of April 26, 1996 No. 221-I
About consumer protection
In this Law the following concepts are applied:
the consumer - the citizen (physical person) who is acquiring, ordering or having intention to acquire or order goods or work, service for the purpose of private consumption or other purposes which are not connected with generation of profit;
manufacturer - the company, the organization, organization or the individual entrepreneur making goods for realization to the consumer;
the contractor - the company, the organization, organization or the individual entrepreneur performing the works or rendering services to the consumer under the agreement in household, housing-and-municipal, repair and construction, transport and other services industries;
the seller - the company, the organization, organization or the individual entrepreneur realizing goods to the consumer according to the purchase and sale agreement;
the agreement - the verbal or written agreement between the consumer and the seller (the manufacturer, the contractor) about quality, quantity, terms, the price and other conditions according to which purchase and sale of goods is performed work is performed and the service is rendered;
goods - product of activities of the manufacturer, including import, held for sale to the consumer under the agreement;
regulating documents - regulating documents in the field of technical regulation and other documents (town-planning regulations and rules, the state pharmacopeia and Articles of pharmacopeia), technical descriptions, compounding, and also other documents containing mandatory requirements to quality and safety of goods (work, service);
safety of goods (work, service) - lack of the risk connected with possibility of damnification of life, to health or damage to property of the consumer and the environment in case of usual conditions of consumption, use, storage, transportation or utilization of goods, and also use of results of work or service;
the certificate of conformity - the document confirming compliance to the certified products established requirements;
lack of goods (work, service) - discrepancy of goods (work, service) to mandatory requirements of the regulating documentation, terms of the contract or usually qualifying standards to goods quality (works, services);
essential lack of goods (work, service) - shortcoming which makes impossible use of goods (work, service) on purpose or for its elimination big costs of work and time are required;
the warranty period - the established normative term (in months) or in the form of operating time (in hours, cycles of operations, run kilometers, etc.) during which the manufacturer (contractor) guarantees and provides accomplishment of the quality requirements of goods (service) provided by the regulating documentation in case of accomplishment of service regulations;
service life - certain period of use of goods after which its operation shall be stopped irrespective of technical condition;
expiration date (safety) - period of time during which the goods are suitable for use and after which can pose hazard to life and human health;
the cash register receipt - the document certifying purchase of goods or payment of work (service) in which goods cost (works, services), payment date and number of the cash register is specified;
the sales receipt - the document certifying purchase of goods or payment of work (service) in which goods cost (works, services), payment date and information on the name and the location of the seller is specified;
the withdrawal of goods (work, service) from the consumer - any measure performed by the manufacturer (the contractor, the seller), directed to return of the goods (work, service) which are not conforming to safety requirements of goods (work, service) in case the goods (work, service) already are in property of the consumer or to it was offered;
withdrawal of goods (work, service) from turnover - any measure performed by the manufacturer (the contractor, the seller), directed to the termination and non-admission of the offer of the goods (work, service) which are not conforming to safety requirements of goods (work, service).
The consumer protection law consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
In the Republic of Karakalpakstan consumer protection is regulated also by the legislation of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Acts of the legislation cannot limit the rights of consumers, reduce the guarantees of their protection established by this Law.
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