of August 18, 2016 No. 177
About approval of the Main regulations on legislative metrology of RGML 16:2016 "Approval like measuring instruments in national system on metrology"
Based on the Art. 6, item (2) and St. (13), the item (5) - the item (14) the Law on metrology No. 19 of March 4, 2016 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, No. 100-105, to the Art. 190), I ORDER:
1. Approve the Main regulations on legislative metrology of RGML 16:2016 "Approval like measuring instruments in national system on metrology", according to appendix.
2. Declare invalid the Order of the Ministry of Economics No. 225 of December 31, 2013. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2014, No. 72-77, the Art. 374) which approved the Main regulations on legislative metrology, by RGML 16:2013 "National system on metrology. Approval like measuring instruments".
3. This Order becomes effective since October 15, 2016.
4. Publish this Order in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova and on the website of the Ministry of Economics.
5. Transfer this Order to National institute of metrology for placement on the website and publications in the Metrologia magazine.
Deputy. Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Affairs
Octavian Kalmyk
to the Order of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Moldova of August 18, 2016 No. 177
These General regulations on legislative metrology (further - Regulations) are developed based on the Law on metrology No. 19 of March 4, 2016 and belong to approval like measuring instruments based on results of the executed metrological testing.
Approval like the measuring instruments used in areas of public interest is one of methods of implementation of legislative metrological control, has as aim legitimation of measuring instruments and ensuring unity and accuracy of the measurements executed in the territory of the Republic of Moldova in case of introduction on the market and when commissioning these measuring instruments and it is provided as a result of successful carrying out metrological testing for the purpose of approval of type.
And in the Order of the Government No. 267 of 8.04.2014 for approval of the Technical regulation about non-automatic weight measuring devices of provision of these Regulations are not applied to the measuring instruments used in the areas of public interest listed in the Order of the Government No. 408 of 16.06.2015 for approval of the Technical regulation on provision in the market of measuring instruments
2. Approval of type is provided for:
1) one type of the gage determined by own technical and metrological characteristics;
2) for the family of measuring instruments determined by the producer;
3) node with measuring functions of one of the measuring instruments provided in transfers in the subitem 1) and the subitem 2) if the specific regulations corresponding to this gage determine it unambiguously and is established to it by technical and metrological requirements;
4) additional or auxiliary devices / components which influence results of the measurements which are carried out by the measuring instruments provided by transfers in subitems 1) – 4), which they treat.
3. Approval of type is provided to measuring instruments, used in the areas of public interest made or imported to the Republic of Moldova in bulk, small batches (to 10 pieces) or in single copies and which were not in operation earlier and have no approval of type.
4. Results of metrological testing for the purpose of approval of type and issued with respect thereto certificates in other countries if there are agreements (contracts) international (interstate) about mutual recognition are recognized.
5. The results of metrological testing for the purpose of approval of type of the EU executed in member countries of the European Union and the appropriate certificates issued on them are recognized.
6. The method of recognition of results of metrological testing for the purpose of approval of type and appropriate certificates is carried out according to the ordered procedures in the applied regulating documents from the field of metrology.
7. Persons involved in the activities connected with assignment of approval of type, inclusive with carrying out metrological testing for the purpose of approval of type shall provide confidentiality by means of the declaration of information concerning results of testing, design of measuring instruments and manufacturing techniques of measuring instruments, except for to information which is subject to publication.
8. These general regulations on legislative metrology do not extend to the measuring instruments used in areas of public interest, imported to the Republic of Moldova, made according to requirements of the regulating documents enacted till 1992. These measuring instruments used in areas of public interest are placed in the market after carrying out primary checking.
Terms according to the Law on metrology No. 19 of March 4, 2016 and SM SR Ghid ISO/CEI 99:2012 are applied to the correct interpretation of these regulations. The international dictionary on metrology (VIM) with the following amendments:
the certificate of approval of type – the document certifying that approval of type was provided;
the description of type - appendix to the certificate of approval of type which contains necessary descriptions for: identifications of type, explanation of its work, submission of technical and metrological characteristics, drawings metrological marking and compliance to the applied regulating documents from the field of legislative metrology;
metrological testing for the purpose of approval of type - set of transactions which are carried out on certain number of copies of one type of gage for the purpose of confirmation of conformity to requirements of the applied regulating documents from the field of legislative metrology concerning this gage;
metrological brand – appliance for drawing metrological marking;
gage type – the identification of measuring instrument established by the producer;
the approved type - final type or family of the measuring instruments allowed to application in areas of public interest, the decision on which approval is confirmed with issue of the certificate of approval of type.
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