of September 30, 2016 No. 521
About approval of Safety rules during the explosive works
For the purpose of safety and environmental protection when carrying out explosive works, according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About explosive materials of industrial function", articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:
1. Approve Safety rules during the explosive works according to appendix.
2. This resolution becomes effective after one month from the date of official publication.
1. These rules of safety during the explosive works establish requirements to the subjects of turnover of explosive materials performing the activities connected with turnover of explosive materials of industrial function and are applied if other requirements are not established by the Technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of explosives and products on their basis" (TR CU 028/2012).
2. These rules establish requirements to the device and operation of stationary Items of production of the granulated and water containing explosives of industrial function, intermediate components, mixes, emulsions for production of the specified explosives (further - production Items) and Items of preparation for application (rastarivaniye of explosives of factory production and their loading in charging transport vehicles) explosives of factory production.
3. Requirements of these rules extend to all Items of production and preparation of the granulated and water containing explosives of industrial function (further - explosives) placed on surface and in underground developments of mines and mines.
Requirements of these rules do not extend to production of explosives in portable mixing and charging machines.
4. All industrial explosive materials (explosives, means of initiation and the prostrelochno-explosive equipment) belong to 1 class of danger and are divided into groups of compatibility at storage and transportation (appendix 1 to these rules), subclasses on sensitivity (appendix 2 to these rules) and classified under the terms of application (appendix 3 to these rules).
5. All explosive materials shall be subjected to tests by the organizations consumers for the purpose of determination of suitability for storage and application:
in case of revenues to warehouse of explosive materials (further - warehouse VM) the organizations consumers (incoming inspection);
in case of doubts in high quality (on external survey or in case of unsatisfactory results of explosive works - incomplete explosions, refusals);
before the expiration of warranty period if such possibility of prolongation of warranty period is provided by documentation on the corresponding explosive materials.
It is allowed not to carry out testing in case of intake of explosive materials with basic on account warehouse VM, belonging one organization.
Testing shall be carried out in laboratories of warehouses VM or on polygons according to requirements of standards, specifications (the instruction, the application guide) on the corresponding explosive materials.
Results of testing are drawn up by the act, with the subsequent log entry of accounting of testing of explosive materials, according to appendices 4 and 5 to these rules.
It is forbidden to apply and store explosive materials with the expired warranty period.
6. Drying, crushing, sifting and thawing of explosives shall be carried out in the rooms (the building of preparation of explosive materials) intended for these purposes and located in the territory of warehouse VM or on the open areas with canopy located in the territory of polygons for testing and destruction of explosive materials. The specified rooms and platforms shall be constructed on the projects which passed the examination of industrial safety.
7. Drying, crushing, sifting of explosives and filling of covers can be carried out only to dry weather, with hit exception in explosives of sand and dust in the open air.
8. It is possible dry the cartridges of explosives on the basis of ammonium nitrate having humidity to % 1,5 in original packing. In case of humidity of more 1,5 of % cartridges dry in bulk. Air temperature in rooms for drying of explosives shall be not above 50 °C. Drying of smoky gunpowder needs to be carried out at temperature not above 40 °C.
When drying explosives tables and regiments on which they are displayed indoors shall be at distance at least 1 m from the heating surfaces (furnaces, pipes, radiators).
9. For drying of industrial explosives it is allowed to use air dryers (cases, cameras) with temperature of heat carriers (air) not above 60 °C for explosives, sensibilized trotyl, and for explosives, sensibilized nitroair, - with temperature not above 30 °C. The heater with the blower shall be placed in the isolated room or extension.
10. It is forbidden to crush the explosives containing hexogen and nitroair.
11. Thawing of explosives needs to be carried out in original packing, in superficial warehouses, in the heated rooms, in case of air temperature not above 30 °C or in underground warehouses VM. For control of thawing it is necessary to keep record of time of receipt and issue of each batch.
12. About each destruction of explosive materials the statement with indication of quantity and names of the destroyed explosive materials, the reasons and method of destruction is drawn up. The statement is drawn up in duplicate which are transferred to warehouse VM and to accounts department of the organization.
13. The place for destruction of explosive materials needs to be equipped according to the project which passed the examination of industrial safety. At the same time the danger area shall be determined.
14. Destruction of explosive materials is carried out by blasters under control of the head of explosive works.
15. Destruction of explosive materials detonation needs to be carried out by means of high-quality explosive materials: patronirovanny explosives are liable to destruction packs, and detonators, the detonating cords and pyrotechnic relays - in any packaging by the methods excluding dispersion of not blown up products.
16. Burning the explosive materials which are not giving in to detonation are liable to destruction. It is forbidden to destroy burning detonators and products with them.
Safe distances in case of combustion of explosive materials shall be calculated as in case of detonation of the corresponding amount of explosives.
17. Combustion of explosive materials is allowed to be carried out only to dry weather in the quantities established by management (instruction) for application.
18. Explosives, safety fuses and the detonating cords need to be burned separately, and on fire it is allowed to burn at one time no more than 20 kg. In case of destruction of gunpowder burning they shall be scattered by paths no more than 30 cm wide at thickness of layer up to 10 cm and distance between them at least 5 m. It is at the same time allowed to set fire to no more than three paths with gunpowder.
Cartridges of explosives when burning need to be displayed in one layer so that they did not adjoin.
The gunpowder concluded in covers shall be destroyed according to the procedure, established by specifications.
19. It is forbidden to burn explosive materials in their container. Before combustion of explosives it is necessary to be convinced of lack of means of initiation (detonation) in them.
20. For firing of fire with explosive materials it is necessary to lay ogneprovodny cord or path from flammable material, at least 5 m long alee. After firing the blaster shall leave immediately to the shelter or out of limits of the danger area.
Firing shall be carried out only after the end of all preparatory work and conclusion of people to the safe place.
21. Approach to the place of burning before complete cessation of burning of fire with explosive materials is forbidden.
22. Dissolution in water allowed to destroy only not waterproof explosives on the basis of ammonium nitrate which are not containing nitroair and hexogen.
Dissolution is allowed to be carried out in barrels and other similar vessels, at the same time environmental pollution is not allowed.
The insoluble deposit shall gather and be destroyed by burning.
23. Upon termination of destruction of explosive materials the personnel performing works shall be convinced of elimination of products with explosives.
24. The exempted container shall be carefully cleared of remaining balance of explosives.
The container, unsuitable to use, and container with traces of exudate shall be destroyed by burning separately from explosive materials.
25. Are prohibited issue of explosive materials from warehouse in the presence of ekssudation on surfaces of cartridges and use of the frozen together explosives containing liquid nitroair over 15%, and also accomplishment with them any actions which are not connected with thawing.
26. Acceptance of explosive materials, their loading and unloading in the organizations conducting explosive works is carried out in the specially allotted, protected place (on the handling platform) and under observation of the nominated person having the right of management of explosive works.
The handling platform is equipped according to the project. On the platform persons which do not have relations to loading (unloading) of explosive materials shall not be allowed.
27. The organization shall provide control of the number of all arrived places with explosive materials in case of their acceptance on the handling platform.
28. The handling platform shall:
be protected with barbed wire at distance at least 15 m from the shipping place (unloading) of vehicles. Height of fencing shall constitute at least 2 m;
be lit in night-time with stationary electric lighting or miner accumulator lamps. Knife switches in normal execution 50 m from the shipping place (unloading) of explosive materials are allowed to have at distance not closer;
be provided with necessary fire-proof means;
have means of communication with the organization, the railway station, authorized bodies in the field of internal affairs and emergency situations. The means of communication shall be established in the guard house located not further 50 m from the shipping place (unloading) of explosive materials;
be protected for the entire period of carrying out handling works.
Places (platform) of unloading, loading and sediment of rail cars with explosive materials shall be removed from residential and production buildings, from the main stationary railway tracks on distance at least 125 m.
29. Joint transportation of explosive materials within hazardous production facility is made only in case of accomplishment of the following requirements:
1) explosive materials of one group of compatibility, but different subclasses can be transported jointly on condition of application to them in general security measures as to the explosive materials having subclass 1.1;
2) explosive materials of group of compatibility of N can be transported with explosive materials of group of compatibility of S;
3) joint transportation within hazardous production facility of explosives, means of initiation and the prostrelochno-explosive equipment is allowed only on permission of the head (technical lead) of the organization conducting explosive works or person designated by it, in case of observance of the following conditions:
loading of the vehicle no more than 2/3 its load-carrying capacities;
investment of funds of initiation in front part of the vehicle in the special, densely closed boxes, with internal soft laying from all directions;
separation of packagings with explosives and boxes with means of initiation by the methods excluding transfer of detonation from the last;
placement of gunpowder of group C and perforating charges in original packing or in special boxes is not closer than m 0,5 from other explosive materials;
fixing of boxes and other container with explosive materials by the methods excluding blows and friction their friend about the friend.
30. In all other cases transportation within hazardous production facility of explosive materials of different groups of compatibility shall be performed separately.
31. Transportation of explosive materials from warehouse VM on work locations (within hazardous production facility) shall be carried out along routes, the established head (technical lead) of the organization conducting explosive works or person designated by it.
32. Delivery with the explosive materials issued to them is allowed to work locations of blasters only in the vehicles intended for this purpose. Presence at vehicles of foreign personnel on delivery of explosive materials is not allowed.
33. Delivery of explosive materials in underground conditions is allowed by all types and means of mine transport which are specially equipped for these purposes.
34. Delivery of the granulated explosives containing trotyl, hexogen and nitroair under dead load on pipes (the surrounded wells) on the working horizons (underground Items) of mines, mines is forbidden.
35. Transportation of explosive materials on mine trunk is forbidden during descent and raising of people. When loading, unloading, movement of explosive materials on mine trunk in the okolostvolny yard and the nadshakhtny building about trunk presence only of the blaster, the distributor loading and unloading explosive materials of workers, the banksman, stem and persons responsible for delivery of explosive materials is allowed.
36. Descent rise of explosive materials on trunk of the mine shall be carried out only after the notification on it by the head of explosive works responsible for rise, delivery (descent) of explosive materials, dispatchers (the person on duty on the mine).
Boxes and sacks with explosive materials shall occupy no more than 2/3 heights of the floor of cage, but not above cage doors.
During descent in trolleys boxes and sacks with explosive materials shall not act above boards of trolleys, and trolleys need to be fixed in cage firmly.
Means of initiation shall lower (to lift) separately from explosives.
Boxes and bags with detonators shall be placed on height in one row.
37. During descent rise of blasters with explosive materials and carriers with explosives on inclined developments in human trolleys on each seat there shall be no more than one blaster or the carrier.
Delivery of explosives by belt conveyers and rope and chair roads according to established in the mine (mine) rather is allowed.
38. It is allowed to go down or rise at the same time in one cage to several blasters with bags with explosive materials and to carriers with bags with explosives at the rate of 1 sq.m of floor of cage by one person on the floor. Each of specified persons is allowed to have in case of himself the these rules of amount of explosive materials which were no more specified in Items 49 and 50.
Descent rise of blasters with explosive materials and carriers with explosives shall be carried out out of turn.
39. Transportation of explosive materials on underground developments shall be performed with speed no more than 5 m/s. The driver shall put into operation and stop the hoist engine, the winch, electric locomotive smoothly, without pushes.
40. Transportation of explosive materials in underground developments by vehicles shall be carried out in case of observance of the following conditions:
1) handling works with explosive materials is allowed to be carried out only in the established places;
2) in emergencies the place of handling works determines person responsible for delivery of explosive materials;
3) in transit in one railroad train explosives and means of initiation shall be in the different trolleys divided by such number of empty trolleys in case of which the distance between trolleys with explosives and means of initiation, and also between these trolleys and electric locomotive would be at least 3 m. In structure there shall not be trolleys loaded except explosive materials, other loads;
4) detonators shall be transported in vehicles, futerovanny by tree and closed by continuous cover from fireproof materials inside. Boxes, and also bags and cartridges with these means of initiation shall be shifted by soft material and are placed on height in one row. Other explosive materials are allowed to be transported in regular vehicles, loading them to boards;
5) transportation of explosives by contact electric locomotives shall be carried out in the trolleys closed by continuous cover from fireproof materials. The granulated explosives are allowed to be covered with fireproof fabric;
6) vehicles (structures) with explosive materials in front and behind shall have special light identification marks with which value it is necessary to acquaint all working;
7) in transit explosive materials on excavations the drivers of counter transport and people passing on these developments shall stop and pass the vehicle with explosive materials;
8) the transport drivers and all persons connected with transportation (delivery) of explosive materials shall be instructed about security measures;
9) in case of transportation of explosive materials shall be nobody rail transport in the train, except the driver of electric locomotive, the blaster or the distributor, and also workers connected with transportation of explosive materials; accompanying persons shall be in human trolley at the end of the train. Escort of the train on foot is allowed provided that its speed does not exceed the speed of movement of accompanying persons;
10) transportation of explosive materials in specially equipped trolleys, containers, other reservoirs closed on the lock and which are sealed up in warehouse of explosive materials is allowed without accompanying persons;
11) persons who are directly participating in transportation of explosive materials shall be provided with self-rescuers.
Delivery ammoniac selitrennykh explosives in underground developments in buckets of load-haul-dumpers from local Items of storage and emptying points of explosive materials to venues of explosive works on condition of loading of ladle no more than 2/3 on its height is allowed. At the same time the ladle shall be cleared of remaining balance of the transported loads. Means of initiation shall be delivered separately.
41. Technical operability of the vehicles used for delivery of explosive materials shall monthly and every shift during preparation of explosive works be checked by person designated by the order (order) of the organization. In case of restart-up of explosives on pipelines audit of reservoirs, pipes and shutoff valves needs to be carried out according to the procedure, established by the order (order) of the organization.
42. Loading of trolleys and other vehicles explosives on the surface of the mine needs to be carried out on the platform having barrier.
43. In underground developments of trolley with explosives it is necessary to create in structures and to deliver direct to the area of preparation of explosion or to place in specially equipped developments - sediment Items. Each place of concentration of explosives needs to be provided with at least than four foam fire extinguishers, and also the fire trunk, sleeve or hose connected to the fire-proof water highway.
44. The system of the alarm system between the driver of electric locomotive and accompanying persons in case of transportation of explosives on underground developments affirms the technical lead of the organization conducting explosive works or person designated by it.
45. Descent rise of explosive materials in case of driving of the holes equipped with manual necks and winches needs to be carried out with observance of the following conditions:
1) in face there shall not be faces which are not tied with explosive works;
Descent rise of explosive materials to perform 2) to at least than two persons;
Neck or the winch to equip 3) with ratchet devices or automatically the operating brakes, and trailing hook - the safety lock;
Descent rise of explosives to carry out 4) separately from means of initiation.
46. Descent rise of explosive materials using winches on the rising developments (furnaces) shall be performed according to the organization of works and the passport of installation of the winch approved by the head of the mine (mine).
47. Explosives and means of initiation manually it is necessary to deliver to production sites of explosive works separately, in bags, cartridges, original packing.
48. Means of initiation or fighters with detonators are transferred only by blasters, at the same time they shall be located in bags with the tough cells (cartridges, boxes) covered inside with soft material. Delivery of explosives can be performed by the instructed workers under observation of blasters.
49. In case of joint delivery manually of means of initiation and explosives the blaster shall transfer no more than 12 kg of explosive materials. The mass of the fighters transferred by the blaster shall not exceed 10 kg.
50. When transferring in bags of out-of-pocket explosives of initiation increase in regulation up to 24 kg is allowed.
51. When transferring explosives in original packing their quantity shall be within existing rules of transferring of weights.
52. Motor transport used for transportation of explosive materials shall meet the requirements of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of safety of transportation of dangerous goods.
53. Transportations of explosive materials automobile, railway and air are performed by modes of transport according to regulatory legal acts in the field of transportations on the specified modes of transport.
54. To direct management of the engineering procedures connected with turnover of explosive materials on production facilities, including development, to approval and approval of the technical, methodical and other documents regulating procedure for accomplishment of explosive works and works with explosive materials (further - technical guidance explosive works), allow persons having mining (the highest or average professional) the education or education connected with turnover of explosive materials.
55. In all cases heads of explosive works shall pass examination of the qualification commission under the chairmanship of the representative of the authorized state body equipped with special allowing functions and enabling the realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the field of industrial safety (further - authorized body).
56. The right of technical guidance is granted to persons which graduated from the highest, and also average educational institutions in "Open mining operations" by explosive works in mines (underground mines) after additional training in the program approved with authorized body and examination.
57. In other cases to persons having the higher or secondary mining education, the vocational profile education connected with turnover of explosive materials the right of technical guidance explosive works it is granted after additional training in the program approved with authorized body and examination.
58. The right of management of explosive works, works with explosive materials shall be had:
1) on objects of the mining industry and underground construction where explosive works are conducted:
heads of the organizations (objects) or their deputies (technical directors, chief engineers);
deputy technical leads (chief engineers);
chiefs of production departments and their deputies;
chief technologists (technologists);
chiefs mountain (gornokapitalny, operational, driving) sites (workshops) and their deputies;
chiefs of sites (workshops) or services of drilling-and-blasting (explosive) works;
chiefs of changes, mechanics of sites, mine foremen, mountain dispatchers, chiefs of driving and their deputies;
2) in the organizations for oil or gas production, and also in the geological and geophysical organizations where explosive works are conducted:
heads of the organizations (objects) (directors, managing directors, chiefs);
technical leads (chief engineers) and their deputies;
chief geologists (geophysics) and their deputies, senior geologists (geophysics);
senior engineers and mining and explosive operations engineers;
foremen of mining and drilling operations;
chief (seniors) mechanics and power engineering specialists and their deputies;
chiefs of sites and workshops and their deputies, chiefs of changes, mine foremen;
3) in research institutions (organizations), design offices (organizations) using explosive materials:
deputy managers of the organizations, chief engineers, their deputies for explosive works and (or) works with explosive materials;
heads of the relevant departments of laboratories and their deputies, heads of subjects, chiefs of departments of labor protection, corresponding specialists;
4) in higher educational institutions:
vice rectors for educational (scientific) work when training (carrying out research works) at two and more faculties;
deans and managers of departments at which training or accomplishment of research works is conducted;
managers of laboratories and heads of subjects, heads (chiefs) of departments of labor protection;
5) in the organizations specializing in accomplishment of explosive works and also in specialized divisions of the mining and construction organizations, the leading explosive works:
heads of such organizations, technical leads, chief technologists, heads of technological departments and their deputies, heads of specialized departments (divisions) and their deputies, heads of services (sites, departments) and their deputies, senior foremen, foremen and masters;
6) on objects of not mountain nature (processing of materials energy of explosion, korchevka of stubs, other objects) on which explosive works are performed without involvement of contract organizations:
technical leads or their deputies, heads of workshops (sites) on production of explosive works and their deputies, the senior foremen, foremen, chiefs of changes, general foremen, masters, other persons who are directly leading explosive works.
Other specialists of the organizations exercising control of conducting explosive works within job descriptions.
59. The personnel connected with turnover of explosive materials (the blasters managing warehouses VM, managers of charging workshops, the distributors of explosive materials, laboratory assistants of warehouses VM, workers servicing Items of the mechanized preparation, Items of production of explosives, mixing and charging and charging machines, and other faces by the nature of the activities connected with turnover of explosive materials) for receipt of the right of work with explosive materials (the right of production of explosive works) shall undergo the corresponding training and not have medical contraindications.
60. Persons can receive profession of the blaster:
in the mines dangerous on gas or dust, - 22 years having length of service on underground occupational works of the drifter or working clearing face at least two years are not younger;
at all other explosive works - 20 years having length of service at least one year in the specialty, the organization corresponding to profile of works are not younger.
61. The nomenclature of the specialties allowing to receive profession of the blaster is developed by the specialized organization (training center) and approved with authorized body.
62. Blasters, including the blasters servicing mixing and charging and charging machines and devices, and also managers of warehouses VM, managers of the mechanized Items of preparation of VM and charging workshops, workers of other professions connected with turnover of explosive materials shall be trained according to the programs developed and approved by the organizations in coordination with authorized body.
63. To blasters the right of conducting explosive works to the following types is granted:
1) general views of explosive works:
explosive works in underground developments and on the surface of the coal and slate mines dangerous on gas or developing the layers dangerous on dust explosions;
explosive works in underground developments and on the surface of the coal and slate mines not dangerous on gas or developing the layers not dangerous on dust explosions;
explosive works in underground developments and on the surface of mines (objects of the ore mining and nonmetallic industry) dangerous on gas or dust;
explosive works in underground developments and on the surface of mines (objects of the ore mining and nonmetallic industry) not dangerous on gas or dust;
explosive works on open-cast mountain minings;
2) special types of explosive works:
explosive works in case of seismic exploration, and also during the prostrelochno-explosive and other works in oil, gas, water and other wells;
loosening of frozen soil, on swamps, ice detonation;
processing of materials (cutting, welding, hardening) energy of explosion; roll of buildings, constructions, crushing of the bases and caked ore;
korchevka of stubs, wood roll, loosening of the frozen together firewood and balances, liquidation of jams in case of timber rafting, fight against wildfires;
explosive works in underground developments and on the surface of oil mines;
explosive works during the carrying out tunnels and construction of hydraulic engineering constructions;
explosive works when carrying out exploration developments;
explosive works in case of destruction of explosive devices on the land surface;
the explosive works connected with use of explosive materials in the scientific and educational purposes.
64. Blasters can be allowed to examination on several work types provided that their health, preparation, age and production years of service conform to the established requirements.
65. Training programs, connected with turnover of explosive materials, are developed for: the blasters managing warehouses of explosive materials, distributors of explosive materials, blasters of mixing and charging, charging machines and devices, operators of stationary Items of production of explosive materials of industrial function and also for other professions connected with turnover of explosive materials.
66. Upon termination of training blasters and the personnel connected with turnover of explosive materials take examination of the qualification commission under the chairmanship of the representative of authorized body.
Results of acceptance of examinations are drawn up by the protocol signed by members of the qualification commission.
67. On special rates the specialized organization (training center) in which training was provided shall keep orders, protocols of acceptance of examinations and other documentation on training of the personnel connected with turnover of explosive materials.
One copy of the protocol is transferred to authorized body and is the basis for registration, registration and certification of the blaster.
68. Persons having the right of management of explosive works are allowed to work as blasters without training, after examination of the qualification commission of authorized body and passing of training within a month.
69. In the organizations using explosive materials in the research, experimental and educational purposes the research associates, teachers and laboratory assistants having the certificate of the blaster and who passed training within 10 days under the leadership of the experienced specialist (person having years of service of explosive works at least 5 years) are allowed to works with explosive materials.
70. The blaster is allowed to independent production of explosive works only after work as the trainee within one month under the leadership of the experienced blaster (person having years of service of explosive works at least 5 years).
71. Training duration for the other persons studying the professions connected with turnover of explosive materials is determined by appropriate programs.
72. The place of passing of training of the personnel connected with turnover of explosive materials, its terms and the head are determined by the order by the organization.
73. Upon termination of training (before training) the qualification certificate - the certificate of the blaster is issued to blasters and the personnel connected with turnover of explosive materials.
74. For the aid to the blaster it is allowed to appoint assistants. They shall be instructed and under direct management and control of the blaster can perform the works which are not connected with turnover of means of initiation and cartridges fighters.
75. Shall be issued to the workers occupied with preparation of explosions (works with explosive materials) under instruction list, the providing security measures and obligations in case of the treatment of explosive materials.
76. Persons having the right of management of explosive works or the blasters, distributors of explosive materials who were trained according to the special program of training of managers of warehouses VM, passed examinations of the qualification commission and received the corresponding entry in the certificate shall be designated by managers of warehouses VM and the mechanized Items of preparation of explosives.
77. Persons having the certificate of the blaster and length of service the blaster in the corresponding conditions at least one year can manage short-term account or portable warehouses VM at geophysical works.
78. Managers of warehouses VM have no right to perform explosive works. The blasters who are carrying out explosive works are forbidden to carry out obligations of managers of warehouses VM.
79. Distributors of explosive materials in warehouses VM allowed to appoint the persons having education not below average, who were trained according to the program of training of distributors of the explosive materials which passed examinations of the qualification commission and received the certificate in the specialty. They are allowed to independent work after the training within 10 days.
80. The persons who had training according to the appropriate program, passed examinations of the qualification commission shall be designated by laboratory assistants of warehouses VM.
81. The persons who were trained according to the appropriate program, passed examinations of the qualification commission and received the certificate of the blaster are allowed to preparation of explosive materials on the mechanized Items. Such persons shall be allowed to independent work after the training within 10 days.
82. The qualification certificate - the certificate of the blaster (appendix 6 to these rules) is issued to the persons who were trained according to the special program and passed examinations of the qualification commission under the chairmanship of the representative of authorized body.
83. The certificate of the blaster consists directly of the certificate of the established form and the coupon of the prevention to it having single number and series. Certificates of the blaster are registered in authorized body.
The certificate and the coupon of the prevention are signed by the chairman of the qualification commission and the representative of the specialized organization (training center). The certificate is certified by seal authorized body.
Series for filling and accounting of certificates of the blaster is established by authorized body. Numbers of certificates of the blaster are assigned by authorized body in case of their registration and registration in the special magazine.
In the certificate types of explosive works to which accomplishment the blaster is allowed are specified.
In case of receipt of the certificate the blaster undersigns for the special magazine.
84. Upon transition to work to other organization the blaster keeps the right to production of that type of explosive works which is specified in the certificate of the blaster.
85. Certificates of the blaster during production of explosive works shall be directly at blasters.
The head of the organization conducting explosive works can establish other procedure for storage of certificates of the blaster. At the same time the possibility of verification of the specified certificates by monitoring bodies shall be provided.
86. In case of loss of the certificate of the blaster the duplicate is issued by authorized body on representation of the head of the organization conducting explosive works.
At the same time as a witness the blaster the record "duplicate" is made.
87. As a witness the blaster records about all training of blasters are made.
88. The coupon of the prevention for violation of established procedure of storage, transportation, use or accounting of explosive materials on representation of the authorized state body equipped with control and supervising functions in the field of industrial safety and exercising the state supervision in the field of industrial safety (further - authorized monitoring body), and officials of the organization conducting explosive works is withdrawn from the blaster. At the same time in the coupon the basis for its withdrawal is specified: number and date of the order (order) on withdrawal. The withdrawn coupon is stored together with personal card of the blaster in the organization.
The coupon of the prevention is recovered if the blaster within 6 months after withdrawal of the coupon of the prevention did not allow violations of established procedure of storage, transportation, use and accounting of explosive materials. The corresponding record about recovery is made in the coupon of the prevention.
In case of further violation by the blaster of requirements of established procedure of storage, transportation, use or accounting of explosive materials the coupon of the prevention is recovered only after examination by profession of the blaster according to requirements of these rules.
89. On representation of authorized monitoring body or officials of the organization conducting explosive works, the certificate of the blaster is withdrawn if the blaster allowed violation of established procedure of storage, transportation, use or accounting of explosive materials which brought or could lead to accident, accident or loss of explosive materials.
90. Certificates of the blasters deprived of the right of production of explosive works are transferred by management of the organization to authorized body for destruction.
Destruction of the withdrawn certificates of blasters is performed based on the decision of authorized body with entry in the special magazine.
Duplicates of the withdrawn certificates are not issued.
91. At least once in two years knowledge blasters of requirements for safety of explosive works shall be checked by the special commission under the chairmanship of the representative of authorized monitoring body.
92. According to the order of the technical lead of the organization or upon the demand of authorized monitoring body the extraordinary examination of the blaster can be carried out if violation by it of requirements for storage, transportation, use or accounting of explosive materials is established. The extraordinary examination of the blaster is made by the special commission of the organization without additional preparation.
93. In case of successful examination, blasters are allowed to independent work without passing of training.
94. The blasters who did not pass examinations lose the right of production of explosive works and can be allowed to repeated examination by the special commission only after retraining about what in the organization the order (order) shall be published.
95. Results of periodic and extraordinary examinations are drawn up by protocols and signed by members of the commission.
96. The procedure for maintaining and storage of documentation on preliminary training and examination of blasters is established by the order (order) of the organization conducting explosive works.
97. In case of transfer of blasters into new type of explosive works they shall undergo retraining according to the appropriate program approved in accordance with the established procedure and to pass examinations. Before the admission to independent production of new type of explosive works the blaster shall pass training within 10 days.
98. Upon transition to the coal (slate) mines dangerous on gas or dust, blasters shall have additional training in the mine according to the program approved with authorized body pass examinations of the qualification commission and pass training within 15 days; upon transition to mines, sverkhkategorny or dangerous on sudden emissions of coal, breed and gas, the training shall be held within 20 days.
99. Blasters after work stoppage by the profession are allowed over one year to independent accomplishment of explosive works only after passing an examination of the commission of the organization and training within 10 days. Blasters are allowed to passing an examination of the special commission without additional preparation by the order on the organization.
100. In case of receipt in the organization earlier all persons occupied at the explosive works and works with explosive materials which were not used explosive materials, the equipment and equipment shall be in addition acquainted with properties and features of again arrived explosive materials, the equipment and equipment.
101. Before issue electrodetonators shall be checked on appearance and electric resistance, and also are marked with assignment of individual indexes (index of the organization, index of the blaster).
When checking the electrodetonator shall be located in futerovanny metal pipe, for board or in the special device excluding defeat of people in case of explosion. Wires of electrodetonators after check of their resistance shall be closed nakorotko and to be in such provision until accession to explosive network. In case of accomplishment of this transaction on desktop of checking there shall be no more than 100 electrodetonators. Lighting sources on table shall not be.
102. Electroexplosive networks shall have operational isolation, reliable electric connections.
The ends of wires and veins of cables shall be smoothed carefully out, densely connected (are spliced) and connections (joints) are isolated by means of special clips.
In mines (mines) dangerous on gas or dust, wires of electrodetonators and electroexplosive network need to be connected only using contact clips.
103. The electroexplosive network shall be two-conductor. Use of water, the earth, pipes, rails, ropes as one of conductors is forbidden. Prior to loading the blaster shall inspect electroexplosive network and be convinced of its operability.
104. In mines (mines) dangerous on gas or dust, electrodetonators only with copper wires shall be applied. This requirement extends also to connecting and main wires (cables) of electroexplosive network.
105. The electroexplosive network shall be mounted in the direction from charge to current source.
106. In case of production of explosive works in each electrodetonator current by force shall arrive, the established technical documentation on product suffices.
107. The permanent explosive highway shall be at distance at least 100 m from the place of explosion.
108. After installation and survey of electroexplosive network it is necessary to check its tokoprovodimost. When checking tokoprovodimost of network the personnel shall be out of the danger area.
109. Before detonation of borehole and chamber charges the general resistance of all electroexplosive network shall be counted and then is measured from the safe place by electric devices. In case of discrepancy of sizes of the measured and settlement resistance more than for 10% it is necessary to eliminate the defects causing variations from the settlement resistance of electroexplosive network.
In case of impossibility to measure resistance of electroexplosive network it is allowed to be limited, on permission of the head of explosive works, to check of its tokoprovodimost.
110. It is necessary to give tension to electroexplosive network from the safe place established by the passport or the project of drilling-and-blasting (explosive) works. The explosive device (device) shall have special plugs for connection of the main wires of electroexplosive network.
It is allowed to connect the main wires to the explosive device (machine) only in the absence of people in the danger area.
When carrying out mass explosion it is possible to give tension to electroexplosive network only at the command of the head of explosive works.
111. The ends of wires of the mounted site of electroexplosive network shall be closed nakorotko until their connection to wires of the following site of electroexplosive network.
The ends of the main wires of electroexplosive network also shall be closed until their accession to plugs of the device or the device giving tension for detonation.
112. Connection of means of initiation to the detonating cord and explosive network is allowed to install only after the termination of direct charging and removal on safe distance of the people who are not connected with installation of explosive network, and also the equipment.
113. From all electroinstallations, cables, contact and open wires and other sources of the electric power (including sources of dangerous electromagnetic radiations) operating in zone of installation of electroexplosive network, stress shall be removed prior to installation of electroexplosive network.
In underground conditions it is necessary to include developments in which such network is mounted in zone of installation of electroexplosive network.
On the land surface the zone of installation of electroexplosive network shall join the surface limited to contour which on 50 m exceeds contour of electroexplosive network irrespective of height of suspension bracket of conductors of electric current, and during the prostrelochno-explosive works in wells - respectively on 10 m.
In case of impossibility of removal of tension from electric equipment measures of protection from the wandering currents (application of the protected electrodetonators, exception of reuse of connecting wires, application of special clips for isolation skrutok of wires), the organizations approved by the order (order), conducting explosive works shall be taken.
In case of installation of electroexplosive networks in underground developments it is allowed not to disconnect the fans of local airing which are in limits of the danger area, and also lighting power networks and the alarm system no more than 42 V with implementation of measures of protection of electrodetonators from impact of the wandering currents.
In necessary cases, in case of big inflow of water in trunks it is allowed not to remove stress from pumps, at the same time measures of protection from the wandering currents shall be taken.
In case of detonation by means of the electrodetonators resistant to the wandering currents and charges of static electricity, it is allowed to use in developments of big section during the loading and installation of network the special self-propelled equipment with lifting platforms.
114. Explosive devices (machines) and destructive stationary devices shall be stored in the places excluding access for strangers to them.
Keys from explosive devices (machines) in case of production of explosive works shall be at the blaster.
115. It is forbidden to carry out electric detonation directly from power, contact or lighting network.
116. In case of electric method of initiation of charges the contact of metal objects with wires of electrodetonators and electroexplosive network shall be excluded.
117. In case of detonation using electrodetonators exit of the blaster from the shelter after explosion is allowed only after airing, detachment of electroexplosive network from source of current and its short circuit nakorotko, but not earlier than in 5 min.
118. If when giving tension of explosion did not occur, the blaster shall disconnect electroexplosive network from the device (current source), to close nakorotko its ends, to take with himself key from the device (box in which there is destructive device) and only after that to find out cause of failure.
119. In each organization the procedure for storage, issue and maintenance of devices and devices of detonation, and also instrumentations shall be determined.
Explosive devices (machines) before issue to blasters shall be checked according to maintenance instructions for compliance to the established technical characteristics, including for the developed current, current impulse; in mines (mines) dangerous on gas or dust, besides, - on tension impulse duration.
120. Explosive devices of stationary explosive Items on the coal, slate mines and objects of geological exploration dangerous on gas or dust, shall be checked in places of their installation at least once in 15 days.
121. Work with the detonating cord (cutting, connection of pieces with each other), with the pyrotechnic relay, not electric and electronic systems of initiation shall be carried out by the methods specified in instructions (managements) the corresponding products.
122. Detonation of the main and duplicative networks of the detonating cord in all cases shall be carried out from one initiator.
123. Work with not electric systems of initiation with use of low-energy wave guides shall be performed according to instructions for their application. At the same time reliable connections of elements of systems shall be provided and be taken measures for the prevention of damage of wave guides in case of placement them on surface.
124. In case of initiation of not electric systems of initiation by electronic detonators, electrodetonators and caps detonators they shall be located cumulative dredging towards distribution of explosive impulse.
125. In case of detonation by these systems approach of the blaster to the place of explosion is allowed not earlier than in 5 minutes. If explosion did not happen, - that not earlier than in 15 minutes.
126. Remote detonation (radio detonation) is allowed to be performed in the presence of technical documentation and the corresponding equipment (radio station with the command block and executive blocks with radio receivers).
127. The command block with radio transmitter shall be established outside the danger area.
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