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The document ceased to be valid since  October 9, 2017 according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 5, 2017 No. 799


of July 19, 1999 No. 353

About approval of the Regulations on the organization of paid social jobs

(as amended on 13-03-2017)

According to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan" of December 25, 1998 the Cabinet of Ministers decides:

1. Approve Regulations on the organization of paid social jobs according to appendix.

2. Recognize invalid paragraph two of Item 1 of the resolution, and also the appendix N 1 to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of May 13, 1992 N 235 "About measures for ensuring implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About employment of the population" (the joint venture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1992, N 5, the Art. 18) and subitems "v" and "g" of Item 1 of the Changes and amendments approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of July 23, 1998 N310.


Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers

I. Karimov


to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of July 19, 1999 No. 353

Regulations on the organization of paid social jobs

This Provision is developed according to Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and article 22 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About employment of the population" and determines procedure for the organization and financing of paid social jobs, conditions of participation in them of the citizens recognized as the unemployed.

I. General provisions

1. Paid social jobs are understood as the types of temporary labor activity which are not requiring special preliminary professional training public, as a rule, for the citizens recognized in accordance with the established procedure as the unemployed.

2. According to part one of article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About employment of the population" the organization of paid social jobs treats powers of public authorities on places which and with participation of bodies for work annually determine amounts and types of paid social jobs by offers, taking into account features of social and economic development and situation with employment of the population in certain territory.

3. Paid social jobs will be organized for the purpose of: provisions of temporary earnings (labor earnings) to the citizens registered in bodies for work as persons who are looking for work and rendering material support to them during job search;

creations of conditions for temporary employment of the citizens recognized by bodies for work by the unemployed;

familiarizing with labor activity of the persons which for the first time are looking for work and which do not have profession (specialty);

labor rehabilitation of persons having for various reasons the considerable breaks in professional activity (which are earlier occupied with education of children, patient care and aged family members exempted from organizations on execution of punishments and others);

providing with labor power of socially important objects of economy and social sphere.

4. Participate in paid social jobs:

a) the jobless men registered in bodies for work aged up to 35 years having less than three dependents during receipt of unemployment benefit by them;

b) in voluntary procedure - other categories of the unemployed, and also persons registered in bodies for work as looking for work.

For persons specified in the subitem "an" of this Item after the end of receipt of unemployment benefit by them, participation in paid social jobs is voluntary.

II. Conditions of the organization and carrying out paid social jobs

5. Public authorities on places according to the offer and with the assistance of bodies for work:

determine industries of economy and the specific companies, the organizations and organizations for carrying out paid social jobs;

will organize Carrying out paid social jobs at jurisdictional enterprises, in organizations and the organizations, and for agreements - at Other companies (appendix N 1).

6. Bodies for work taking into account structure and the number of persons who are looking for work and the unemployed, on the basis of demand-supply analysis of labor power prepare and bring in the public authorities on places of the offer on the organization of paid social jobs included in the special Section of the territorial program of employment of the population.

7. The companies together with bodies for work determine necessary types and amounts of paid social jobs.

8. The approximate list of recommended types of paid social jobs is specified in the appendix N 2 to this Provision.

Public authorities on places can expand the list of types of paid social jobs depending on the need for them.

Reference is not allowed to paid social jobs of types of activity which are connected with need of mitigation of consequences of accidents, natural disasters and other events of similar nature.

III. Participation in paid social jobs of jobless citizens, and also persons registered in bodies for work as looking for work

9. The citizens recognized as the unemployed, and also persons registered in bodies for work as looking for work, take part in paid social jobs in the direction of bodies for work. The employer shall send to 3-day time in body for work the answer about acceptance of directed citizens to paid social job (appendix N 3).

10. The offered types of paid social jobs shall consider professional skills, work experience, age, sex and other features of the citizens recognized as the unemployed, and also persons registered in bodies for work as looking for work, operating mode and necessary working conditions.

The body for work, taking into account professional, age and other features of jobless citizens, and also the persons registered as who are looking for work determines specific venues of paid social jobs, and also conditions and terms of participation in them of the directed citizens.

11. The minimum duration of participation in paid social jobs of the unemployed specified in the subitem "an" of item 4 of this provision shall constitute at least two weeks monthly during the date of receipt of unemployment benefit established by the legislation.

The total duration of participation in paid social jobs of the unemployed specified in the subitem "an" of Item 4, during the payment due date of unemployment benefit established by the legislation shall be at least:


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