of October 11, 2016 No. 710
About effective use of public funds
For the purpose of effective use of public funds the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve actions for effective and rational use of the public funds provided for content of public authorities and other state bodies, formed by public authorities of the companies, organizations and the organizations which use means of the government budget, according to appendix.
2. To the public treasurer service to make payments:
1) in first-priority procedure in full - on expenses of the general fund of the government budget on compensation of employees of budgetary institutions; charges on the salary; on expenses on repayment and servicing of public debt, accomplishment of warranty obligations by the state; on expenses of the government budget on financial provision of pension payment, the allowances and increases to pensions appointed according to pension plans and deficit of means of the Pension fund of Ukraine; on expenses of the Pension fund of Ukraine and funds of obligatory national social insurance; on costs for covering of temporary cash gaps of the Pension fund of Ukraine; on expenses of the general fund of the government budget on social security; on expenses of the government budget on implementation of actions concerning prevention of distribution and fight against sharp respiratory disease of COVID-19, of SARS-CoV-2, caused by coronavirus and its consequences; on expenses of the general fund of the government budget on acquisition of medicines and dressings; providing with food; program implementation of the state guarantees of medical attendance of the population; payment of utilities and energy carriers; current transfers to local budgets; other protected expenses; fee and expense recoveries of lawyers which provide free secondary legal assistance; researches and developments, separate actions for accomplishment of the state (regional) programs, subsidies and the current transfers to the companies (organizations and the organizations) regarding compensation with charges, grants, payments of utilities and energy carriers, acquisition of clothes, footwear, soft stock and equipment for pupils from among the orphan children and children deprived of parent guardianship; providing with fuels and lubricants, fire-proof and rescue equipment; on expenses of the government budget on national security and defense, including the expenses connected with carrying out transaction of the Integrated forces; on expenses at the expense of means of budget reserve fund; on actions for accomplishment of the judgments which are guaranteed by the state; on expenses of special fund of the government budget on compensation of employees of budgetary institutions and charges on the salary, social security, payment of utilities and energy carriers, acquisition of medicines and dressings, providing with food; projects implementation within Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes of the European tool of the neighbourhood 2014-2020; on payment of expenses which are performed in obligation fulfillment according to international treaties with international financial institutions, in particular, concerning joint financing of projects of social and economic development; on payment for work and the actions performed in pursuance of the Nation-wide program of removal from operation of the Chernobyl NPP and transformation of object "Shelter" on ecologically safe system, works on strengthening of barrier functions of exclusion zone;
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