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The document ceased to be valid since  February 9, 2021 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of  February 3, 2021 No. 81 


of October 19, 2016 No. 740

About formation of Office on attraction and support of investments

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Form Office on attraction and support of investments.

2. Approve Regulations on Office on attraction and support of investments which is applied.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Groysman

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 19, 2016 No. 740

Regulations on Office on attraction and support of investments

1. The office on attraction and support of investments (further - Office) is temporary advisory advisory body of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine which activities are coordinated by the Government representative for investments (further - the Government representative).

2. The office in the activities is guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other acts of the legislation.

3. The office is created for the purpose of assistance of interaction of investors with state bodies and local government bodies, appropriate subjects of managing by preparation and implementation of investment projects by them with attraction of direct foreign investments.

4. The main objectives of Office are:

1) creation of the mechanism of preparation and implementation of investment projects by the principle of "single window" for ensuring efficiency of investor interaction which are effective in Ukraine, and active investment attraction, and also ensuring cooperation of state bodies and local government bodies directed to creation of the favorable investment climate in Ukraine;

2) assistance to ensuring coordination of actions of executive bodies for the purpose of the solution of the problematic issues arising when implementing investments into economy of Ukraine;

3) preparation of offers on forming and realization of investment potential of Ukraine, support of priority investment projects, improvements of the investment climate in Ukraine, ensuring protection of the rights of investors; determination of ways, mechanisms and methods of the solution of the problematic issues arising in case of implementation of investment projects; increase in efficiency of activities central and local executive bodies on investor interaction; enhancement of regulatory framework on appropriate questions.

5. For the purpose of accomplishment of the tasks assigned to it Office:

Creates 1) and provides functioning with participation of state bodies and local government bodies, appropriate subjects of managing, other concerned parties of interactive open information resource about investment potential and investing activities in Ukraine;

2) considers addresses of foreign investors concerning their maintenance for implementation of investments into Ukraine and provides such maintenance;

3) makes inquiries in state bodies, local government bodies, appropriate subjects of managing, other concerned parties concerning implementation of investments by foreign investors which maintenance is performed by Office;

Collects 4), processes and systematizes information on results of the activities;

5) quarterly publishes in mass media and/or on the website of Office reports on results of the activities;

6) represents in case of need to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine offers on introduction of amendments to acts of the legislation for the purpose of improvement of conditions of investing activities in Ukraine;

7) carries out other tasks according to orders of the Prime Minister of Ukraine and decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine aimed at providing implementation of their powers in the sphere of investing activities.

6. The office has the right:

1) to request and receive in accordance with the established procedure from state bodies, local government bodies and subjects of managing, including by holding personal interviews with the corresponding officials, information, documents and other data necessary for consideration and the solution of the questions concerning investments by foreign investors which maintenance is performed by Office;

2) to inform state bodies or local government bodies information on cases which can demonstrate violation of legitimate interests of foreign investors and in case there are bases to believe that such violations take place, - to submit applications for their additional studying, taking measures for the purpose of elimination of such violations and involvement of perpetrators to responsibility according to the legislation;

3) to involve officials of state bodies and local government bodies, associations of citizens, the companies, organizations and the organizations, irrespective of pattern of ownership (from their consent) in consideration of the questions relating to their powers;

4) to submit to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine proposals and recommendations concerning ways of elimination of system obstacles for investing activities in Ukraine;

5) to promulgate information on cases of making of corruption acts and/or other violations from state bodies, local government bodies, appropriate subjects of managing in the sphere of investing activities, and also about accomplishment of the recommendations provided by Office by them;

6) to promulgate information on interaction with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other state bodies, local government bodies, and also in case of need about participation of Office in preparation of drafts of regulatory legal acts and other initiatives which purpose is improvement of conditions of implementation of investing activities in Ukraine;

7) to involve experts, scientists, specialists, including foreign, to accomplishment of the tasks assigned to it.

7. The chairman of Office is the Director who is appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on representation of the Government representative. The director of Office submits for approval to the Government representative regulations of Office which determine procedure for giving and consideration of addresses from foreign investors, and also order of interaction between foreign investors and Office, in particular their maintenance. The regulations of Office are published on its official site.

8. Director of Office:

1) is headed by Office and determines in coordination with the Government representative the business strategy of Office according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other regulatory legal acts, this Provision and the regulations of Office;

2) makes the decision on consideration of addresses according to regulations of Office;

3) makes the decision on the tasks assigned to Office according to this Provision and the regulations of Office;


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