of August 28, 1997 No. 1298
About the state system of the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations
For the purpose of enhancement of coordination of activities of the central and local executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the prevention and liquidation of the emergency situations caused by accidents, catastrophic crashes and natural disasters, decides ensuring single state policy in this Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan area:
1. Accept the offer of the State committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on emergency situations approved with the interested central and local executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan about creation of the State system of the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations.
2. Approve Regulations on the State system of the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations it (is applied).
The State system of the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations to assign the common directorship to authorized body in the field of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature.
3. Determine the main functions of the central executive bodies and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations according to appendix.
4. Declare invalid the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR of June 25, 1991 No. 395 "About creation of Republican system according to the prevention and actions in emergency situations".
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan
N. Balgimbayev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 28, 1997 No. 1298
1. This Provision determines the main objectives, the organization and procedure for functioning in the Republic of Kazakhstan of the State system of the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations.
2. The state system of the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations (GSChS) is intended for the prevention of the emergency situations (ES) * in peace and wartime, and in case of their origin - for liquidation of their effects (carrying out rescue, emergency and recovery and other urgent operations on elimination of direct danger to life and human health, recovery of life support of the population means. Recovery of objects and the territories, injured emergency situations, is not included into competence GSChS), safety of the population, protection of the surrounding environment and reduction of damage to subjects to managing.
Footnote. The prevention of the socio-political, international conflicts and mass riots and liquidation of their effects are not included into competence of system.
3. The main objectives of GSChS are:
carrying out single state policy in the field of the prevention and liquidation of emergency, protection of life and human health, material and cultural values, the surrounding environment in case of emergency in peace and wartime;
forming of system of organizational, economic and legal measures on ensuring protection of the population, the territories, technical and ecological safety;
determination of procedure for emergency response, elimination of their effects, investigations of the reasons of their origin;
organization of monitoring and informing population;
the organization of development and accomplishment of the state target and scientific and technical programs directed to the prevention of emergency, protection of the person and the circle its dwellings, increase in stability of functioning of subjects to managing and the social sphere in case of accidents, catastrophic crashes, natural and ecological disasters, epidemics, epizooty, epiphytoties;
ensuring high readiness of bodies and control centers, communication and warning systems, forces and means of GSChS to actions in emergency, work for their liquidation;
forecasting and assessment of social and economic effects of emergency; first-priority life support of affected population;
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The document ceased to be valid since October 22, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 12, 2015 No. 821