of November 15, 2016 No. 1194
About provision to displaced persons and members of their families of premises of fund for the temporary settlement of displaced persons
According to the Law of the Russian Federation "About displaced persons" the Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of provision to displaced persons and members of their families of premises of fund for the temporary settlement of displaced persons.
2. Recognize invalid:
the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2000 No. 845 "About approval of the Regulations on housing arrangement of displaced persons in the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2000, No. 46, the Art. 4562);
Item of 37 changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2014 No. 1469 "About introduction of amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2015, No. 1, the Art. 262).
Russian Prime Minister
D. Medvedev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 15, 2016 No. 1194
1. These rules determine procedure for provision to persons recognized in accordance with the established procedure as displaced persons (further - displaced persons), and to members of their families of premises of fund for the temporary settlement of displaced persons (further - fund).
2. Premises of fund are provided to displaced persons and their minor children irrespective of availability of the status of the displaced person at them if the displaced person and (or) members of the family of the displaced person including who do not have the status of the displaced person are not employers of premises under the agreement of social hiring or owners of premises in the territory of the Russian Federation.
Data on availability (about absence) at specified persons of premises in property or the premises occupied under the agreement of social hiring are provided by Federal Registration Service and local government body in writing or electronic form by means of single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction at the request of territorial authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the regional level (further - territorial authority).
3. The displaced person for acceptance for accounting needing fund premises (further - accounting) personally submits to territorial authority the application in the form approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with indication of in it the minor children irrespective of availability of the status of the displaced person at them and (or) the family members including who do not have the status of the displaced person.
In case of filing of application the following data and documents with appendix of their copies are submitted:
identity documents of the displaced person and members of his family;
data on the certificate of the displaced person and certificate of the displaced person of each of full age family members;
certificate on marriage or certificate on annulment of marriage;
the certificate of birth - for persons which did not reach 14 years;
the statement of the family members who do not have the status of the displaced person for consent to processing of their personal data.
The displaced person has the right to provide on own initiative the certificate of the displaced person and the certificate of the displaced person of each of full age family members.
Day of the address for acceptance on accounting day of acceptance by territorial authority of the statement and the specified documents is considered. To the displaced person the territorial authority issues the receipt in reception of an application with indication of the list of the submitted documents and date of their obtaining.
The statement is registered in the book of registration of statements of displaced persons about acceptance on accounting. The specified book is kept in form and according to the procedure which affirm the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
4. The territorial authority within one month from the date of the address for acceptance on accounting makes the decision on acceptance of the displaced person on accounting or on refusal in acceptance on accounting in case of discrepancy of the displaced person to the provision provided by paragraph one of Item 2 of these rules.
The decision of territorial authority is drawn up by the protocol, fixed in the book of the registration of statements specified in paragraph ten of Item 3 of these rules and no later than 3 working days from the date of its acceptance is brought in writing to the attention of the displaced person with indication of its acceptance date on accounting and numbers of queue or cause of failure in acceptance on accounting.
5. Acceptance of displaced persons on accounting does not deprive of them the right to stay on the registry as the premises needing provision under the agreement of social hiring.
6. Accounting is performed by maintaining the single list of displaced persons on receipt of premises of fund (further - the single list) in form and according to the procedure which affirm the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
7. On the displaced person accepted on accounting of his minor children irrespective of availability of the status of the displaced person at them and (or) the members of his family having the status of the displaced person accounting case is created.
8. The bases for adoption by territorial authority of the decision on removal of the displaced person from accounting are:
a) statement of the displaced person for its removal from accounting;
b) receipt by the displaced person and (or) the members of his family including who do not have the status of the displaced person, premises under the agreement of social hiring or acquisition by them of the property right to premises;
c) loss or deprivation of the status of the displaced person;
d) departure of the displaced person on permanent residence out of limits of the subject of the Russian Federation in the territory of which in territorial authority he stays on the registry;
e) identification in the submitted documents of the untrue data which formed the basis for acceptance of the displaced person on accounting.
9. Premises of fund are provided to displaced persons according to the procedure of priority in the single list at the rate of at least than 6 sq.m of living space on one person.
10. The decision on provision to the displaced person (to his minor children irrespective of availability of the status of the displaced person at them and (or) to the members of his family having the status of the displaced person) premises of fund is accepted by territorial authority in which operational management there are fund premises, based on the statement of the displaced person staying on the registry for provision of premises of fund.
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