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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Moldova

of September 6, 2016 No. 1129


of September 6, 2016 No. 880

About approval of the Regulations on procedure, conditions and criteria for evaluation of office activities of the registrar of GP "State Registration Chamber"

For the purpose of implementation of provisions of parts (1-1) - (1-4) article 36 of the Law No. 220-XVI of October 19, 2007 on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve Regulations on procedure, conditions and criteria for evaluation of office activities of the registrar of GP "State Registration Chamber", according to appendix.

2. I undertake control over execution of this order.

Minister of Justice

Vladimir Chebotar


to the Order of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Moldova of September 6, 2016 No. 880

Regulations on procedure, conditions and criteria for evaluation of office activities of the registrar of the state company "State Registration Chamber"

I. General provisions

1. This Provision establishes procedure, conditions and criteria for evaluation of office activities of the registrar of GP "State Registration Chamber" (further - Chamber).

2. The purpose of assessment of office activities of the registrar consists in establishment of the professional training level, post compliance, encouragement of advanced training and increase in responsibility in case of execution of obligations by it.

3. Assessment consists in estimation of professional capabilities, tendencies, results of activities of the registrar, his behavior, the level of development and manifestation of professional qualities is proportional to requirements of post, and implies the following:

a) programming and organization of assessment;

b) evaluating;

c) approval of results and creation of protocols;

d) consideration and solution of possible appeals.

4. Assessment procedure is based on the following principles:

a) objectivity – creation of equal conditions of assessment for all registrars, providing impartial assessment on the basis of accurately designated criteria and single technique of assessment of level of competence and assessment of activities of the registrar;

b) transparency – provision in the order of all registrars of information on subject of the theoretical and practical tests (written and oral) concerning procedure for carrying out and the organization of assessment procedure, criteria for evaluation of activities of the registrar;

c) social equality – establishment based on the received results of the most competent persons, ensuring promotion in position, establishment of benefits, salary supplements and other increases to the salary, dismissal in case of discrepancy of post because of insufficient qualification that is established as a result of assessment.

5. Information on date and the venue of assessment is published in 30 calendar days prior to date on the official page of GP "State Registration Chamber".

II. Organization of office activities of the registrar

6. Assessment of office activities of the registrar will be organized and performed by Valuation committee of registrars (further – valuation committee).

7. President of Chamber:

a) approves the list of registrars to which assessment procedure is applied;

b) approves the schedule of accomplishment of assessment;

c) issues the order on results of assessment based on recommendations of valuation committee.

8. Vice-chairman of Chamber:

a) carries out the current assessment of activities of registrars;

b) develops response about activities and behavior of the registrar and sends it to Personnel department and secretarial works of Chamber at least in 14 calendar days prior to evaluating.

9. Personnel department and secretarial works of Chamber (further - Personnel department and the secretariat):

a) develops the list of registrars to which assessment procedure and the schedule of assessment of registrars will be applied, and after approval goes to registrars for acquaintance, but no later than 30 calendar days to assessment;

b) represents to valuation committee the personal record, the job description and withdrawal of the registrar;

c) after assessment applies to the personal record materials of written tests, the minutes of valuation committee, the estimative card in one copy signed by the chairman, the secretary and members of the commission who are present at meeting;

d) develops the draft of the order of the President of Chamber based on result of assessment.

10. Valuation committee:

a) considers documents of the personal record and response on activities of the registrar;

b) will organize estimative examination and interview;

c) estimates results of assessment of knowledge and their practical application;

d) makes the decision concerning result of assessment of the registrar;

e) develops recommendations for each registrar based on results of assessment.

11. The nominal structure of valuation committee affirms the order of the Minister of Justice.

12. Valuation committee consists of five members, one of whom the representative of the Ministry of Justice and four representatives of Chamber directed by the commission chairman, and in its absence the vice-chairman who with work is helped by the secretary.

13. The secretary of the commission is appointed the personnel manager and the secretariat which is not member of valuation committee.

14. Commission sessions are considered competent if on them most of members participates.

15. The decision of valuation committee is made by open voting, the members by a simple majority vote appointed.

16. Chairman of valuation committee:

a) presides over commission sessions;

b) will approve and controls activities of the commission;

c) provides observance of assessment procedure according to this Provision;

d) bears responsibility for activities of valuation committee.

17. The vice-chairman of valuation committee fulfills the chairman's duties in its absence.

18. Obligations of members of valuation committee:

a) participate in meetings of valuation committee and perform voting power in case of decision making and recommendations of valuation committee;

b) analyze data of responses, estimative cards, the test and estimate theoretical and practical knowledge of the registrar subjected to assessment;

c) ask questions to the registrar subjected to assessment;

d) vote by results of assessment;

e) sign protocols of estimative meeting at which participated;

f) require entering into protocols of separate opinion of rather made decisions and the offered recommendations.

19. Secretary of valuation committee:

a) prepares all materials necessary for activities of the commission, and represents them it to members;

b) reports the registrars subjected to assessment, date, the place and time of holding meeting of valuation committee;


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