of September 3, 1993 No. 938-XII
About the state provision of pensions of citizens
This Law determines procedure for realization of constitutional right of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan on social security in old age, in case of complete or partial disablement, loss of the supporter, installs single system of national pensions, procedure for their appointment, calculation, recalculation and payment.
Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan have the right to the state provision of pensions according to the procedure, determined by this Law.
Provision of pensions of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan living beyond its limits is made on the basis of international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who are constantly living in the Republic of Uzbekistan have pension entitlement on an equal basis with citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The citizens who do not have length of service and their families have no right to national pensions under this Law. The procedure for their social security is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
This Law establishes the following types of national pensions:
on age;
on disability;
on the occasion of loss of the supporter.
Citizens can address for award of pension after emergence of the right to it at any time.
The citizens having the right to different types of national pensions are granted one pension at their choice.
Conditions, regulations and procedure for provision of pensions of the military personnel, faces of the commanding and ordinary structure of law-enforcement bodies of National guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, judges and the prosecution agencies workers having class ranks (military ranks), and also members of their families are established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. They are granted also the right to pension on the bases provided by this Law. At the same time all types of cash allowance of the military personnel, faces of the commanding and ordinary structure of law-enforcement bodies of National guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, judges and the prosecution agencies workers having class ranks (military ranks) are considered on an equal basis with the salary of civilians.
The legislation on the state provision of pensions of citizens consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about the state provision of pensions of citizens then are applied rules of the international treaty.
The pension entitlement on age is had:
men - on reaching 60 years and in case of length of service at least 25 years;
women - on reaching 55 years and in case of length of service at least 20 years;
To persons who have no length of service, sufficient for award of pension (Article 7), old-age pensions are granted in the amount of, pro rata to the available years of service (Article 29), in the presence of at least 7 years of the length of service provided in the Items "and" - "" and "to" part one of article 37 of this Law.
Separate categories of citizens according to the lists approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on favorable terms have pension entitlement:
The list No. 1 of the productions, organizations, works, professions and positions granting pension entitlement irrespective of age;
The list No. 2 of the productions, organizations, works, professions, positions and indicators granting pension entitlement with reduction of generally established age for 10 years;
The list No. 3 of the productions, organizations, works, professions, positions and indicators granting pension entitlement with reduction of generally established age for 5 years.
Also disabled veterans, mothers of children with disability since the childhood, Liliputians and dwarfs on favorable terms have pension entitlement.
The right to preferential pension irrespective of age is had:
a) workers of the leading professions of the mining industry under condition if they were engaged at these works at least 20 years (The list No. 1, part 1);
b) the workers occupied full time directly on underground and open mining operations (including staff of mine-rescue parts) on coal production, ore and other minerals, on construction of mines and mines if they were engaged at these works at least 25 years (The list No. 1, part II);
c) workers of flight and flight-test structure irrespective of departmental subordination of the companies, organizations and organizations in which they were engaged, in case of length of service in these positions at least 25 years at men and at least 20 years at women (The list No. 1, part III).
The specified workers discharged from flight office for health reasons (disease) have pension entitlement in the presence of length of service at men at least 20 years and women have at least 15 years;
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