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It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

October 18, 2016

No. 1364/29494


of September 21, 2016 No. 266

About approval of the Procedure for the organization of work on registration, issue, exchange, return to the state, storage and destruction of diplomatic and service passports of Ukraine

According to the Presidential decree of Ukraine of May 12, 2015 "About diplomatic and office passports of Ukraine" I order to No. 264:

1. Approve the Procedure for the organization of work on registration, issue, exchange, return to the state, storage and destruction of diplomatic and service passports of Ukraine (further - the Procedure) which is applied.

2. To heads of structural divisions of the device the MFA and to heads of foreign diplomatic organizations of Ukraine to organize studying by workers of the Procedure and to provide steady observance of its requirements.

3. To submit to department of consular service this order on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

4. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the deputy minister of foreign affairs of Ukraine who according to distribution of functional obligations coordinates work of Department of consular service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

5. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

Acting minister

V. V. Pristayko

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine of September 21, 2016, No. 266

Procedure for the organization of work on registration, issue, exchange, return to the state, storage and destruction of diplomatic and service passports of Ukraine

I. General provisions

1. This Procedure determines the procedure of registration, issue, exchange, return to the state, storages and destructions of diplomatic and service passports of Ukraine (further - the passport).

2. Registration, issue, exchange, return to the state, storage and destruction of passports are performed by division of Department of consular service (further DKS), responsible for passport work.

3. Acceptance of the petitions, representations and letters provided by this Procedure and also issue of passports, their obtaining on storage and forming of the statement questionnaire for entering of information into the Unified state demographic register in connection with execution of the passport (further - the statement questionnaire) and obtaining biometric this person addressed to whom it is drawn up are performed in certain DKS the working days and hours in specially allotted service premises.

4. The petition, representations and letters provided by this Procedure are subject to obligatory registration of DKS in system of the automated document flow.

5. Accounting of passports is performed in the Register of diplomatic (office) passports of Ukraine (appendix 1).

II. Execution of passports

1. For execution of the passport documents, stipulated in Item 7 Regulations on the diplomatic passport of Ukraine, No. 264 approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of May 12, 2015 (further Regulations on the diplomatic passport), or Item 6 of the Regulations on the service passport of Ukraine approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of May 12, 2015 No. 264 are submitted to DKS (further - Regulations on the service passport).

2. In case of acceptance of petitions availability of all necessary documents and correctness of their filling are checked.

3. The decision on execution of the diplomatic passport of Ukraine to persons specified in subitems 4, of the 5th Item 5 and Item 6 of the Regulations on the diplomatic passport is accepted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine till three working days from registration date of the petition in the MFA.

Execution of the diplomatic passport of Ukraine to persons specified in the subitem 4 of Item 5 of the Regulations on the diplomatic passport is performed based on the personal petition of such persons.

Execution of the diplomatic passport of Ukraine to persons specified in the subitem 5 of Item 5 of the Regulations on the diplomatic passport is performed according to the written petition of structural division the MFA on sample (appendix 2), responsible for work with personnel, in coordination with the deputy minister of foreign affairs of Ukraine who according to distribution of functional obligations coordinates work of DKS, and also on condition of submission of the documents provided respectively by subitems 1, 3 - 5 Items 7 of the Regulations on the diplomatic passport, statements (appendix 3), the information about person (appendix 4).

Execution of the diplomatic passport of Ukraine to persons specified in Item 6 of the Regulations on the diplomatic passport is performed according to the written petition of the head or deputy manager of state body, organization or organization for registration to the applicant of the diplomatic passport on condition of obtaining the MFA of the separate written permission of the President of Ukraine.

The decision on execution of the passport addressed to other persons is made by the director or the deputy director of DKS till three working days from registration date of the petition on sample (appendix 5) in DKS on condition of submission of documents, stipulated in Item 7 Regulations on the diplomatic passport and Item 6 of the Regulations on the service passport.

The decisions provided by this Item are drawn up by specified persons by imposing of the resolution.


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