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of October 31, 2016 No. 378-FZ

About budget implementation of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2015

Accepted by the State Duma on October 21, 2016

Approved by the Federation Council on October 26, 2016

1. Approve the performance report of the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (further - Fund) for 2015:

1) the total amount of budget receipts of Fund in the amount 7 126 634 062, thousand rubles, from them 6 957 393 733, 3 thousand rubles in the part which is not connected with forming of means for financing of funded pension including at the expense of the interbudget transfers received from the federal budget in the amount 3 088 686 390, by 1 thousand rubles and budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation in the amount 2 996 150, of 5 thousand rubles;

2) the total amount of expenses of the budget of Fund in the amount 7 670 269 632, 0 thousand rubles, from them 7 123 927 232, 9 thousand rubles in the part which is not connected with forming of means for financing of funded pension, including the interbudget transfers transferred to budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation in the amount 1 006 235, of 3 thousand rubles;

3) amount of budget deficit of the Fund in the amount 543 635 569, 6 thousand rubles which developed proceeding from budget deficit of Fund in the part which is not connected with forming of means for financing of funded pension in the amount 166 533 499, of 6 thousand rubles and budget deficit of Fund in the part connected with forming of means for financing of funded pension in the amount 377 102 070, of 0 thousand rubles.

2. Approve the following indicators of budget implementation of Fund:

1) budget receipts of Fund for codes of classification of the income of budgets for 2015 according to appendix 1 to this Federal Law;

2) expense structure of the budget of Fund for 2015 according to appendix 2 to this Federal Law;

3) sources of internal financing of budget deficit of Fund for codes of classification of sources of financing of deficits of budgets for 2015 according to appendix 3 to this Federal Law.

President of the Russian Federation

V. Putin

Appendix 1

to the Federal Law "About Budget Implementation of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2015"

Budget receipts of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by codes of classification of the income of budgets for 2015

                                                                                                     (thousand rubles)

Name of indicator

Code of budget classification of the Russian Federation

Cash execution

chief manager of the income

budget receipts of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Income, all

7 126 634 062,4

Tax and non-tax income


1 00 00000 00 0000 000

4 021 467 254,2

Insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance


1 02 00000 00 0000 000

3 878 730 540,7

Insurance premiums


1 02 02000 00 0000 160

3 878 730 540,7

The insurance premiums for mandatory pension insurance in the Russian Federation enlisted in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on payment of insurance pension


1 02 02010 06 0000 160

3 711 927 258,5

The insurance premiums for mandatory pension insurance in the Russian Federation enlisted in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on payment of funded pension


1 02 02020 06 0000 160

659 655,6

The insurance premiums for mandatory pension insurance in the Russian Federation enlisted in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (for settlement periods from 2002 to 2009 inclusive)


1 02 02030 06 0000 160

275 710,7

The insurance premiums for mandatory pension insurance in the Russian Federation enlisted in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on payment of insurance pension (for settlement periods from 2002 to 2009 inclusive)


1 02 02031 06 0000 160

248 810,0

The insurance premiums for mandatory pension insurance in the Russian Federation enlisted in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on payment of funded pension (for settlement periods from 2002 to 2009 inclusive)


1 02 02032 06 0000 160

26 900,7

Additional insurance premiums for funded pension and fees of the employer for benefit of the insured persons paying the additional insurance premiums for funded pension enlisted in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation


1 02 02041 06 0000 160

7 114 369,7

The fees of the organizations using work of members of flight crews of aircrafts of civil aviation, enlisted in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on payment of pension supplements


1 02 02080 06 0000 160

5 655 767,3

Insurance premiums for mandatory pension insurance in the amount of, determined proceeding from the cost of insurance year, enlisted in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on payment of insurance pension (for the settlement periods which expired till January 1, 2013)


1 02 02100 06 0000 160

2 315 751,7

Insurance premiums for mandatory pension insurance in the amount of, determined proceeding from the cost of insurance year, enlisted in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on payment of funded pension (for the settlement periods which expired till January 1, 2013)


1 02 02110 06 0000 160

402 803,7

The fees paid by the organizations of the coal industry to the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on payment of pension supplement


1 02 02120 06 0000 160

1 854 333,0


1 02 02130 06 0000 160

73 127 612,3

The insurance premiums on additional rate for the insured persons occupied on the corresponding work types specified in Item 1 of part 1 of article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 to No. 400-FZ "About insurance pensions" enlisted in the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on payment of insurance pension


1 02 02131 06 0000 160

21 432 910,0


1 02 02132 06 0000 160

51 694 702,3

The insurance premiums for mandatory pension insurance in the fixed size enlisted in the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on payment of insurance pension


1 02 02140 06 0000 160

74 739 142,1

The insurance premiums for mandatory pension insurance in the fixed size enlisted in the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on payment of funded pension


1 02 02150 06 0000 160

658 136,1

Taxes on comprehensive income


1 05 00000 00 0000 000

11 351,8

The tax levied in connection with application of simplified taxation system


1 05 01000 00 0000 110

11 351,8

The minimum tax enlisted in budgets of state non-budgetary funds (paid (collected) for the tax periods which expired till January 1, 2011)


1 05 01030 01 0000 110

11 351,8

Debt and recalculations on the cancelled taxes, charges and other obligatory payments


1 09 00000 00 0000 000

1 130 180,5

Shortage, penalty fee and penalties on insurance premiums


1 09 08000 00 0000 140

849 654,2

Shortage, penalty fee and penalties on pension fund contributions of the Russian Federation


1 09 08020 06 0000 140

849 654,2

The insurance premiums in the form of fixed payment enlisted in the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (on the settlement periods which expired till January 1, 2010)


1 09 10000 06 0000 160

280 526,3


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