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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Tajikistan

 On October 10, 2016 No. 527


of October 1, 2016 No. 418

"About State standard of secondary professional education and the State qualifier of the directions and specialties of secondary professional education in the Republic of Tajikistan"

According to article 32 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About education", article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About secondary professional education" and article 51 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About regulatory legal acts" the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:

1. Approve State standard of secondary professional education and the State qualifier of the directions and specialties of secondary professional education in the Republic of Tajikistan (are applied).

2. To the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan and other ministries and departments having in the subordination secondary vocational education institutions in three-months time to take measures relatively for realization of State standard, secondary professional education.

3. To perform selling expenses of State standard of secondary professional education within the means of the government budget provided annually on secondary professional education.

4. Declare invalid the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of August 2, 2010 No. 385 "About approval of State standard of secondary professional education of the List of specialties of secondary professional education".

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan
Emomalii Rahmon

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of October 1, 2016, No. 418

State standard of secondary professional education

1. General requirements

1. The state standard of secondary professional education (further - the Standard) determines and provides single state policy in the field of secondary professional education, establishes set of requirements to appropriate level of education.

2. The standard is developed based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the laws of the Republic of Tajikistan "About education", "About secondary professional education" and other regulatory legal acts.

3. Accomplishment of the Standard is obligatory all educational institutions located in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan, which obtained in accordance with the established procedure the license for implementation of educational activities of secondary professional education.

4. Observance of requirements of the Standard after receipt of the license is one of the bases for receipt in accordance with the established procedure of the certificate on the state accreditation.

2. Basic concepts

5. In the Standard the following concepts are used:

- the professional educational program of secondary professional education - the document (set of documents) determining according to the Standard content of secondary professional education of certain level by specific specialty;

- structure of secondary professional education - set different to destination and to normative terms of training of the professional educational programs of secondary professional education characterizing levels of secondary professional education;

- State standard of secondary professional education - complex of the regulations reflecting education content, value and terms of training, amount of academic load, level of assimilation of knowledge by students and determining the main requirements to ensuring training process, contents of training programs and assessment of level of knowledge in educational institutions taking into account national and universal achievements;

- secondary professional education - the education based on the main general, secondary general or primary professional education meeting the requirements established by the Standard, which is coming to the end with final assessment and issue to the graduate of the document of the state sample (diploma) on secondary professional education;

- the document on secondary professional education - the document issued by average professional educational institution or other educational institution of secondary professional education in confirmation of the fact that its owner successfully completed the professional educational program and has the right to continue education at the following level and (or) to perform professional activity according to the received qualification in the specialty.

3. Scope

6. The standard establishes:

- structure of secondary professional education, documents of the state sample on secondary professional education;

- general requirements to professional educational programs of secondary professional education and conditions of their realization;

- general standard rates of academic load of students of educational institution of secondary professional education and it I will eat around;

- general requirements to the list of specialties (or the directions) secondary professional education;

- procedure for development and approval of the state requirements to minimum of contents of the educational program of secondary professional education and level of training of graduates on specific specialties (directions) of secondary professional education;

- rules of the state control over observance of requirements of the Standard.

4. Structure of secondary professional education and documents on secondary professional education

7. The educational institutions of secondary professional education having the corresponding license according to the professional educational program provide training of specialists of average link.

8. Documents of the professional educational program are the professional standard, curricula, educational programs, syllabuses, provisions, rules and instructions. The professional educational program shall include humanitarian, social and economic, mathematical and natural-science, all-professional, special disciplines and work (professional) practice.

9. Secondary professional education can be performed at two educational levels - the general basic and the secondary general education. The normative term of training based on general main education shall constitute at least four years.

10. The professional educational program includes at least 75 percent to studying of the educational program of general average in averages professional educational, institutions. The aggregate normative term of training based on the secondary general education shall constitute up to three years, for persons which graduated from educational institutions in the field of medicine and culture according to features of specialties, is established up to four years.

11. For the specialties referred to the Culture and Art and Pedagogical groups, by authorized state body to which this group of specialties is in accordance with the established procedure set in coordination with the state body performing carrying out single state policy in the field of education other normative terms of training can be established.

12. The educational program of secondary professional education comes to the end with State Final Examination with assignment to the graduate of the corresponding qualification of the specialist certified by the document of the state sample.

13. Document forms of the state sample about secondary professional education are established by the state body performing carrying out single state policy in the field of education and affirms the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

5. General requirements to the main programs of secondary professional education and conditions of their realization

14. Professional educational programs of secondary professional education shall include:

- humanitarian and social and economic disciplines;

- mathematical and natural-science disciplines;

- special disciplines;

- work practice (professional).

15. For the specialties referred to the groups "Humanitarian and Social", "Pedagogical", "Health care", "Culture and Art", "Economy and Management", "Technical and technological" of form of studying of disciplines 1-2 blocks are established by the state requirements to minimum of content and level of training of graduates on the corresponding specialties.

16. The obligatory minimum of contents of each professional educational program of secondary professional education is established by component of the state educational standard of secondary professional education which determines the state requirements to minimum of content and level of training of graduates by specific specialties.

17. Professional educational programs of secondary professional education shall include along with obligatory disciplines, also disciplines at the choice of the student.

18. Training in professional educational programs is allowed to be performed in the reduced training terms in relation to normative taking into account prior education of the student.

6. General standard rates of academic load of the studying educational institution of secondary professional education

19. The maximum amount of academic load of students in traditional system shall not exceed 54 hours a week, including all types of classroom and out-of-class study.

20. Week load of students of full-time department obligatory studies of the teacher shall not exceed 36 class periods, on evening department no more than 20 hours. Week load of students of full-time department in the field of culture in compliance is established by features of specialties to 42 class periods and on individual educational occupations till 18 o'clock.

21. In case of extramural studies opportunity to study in volume of at least 160 hours within academic year shall be provided to students.

22. In credit system all types of classroom and out-of-class study, it is measured by the credits. One credit (one educational unit) equals to 24 class periods. One class period in credit system of training equals to 50 minutes.

23. The amount of academic load of students in credit system shall not exceed 2 credits a week, including all types of classroom and independent work.

24. Week load of students of full-time department obligatory studies of the teacher shall not exceed credit 1,5, on evening department no more than 1 credit.

25. At least two times within complete academic year for students are established vacation lasting at least 7 weeks a year, including during the winter period - at least 2 weeks.

26. The number of students in educational group in average professional educational institutions at day, correspondence and evening form training is established 24 people, for specialties of medical and pharmaceutical education of 16 people, for the sphere of art on special disciplines of 1-10 people.

27. For carrying out laboratory and practical works, subject matters on foreign language, information technology, technology of work, and also classes in drawing (architectural and art specialties) for some other professional disciplines, for accomplishment of the term paper (academic year project) and in case of inservice training in workshops (on polygons, in farms) the educational group is divided into subgroups numbering no more than 10-12 people.

7. General requirements to the list of specialties (or the directions) secondary professional education

28. The list of specialties of secondary professional education covers the existing and perspective fields of economy, the equipment, education, health care, culture and services industry.

29. The list of specialties of secondary professional education is determined by authorized state body in the field of education and affirms the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

30. The list of specialties of secondary professional education is part of the Standard and "The state qualifier of the directions and specialties of secondary professional education in the Republic of Tajikistan" hereinafter is referred to as.

31. Groups of specialties in the State qualifier of the directions and specialties of secondary professional education in the Republic of Tajikistan it is determined by digital code 2.

8. Procedure for development and approval of the State requirements to minimum of content and to level of training of graduates on specific specialties of secondary professional education

32. The state requirements to minimum of content and level of training of graduates on specific specialties of secondary professional education are developed and affirm authorized state body in the field of education.

33. The state requirements to minimum of content and level of training of graduates on specific specialties of secondary professional education are part of the Standard and hereinafter are referred to as "The professional standard of secondary professional education. State requirements to minimum of content and level of training of graduates".

34. The professional standard of secondary professional education, is developed separately on each specialty, covering the following aspects:

- application industry;

- the used abbreviation;

- description of the directions of preparation;

- description of professional activity;

- requirements to results of assimilation of educational programs of secondary professional education;

- requirements to structures of training programs of secondary professional education;

- requirements to development and sales terms of training programs of secondary professional education;

- quality evaluation of assimilation of educational programs of secondary professional education.

35. Subjects and content of each subject shall be determined so that along with complete assimilation of training programs, they created the level of independence, capability, skills, abilities, and theoretical knowledge of students.

9. Rules of the state control over observance of requirements of the State educational standard of secondary professional education

36. The state control on observance of requirements of State standard is exercised by authorized state body in the field of education together with the bodies having in the subordination average professional organizations.

37. In case of non-compliance with requirements of the Standard by educational institution of secondary professional education, measures according to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan are applied to it.

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of October 1, 2016 , No. 418

The state qualifier of the directions and specialties of secondary professional education in the Republic of Tajikistan


Code of the sphere and

directions of specialties

List of specialties, directions of specialties

List of qualification


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