travel document (ticket) less than 24 (twenty four) hours in time to train departure on which the travel document is renewed.
25. Renewal of the travel document (ticket) processed through DTM to earlier going train is made similar to the renewal specified in Item 24 of these rules.
26. If renewal of the travel document (ticket) is made on the train or the car of higher category, then the difference in fare is levied from the passenger. In case of renewal of the travel document (ticket) at the request of the passenger to follow in the train or the car of lower category to it the difference returns to fares.
27. In case of train arrival with which the car of the through-message, after the train departure approved for rehitching of this car plies the passenger if necessary processes the travel document (ticket) for departure by the first departing train of the same carrier in which there will be spare spaces, without collection of additional payments.
In case of refusal from trip the passenger at will receives back all-in cost of journey for neprosledovanny distance.
28. The authorized person (the worker of the station) extends the validity of the travel document (ticket) by mark in the travel document (ticket) according to the List of the main stamps / marks which are put down on carriage documents according to requirements of Rules of public conveyances, baggage and cargo baggage by rail (further - the List) agrees with appendix 1 to these rules in the following cases:
1) in case of non-presentation to the passenger of the place in the train (except the train created from cars with places for sitting) for a while before departure of the following train in which the place will be provided to the passenger;
2) in change Items in case of delay of the approved trains for all the time of delay of the transient before provision to it opportunity to continue trip;
3) in case of the passenger's stop in transit for the term of no more than 10 (ten) days.
29. The passenger rail cars intended for public conveyance by railway transport are subdivided on:
cars of locomotive draft;
cars of motor car railway vehicles.
Cars of locomotive draft are classified by types:
1) the general car with places for sitting - the car equipped with general electric lighting, air ventilation system, general radio receiving station, toilets;
2) the car with places for sitting of the class Tourist - the car equipped with individual chairs, reading light, the air conditioning system;
3) couchette car:
the car with places for lying and level arrangement of shelves equipped with general and local electric lighting, air ventilation system, general radio receiving station, toilets, the reservoir with hot and cold culinary water, combination system of heating;
the car with 6-seater compartments with places for lying and level arrangement of shelves equipped with general and local electric lighting, ventilation system and air conditionings, general radio receiving station, dry closets, the reservoir with hot and cold culinary water, the electrical system centralized from the car power plant;
4) compartment car:
the car with 4-seater compartments with tough places for lying equipped with general and reading electric lighting, individual radio receiving station, ventilation system, the reservoir with hot and cold culinary water, toilets, and also the air conditioning system (if it is provided by factory design of the car);
the car with 4-seater compartments with tough places for lying and compartment buffet equipped with general and reading electric lighting, individual radio receiving station, ventilation system, the reservoir with cold culinary water, toilets, and also the air conditioning system (if it is provided by factory design of the car);
car of dimension of RITs (Regolamento internazionale per le Carroze):
with 2-seater compartments with level arrangement of soft sofas, equipped with general and reading electric lighting, individual radio receiving station, the button of challenge of the conductor, ventilation systems and air conditionings, the reservoir with hot and cold culinary water, toilets;
with 3-seater compartments with places for lying, level arrangement of soft sofas, equipped with general and reading electric lighting, ventilation system, air conditionings, sinks for washing of passengers in each compartment, the reservoir with hot and cold water, toilets;
the car of the class "Tourist" with 4 folding sleeping regiments (the lower places are transformed to four chairs for sitting), is equipped with general and local electric lighting, the air conditioning system, environmentally friendly toilets;
the Tourist car (tourist) with 4 folding sleeping regiments and with 2 folding sleeping regiments, is equipped with general and local electric lighting, the air conditioning system, environmentally friendly toilet;
the "Grandee the Class PMR — for Physically Disabled People" car (sleeping first class with compartment for person with disability) 2 folding sleeping regiments equipped with general and reading electric lighting, the air conditioning system, shower, environmentally friendly toilet;
5) sleeper car:
the car with 2-seater compartments with places for lying, the lower arrangement of soft sofas equipped with general and reading electric lighting, ventilation systems and air conditionings (if it is provided by factory design of the car), the reservoir with hot and cold culinary water, individual radio receiving station;
the car with 2-seater compartments and compartment shower, with places for lying with the lower arrangement of soft sofas, equipped with general and reading electric lighting, individual radio receiving station, ventilation system, air conditionings, the reservoir with hot and cold culinary water, toilets, and also the air conditioning system (if it is provided by factory design of the car);
the car with 2-seater compartments with the lower soft places for lying and compartment buffet equipped with general and reading electric lighting, individual radio receiving station, ventilation system, the reservoir with cold culinary water, toilets, and also the air conditioning system (if it is provided by factory design of the car);
the car of the class "Business" (Singl-Dabl) with 2 folding sleeping regiments equipped with general and reading electric lighting, the air conditioning system, environmentally friendly toilet;
the car of the class "Grandee" (sleeping first class) with 2 folding sleeping regiments equipped with general and reading electric lighting, the air conditioning system, shower, environmentally friendly toilet;
6) the car technologically necessary for ensuring running (operation) of the passenger train with the diesel generator for electricity supply of structure, including secondary systems;
7) the special "ST" car - the passenger rail car for transportation of the convicts and persons who are held in custody.
Cars of motor car railway vehicles are classified by types:
1) cars diesel and electric trains - the cars with places for sitting equipped with general electric lighting, air ventilation system, toilet;
2) cars of luxury electric train:
the cars 3 (third) class equipped with general electric lighting, air ventilation system, toilet (except motor), with six fiberglass sofas with soft inserts;
the cars 2 (second) class equipped with general electric lighting, air ventilation system, toilet (except motor), with 2 and 3-seater blocks of cushioned seats in two ranks with arrangement one after another and one-seat chairs, with the built-in little tables, head cushions, armrests and with the device for adjustment of provision of back;
the cars of 1 (first) class equipped with general electric lighting, air ventilation system, toilet (except motor), with 2-seater blocks of cushioned seats in two ranks, with the built-in little tables, head cushions, armrests and with the device for adjustment of provision of back.
30. On all passenger rail cars plying in structures of trains of the Republic of Kazakhstan regardless of class of train,
necessary images and information in the following procedure are placed:
on the center of the car (at the level of window openings) serial number of the car is displayed;
on the center over serial number of the car the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is applied;
at the left at the top of the car the logo of carrier of the passenger train is placed;
the indexes of routes containing information on initial and final waypoints of following and sequence number of the car are carried out in graphical or electronic execution. In passenger rail cars of Talgo electronic route indicators are placed near outside door.
31. In the presence in the car of tinted windows posting of route indicator on side walls of the car is allowed.
32. Entrance doors of cars are equipped on both sides with hand-rail, folding platforms are reliably fixed (except for cars of Talgo).
33. Cars shall be equipped with additional step according to factory design for convenience of passengers when landing (disembarkation) from low platform (except for cars of Talgo).
34. Passenger rail cars are equipped with general and reading electric lighting, ventilation system and heating, toilet cabins. The passenger rail cars "Talgo", "Tulpar-Talgo" are equipped with air conditioning systems, the button of challenge of the conductor (if it is provided by factory design of the car), environmentally friendly toilets.
In corridors of compartment and sleeper cars of passenger trains carpet paths, and in compartment - rugs creep.
35. Technologically operational also are available each car:
folding ladders for raising of passengers on the upper berths or figurative step-ladders;
fire extinguishers with the operating expiration date;
staff cars are provided with operational radio station for communication of the guard of train with engine crew;
system of the fire burglar alarm;
control system of heating of axle boxes;
other devices and the equipment established by log book.
35-1. Operation of railway vehicles, No. 544 which is not conforming to requirements of the order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 30, 2015 "About approval of Operational regulations of rail transport" is not allowed (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 11897).
36. Each car of the passenger train is equipped with the following objects of equipment:
soft removable stock;
removable equipment and stock;
alarm equipment;
medical accessories;
means of sanitary hygiene;
means for cleaning.
37. In passenger trains depending on the message, category and type of cars obligatory and additional services according to these rules are provided to passengers.
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