It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
March 12, 2015
No. 279/26724
of January 21, 2015 No. 11
About approval of Fire safety regulations for the companies and the organizations of road transport of Ukraine
According to article 18 of the Code of Civil protection of Ukraine I order:
1. Approve Fire safety regulations for the companies and the organizations of road transport of Ukraine (further - Rules) which are applied.
2. To department to ensure safety submission of this order in accordance with the established procedure on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
3. Declare invalid the order of the Ministry of transport of Ukraine of December 21, 1998 No. 527 "About approval of Fire safety regulations for the companies and the organizations of road transport of Ukraine", No. 157/3450 registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on March 11, 1999.
4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication, except Item 5 of the Section II of the Agreement which becomes effective in year after entry into force of this order.
5. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the First Deputy Minister Shulmeyster V. Yu.
A. Pivovarsky
It is approved: First Deputy Chairman Obshchego representative body of the party of employers at the national level |
A. Miroshnichenko |
Vice-chairman Obshchego of representative body of trade union associations |
S. M. Kondryuk |
Chairman of the Public regulatory service of Ukraine |
K. Lyapina |
First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, construction and housing and communal services of Ukraine |
V.E.Kistion |
Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine |
A. B. Avakov |
Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine |
Yu.Prodan |
Chairman of the State inspection of Ukraine on safety on the land transport |
V. M. Chernenko |
Chairman of Public service Ukraine on emergency situations |
S. Bochkovsky |
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine of January 21, 2015 No. 11
1. These rules are developed according to the Code of Civil protection of Ukraine and establish requirements for fire safety taking into account features of operation of wheel vehicles (further - KTS), systems of fire-proof appointment, fire extinguishing means, and also content of production rooms and the territories of the companies, organizations, organizations of all patterns of ownership operating KTS and physical persons - the entrepreneurs operating KTS for the purpose of implementation of economic activity (further - subjects of managing).
2. Action of these rules extends to subjects of managing who contain and (or) operate KTS.
3. In these rules terms are used in the values given in the Code of Civil protection of Ukraine.
4. Fire safety of subjects of managing is ensured by holding the organizational, technical and other actions directed to prevention of the fires, protection of people, decrease in possible property losses and reduction of negative ecological effects in case of the fires, creations of conditions for bystry challenge of fire divisions and successful suppression of the fires.
5. Organization of events on fire safety of subjects of managing is assigned to heads or persons authorized by them.
6. Obligations of the Parties are determined by ensuring fire safety of leased property in the lease agreement.
7. Activities for ensuring fire safety are component of productive and other activity of officials and employees of the company. The specified requirement is reflected in employment contracts (contracts), charters and provisions according to the Civil legislation.
8. Employees of the company shall:
fulfill requirements of these Rules and other regulatory legal acts concerning fire safety;
in case of detection of the fire to be effective according to requirements of the Section XV of these rules.
9. The buildings finished with construction, constructions of any appointment, their complexes or parts shall conform to requirements of the current legislation in the field of construction and the sphere of fire safety.
10. In cases, stipulated by the legislation, the company the declaration of compliance of material and technical resources of the subject of managing to requirements of the legislation concerning fire safety according to Procedure for representation and registration of the declaration of compliance of material and technical resources of the subject of managing to the requirements of the legislation concerning fire safety approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 5, 2013 No. 440 moves.
11. All types of the fire-proof equipment and fire-fighting equipment applied to the prevention of the fires and their suppression shall have certificates of conformity according to the current legislation.
12. Subjects of managing perform provision of services and performance of works of fire-proof appointment based on the license obtained according to the current legislation.
13. At each company taking into account degree of fire risk based on the administrative document on measures of fire safety the corresponding fire prevention regime by which are determined shall be set:
1) special smoking areas or its prohibition;
2) procedure for use of naked flame;
3) procedure for use of household heating appliances;
4) procedure for carrying out temporary fire-dangerous works;
5) rules of journey and parking of vehicles;
6) storage locations and admissible amount of raw materials, semifinished products and finished goods which can be in placements and on the territories at the same time;
7) procedure for cleaning of combustible dust and waste, storages impregnated with fuel and operational materials of overalls, flammable materials and rags, cleaning of elements of ventilating systems of combustible deposits;
8) procedure for disconnection from network of power supply of the equipment and production rooms in case of fire;
9) inspection routine and closings of rooms after completion of work;
10) procedure for passing by officials of training and examination concerning fire safety, and also carrying out with workers of fire-proof instructing and classes in fire technically minimum with appointment responsible for their carrying out;
11) procedure for the organization of operation and servicing of the available fire protection systems and fire extinguishing means;
12) procedure for carrying out scheduled preventive maintenance and surveys of electroinstallations, heating, ventilating, processing and other engineering equipment;
13) operations procedure of officials and workers in case of fire detection;
14) procedure for collection of members of rescue and fire fighting division of voluntary fire protection and the officials responsible for fire safety, in case of the fire, challenge at night, in days off and holidays.
Workers should be informed of these requirements when passing instructing and classes in fire technically minimum. Excerpts from the administrative document on measures of fire safety with basic provisions should be placed in available foregrounds.
14. In subjects of managing the procedure or the warning system about the fire with which it is necessary to acquaint all workers shall be established.
In rooms on foregrounds at phones it is necessary to hang out plates with indication of phone number "101" for challenge of rescue and fire fighting service.
15. In case of change of the layout or functional purpose of buildings (rooms, constructions), the production technology, the staff list of personnel, plans of evacuation and the corresponding instructions shall be modified.
16. The territory of the company, and also the building, construction, the room shall be equipped with the corresponding signs of safety. Safety signs, their quantity, and also places of their installation shall correspond to DSTU ISO 6309: 2007 "Fire protection. Safety signs. Form and color" (ISO 6309: 1987, IDT) and GOST 12.4.026-76 "Occupational safety standards system. Colors alarm and signs of safety" ("Occupational safety standards system. Colors alarm and signs of safety").
17. If the subject of managing receives substances and materials with properties unknown to fire safety, the subject of managing shall prohibit their use before clarification of data (indicators) on their fire danger.
Use of substances and materials, data on which fire risk are absent, is forbidden.
18. (Watchmen, porters, on duty, hour) the company shall develop the instruction about measures of fire safety in which to determine for workers of protection: their obligations on control of observance of fire prevention regime, survey of the territory and rooms; operations procedure in case of detection of the fire, operation of means of the fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing; note which of officials of the company needs to be informed days in case of fire at night.
Workers of protection shall know operations procedure in case of detection of the fire, the instruction for use primary means of fire extinguishing and suppression acceptances.
19. For the purpose of employees engagement to holding actions for prevention of the fires, the organizations of their suppression can be created rescue and fire fighting divisions of voluntary fire protection which shall be effective according to the legislation.
20. The director shall determine obligations of officials (including deputy managers) on ensuring fire safety, to appoint certain buildings, constructions, rooms, sites, the processing and engineering equipment, responsible for fire safety, and also for storage and operation of the fire protection system and fire extinguishing means.
Obligations of persons responsible for ensuring fire safety, content and operation of means of fire protection shall be determined by administrative documents and the corresponding instructions.
21. The director shall take adequate measures of response to the facts of violations or failure to carry out by workers of the set fire prevention regime, requirements of these rules and other regulatory legal acts, regulating documents existing in this sphere.
22. The director shall:
1) to organize development of complex measures for ensuring fire safety, to implement achievements of science and technology, positive experience;
2) according to regulatory legal acts on fire safety to develop and approve the provisions, instructions concerning the company, to exercise constant control behind their observance;
3) to provide observance (accomplishment) of requirements of the legislation in the field of technogenic and fire safety, and also fulfillment of requirements of instructions, resolutions and orders of state supervision body in spheres of technogenic and fire safety;
4) to organize training of workers in fire safety regulations and to provide measures for their accomplishment;
To contain 5) in good repair fire protection systems and bonds, fire extinguishing means, not to allow their use not to destination;
To create 6) in case of need according to established procedure of division of fire protection and material and technical resources, necessary for their functioning;
7) to take measures for implementation of automatic sensors and suppression of the fires and use for this purpose of production automatic equipment;
8) timely to inform bodies and divisions of civil protection on defect of the fire fighting equipment, fire protection systems, water supply, and also to inform beforehand on closing of roads and drives in the territory;
9) to organize conducting office investigations of the facts of emergence of the fires.
23. Persons responsible for fire safety of certain rooms (the isolated workplaces), shall:
1) to monitor observance of the set fire prevention regime, fire safety regulations, instructions, actions for fire safety;
Not to allow 2) to work of persons which did not undergo special training or instructing in fire safety;
3) to perform periodic inspections of the territory, buildings, constructions, production and service premises for the purpose of constant control behind observance of fire safety regulations, content in proper condition of ways of evacuation, fire-proof barriers, gaps, entrances and roads, means of suppression of the fires (hydrants, internal fireplugs, fire extinguishers) and to take urgent measures for elimination of the revealed violations and shortcomings;
4) to watch operability of devices of heating, ventilation, electroinstallations, processing and production equipment, immediately taking measures for elimination of the revealed defects which can lead to emergence of the fire in case of their emergence;
5) to know fire risk of engineering procedures, substances, the materials which are stored in rooms and there are in work in processing and production equipment, category of rooms of production and warehouse appointment on explosion-fire-hazardous and fire risk also requirements imposed to them, rules and conditions of safe storage, application and transportation of explosive and flammable substances and materials;
6) to monitor timely cleaning of rooms and workplaces, and also shutdown (except for emergency lighting) from networks of electroconsumers after completion of work;
Immediately to report 7) in case of identification of emergence of the fire about it in fire protection, management of object and to start fire liquidation, being effective according to requirements of the Section XV of these rules.
24. Heads of workshops, sites, laboratories, warehouses and other structural divisions shall:
1) to develop plans of evacuation of people and material values for case of emergence of the fire and to hang out them on foregrounds, and also every two years to organize carrying out skills training on their realization;
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