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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

September 14, 2016

No. 1254/29384


of August 22, 2016 No. 859

About approval of the Instruction about order of interaction between Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations, National police of Ukraine and National guard of Ukraine in the field of prevention and emergency response, the fires and dangerous events

According to Items 47 and 48 of the Regulations on single state system of civil protection approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 9, 2014 No. 11 and for the purpose of reduction of regulatory legal acts in the field of civil protection in compliance with the current legislation I order:

1. Approve the Instruction about order of interaction between Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations, National police of Ukraine and National guard of Ukraine in the field of prevention and emergency response, the fires and dangerous events which is applied.

2. To heads of territorial authorities of GSChS, territorial authorities of National police, chiefs of territorial administrations of National guard of Ukraine in two-month time from the date of entry into force of this order to develop plans of interaction in the field of prevention and emergency response, the fires and dangerous events, to organize interaction according to the tasks determined by the Instruction.

3. Declare invalid the order of the Ministry of Ukraine concerning emergency situations and for protection of the population against effects of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine against April 3, 2007 No. 205/105 "About approval of the Instruction about order of interaction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs on prevention and emergency response of technogenic and natural nature", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 13, 2007 for No. 341/13608.

4. To department of forming of policy for authorities under control to the Minister and monitoring of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Bodnar V. E.) provide submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.

5. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

6. I reserve control of execution of this order.


A. B. Avakov

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of August 22, 2016 No. 859

The instruction about order of interaction between Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations, National police of Ukraine and National guard of Ukraine in the field of prevention and emergency response, the fires and dangerous events

I. General provisions

1. This Instruction determines order of interaction between Public service of Ukraine by emergency situations, National police of Ukraine and National guard of Ukraine during execution of the joint actions for prevention and emergency response, the fires and dangerous events.

2. The direct organization and coordination of works on mitigation of consequences of emergency situations, the fires and dangerous events are performed according to articles 76 and 80 of the Code of civil protection of Ukraine and the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of December 26, 2014 No. 1406 "About approval of the Regulations on the headquarters on mitigation of consequences of emergency situation and Types of operating-technical and reporting documentation of the headquarters on mitigation of consequences of emergency situation", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on January 16, 2015 for No. 47/26492.

3. Interaction forms:

exchange of information about threat or emergence of emergency situations, the fires and dangerous events in different regions of the country;

holding the joint operational meetings of the Chairman of GSChS or its deputies with the Chairman (deputies) of National police of Ukraine and the Commander (deputies) of National guard of Ukraine, heads of territorial authorities of GSChS with heads territorial (including interregional) bodies of National police of Ukraine (further - territorial authorities of National police of Ukraine) and operational and territorial associations of National guard of Ukraine;

implementation of joint actions for plans of interaction of governing bodies and forces of civil protection in case of emergency situation (further - plans of interaction) which are developed at regional and local levels;

conducting joint exercises and trainings;

implementation of other actions provided by the current legislation.

4. Interaction is performed:

at the national level between the device GSChS, the office of the central governing body of National police of Ukraine and principal organ of military management of National guard of Ukraine;

at the regional level between territorial authorities of GSChS, territorial authorities of National police of Ukraine and bodies of military management of operational and territorial associations of National guard of Ukraine;

at the local level between divisions of GSChS, departments (departments) in areas, the cities, areas in the cities of National police of Ukraine and military units of National guard of Ukraine.

II. Organization and implementation of joint actions

1. Actions for mitigation of consequences of emergency situations, fires and dangerous events in the territory of Ukraine are performed by forces of civil protection, including divisions of operational rescue service of civil protection, with involvement of bodies of National police of Ukraine and divisions of National guard of Ukraine according to the tasks assigned to them.

2. The organization of joint actions consists of stages of preliminary preparation and operational preparation.

3. At stage of preliminary preparation by the parties which interact are performed:

plan developments of interaction at the regional and local levels;

mutual informing;

determination of amounts and the sequence of collateral actions in case of mitigation of consequences of emergency situation, the fire and dangerous event;

approval of procedure for management and interaction of divisions in case of accomplishment of general tasks, and also questions of material logistics.

4. At stage of operational preparation are performed:

joint determination of the locations, meetings of staff and procedure of the joint actions connected with prevention of origin and mitigation of consequences of emergency situations, the fires and dangerous events;

assessment of on-scene situation of threat or emergence of emergency situation, fire or dangerous event, condition and opportunities of the available forces and means;


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