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of June 14, 2013 No. 504

About collection of payment on account of the indemnification caused to highways public of federal importance by the vehicles having the permitted maximum weight over 12 tons

(as amended on 09-04-2021)

For the purpose of implementation of article 31.1 of the Federal law "About Highways and about Road Activities in the Russian Federation and about Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Establish the amount of payment on account of the indemnification caused to highways public of federal importance by the vehicles having the permitted maximum weight over 12 tons, equal 3, 73 rubles on one kilometer of the way passed on the shown highways.

2. The amount of payment on account of indemnification, the stipulated in Item 1 this resolution, is subject to annual indexation according to the actual change of consumer price index.

3. Approve the enclosed Rules of collection of payment on account of the indemnification caused to highways public of federal importance by the vehicles having the permitted maximum weight over 12 tons.

4. This resolution becomes effective since November 1, 2014.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 14, 2013 No. 504

Rules of collection of payment on account of the indemnification caused to highways public of federal importance by the vehicles having the permitted maximum weight over 12 tons

I. General provisions

1. These rules are established:

procedure for collection of payment on account of the indemnification caused to highways public of federal importance by the vehicles having the permitted maximum weight over 12 tons (further respectively - vehicles, payment), including terms of introduction of such payment, possibility of delay of its introduction by the Russian carriers, owners (owners) of the vehicles equipped with the onboard devices or third-party onboard devices intended for collection of payment, and also the requirement to such onboard devices and third-party onboard devices;

procedure for transfer in the income of the federal budget of payment;

procedure for return to the owner (owner) for the vehicle of the money brought to the operator and not listed or excessively listed in the income of the federal budget for the purpose of execution of provisions of article 31.1 of the Federal law "About Highways and about Road Activities in the Russian Federation and about Modification of Separate Legal Acts of the Russian Federation";

procedure for information exchange of the owner (owner) for the vehicle including registered in the territory of foreign state, and the operator of system of collection of payment;

instructions for use technically and technologically connected objects providing collection of payment.

2. The concepts used in these rules mean the following:

"the onboard device" - the object of system of collection of payment representing the engineering device allowing to determine by means of technologies of satellite navigation of GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS vehicle traffic route by highways public of federal importance. Requirements to onboard devices are established according to appendix No. 1;

"operator" - the individual entrepreneur or the legal entity to whom in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation powers on ensuring functioning of system of collection of payment are assigned;

"settlement record" - the record created by the operator concerning the owner (owner) of the vehicle for the cash accounting, brought by the owner (owner) of the vehicle to the operator, and their transfers in the income of the federal budget;

"system of collection of payment" - set technically and technologically connected objects providing for the purposes of collection of payment collection, processing, storage and transfer in automatic mode of data on movement of the vehicle on highways public of federal importance. Requirements to third-party onboard devices are established by appendix No. 1 to these rules;

"service life of the onboard device (the third-party onboard device)" - duration of operation of the onboard device (the third-party onboard device) determined based on the passport of the onboard device (the third-party onboard device). End date of service life of the onboard device (the third-party onboard device) fixed to the vehicle is reflected in personal account of the owner (owner) of this vehicle;

"the third-party onboard device" - the engineering device which is not object of system of collection of payment, allowing to determine by means of technologies of satellite navigation of GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS vehicle traffic route by highways public of federal importance.

3. Collection of payment is performed with use of system of collection of payment.

4. The operator performs vehicle registration and his owner (owner) in the register of system of collection of payment (further - the register), representing the information register containing data on vehicles and owners (owners) of vehicles.

The register is kept by the operator in electronic form.

The exception of vehicles of the register is performed according to Items 69 - 72 these rules.

5. Registration of vehicles and their owners (owners) in the register is performed according to Items 38 - 55 these rules on a grant basis in time, not exceeding one working day from the date of receipt of the statement by the operator of the owner (owner) of the vehicle for such registration (further - the statement for registration in the register).

The owner (owner) of the vehicle if necessary specifies in the statement for registration in the register about intention to use the onboard device or the third-party onboard device for introduction of payment.

5(1). According to the statement of the owner (owner) of the vehicle or its authorized representative the operator performs funds redistribution between the settlement records belonging to one owner (owner) of the vehicle, opening of the vehicle of number of additional settlement records necessary for the owner (owner) and forming of group of vehicles in binding to such settlement records. At the same time the total quantity of settlement records of the owner (owner) of vehicles cannot exceed the number of the vehicles registered in the register concerning this owner (owner) of vehicles.

Opening and closing for the owner (owner) of vehicles of additional settlement records is performed according to Items 73 - 79 these rules.

6. The operator concerning each registered vehicle in the register:

a) lists in the income of the federal budget the money deposited by the owner (owner) of the vehicle as payment based on calculations made with use of system of collection of payment;

b) provides to the owner (owner) of the vehicle on a grant basis the onboard device in the picking specified in the passport of the onboard device and information on procedure and on conditions of its use and based on the statement, stipulated in Item 5 these rules, assigns to the vehicle the specified onboard device or the third-party onboard device (in case of its availability at the owner (owner) of the vehicle) or in the cases established by these rules performs registration of route card. In cases if the onboard device fixed to the vehicle (except for the onboard device which service life expired) is not returned in accordance with the established procedure and (or) concerning the vehicle debt on introduction of payment is had, the operator does not issue to the owner (owner) of this vehicle the onboard device and does not assign to such vehicle the third-party onboard device before respectively return in accordance with the established procedure of the onboard device and (or) debt repayment on introduction of payment;

c) keeps the personified record of the owner (owner) of the vehicle containing the following information on each vehicle of the owner (owner) updated at least once a day:

the route passed by the vehicle to which the onboard device or the third-party onboard device, on highways public of federal importance, with binding at the right time (date) of the beginning and the end of movement of the vehicle along route is fixed;

the planned route, time and date of movement of the vehicle on highways public of federal importance according to the route card which is drawn up and issued according to Item 10 of these rules;

transactions on introduction by the vehicle owner of payment to the operator with indication of its amount, and also date and time of receipt;

transactions on transfer by the operator in the income of the federal budget of the money deposited by the vehicle owner as payment depending on the route passed by the vehicle on highways public of federal importance or according to the route specified in route card;

the amount of payment concerning which delay (further - deferred payment) (is granted by provision to the owner (owner) of the vehicle of delay on introduction of payment according to Items 9 (1) and 9(2) these rules);

the term of introduction of deferred payment (by provision to the owner (owner) of the vehicle of delay on introduction of payment according to Items 9 (1) and 9(2) these rules);

outstanding amount on introduction of payment (by provision to the owner (owner) of the vehicle of delay on introduction of payment according to Items 9 (1) both 9(2) these rules and its introduction);

d) informs the owner (owner) of the vehicle to whom the onboard device or the third-party onboard device is fixed:

about sufficiency at the operator of balance in cash, brought by the owner (owner) of the vehicle as payment, less than on 100 kilometers of movement of the vehicle on highways public of federal importance (this information is not provided concerning owners (owners) of vehicles who are granted delay on introduction of payment according to Items 9 (1) and 9(2) these rules);

in 5 calendar days prior to date of transfer by the operator in the income of the federal budget of deferred payment about need of introduction of deferred payment (by provision to owners (owners) of the vehicle of delay according to Items 9 (1) and 9(2) these rules);

about suspension of provision of delay on introduction of payment;

about causes of failure in provision of delay on introduction of payment;

e) performs return to the owner (owner) of the vehicle of the money which is not listed in the income of the federal budget deposited by it as payment, according to the procedure, provided by the subitem "b" of item 4 of these rules, within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the corresponding statement by the operator from the owner (owner) of the vehicle. Return of excessively paid such money listed in the income of the federal budget is performed according to the procedure, established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

e) has the right to perform debt collection on introduction of payment from the owner (owner) of the vehicle judicially.

7. Prior to movement of the vehicle to which the onboard device or the third-party onboard device is fixed on highways public of federal importance the owner (owner) of such vehicle provides installation and turning on of these devices on the vehicle, and also introduction of payment to the operator in the amount of determined proceeding from the extent of the planned traffic route of the vehicle and the amount of payment established by the Government of the Russian Federation.


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