Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of September 14, 2016 No. 23

About measures for implementation of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 29, 2016 No. 322

(as amended on 16-09-2019)

Based on item 4 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 29, 2016 No. 322 "About provision of non-cash housing subsidies" and subitem 4.4 of item 4 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 31, 2006 No. 968, the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Establish forms:

statements for provision of non-cash housing subsidy according to appendix 1;

statements for the termination (renewal) of provision of non-cash housing subsidy according to appendix 2;

the magazine of registration of statements about provision of non-cash housing subsidy and the termination (renewal) of provision of non-cash housing subsidy according to appendix 3;

notices on provision (about refusal in provision) non-cash housing subsidy according to appendix 4;

notices on the termination (renewal, about renewal refusal) provisions of non-cash housing subsidy according to appendix 5.

2. This resolution becomes effective since October 1, 2016.


A. A. Terekhov

It is approved

Chairman of the Brest regional executive committee

September 8, 2016



It is approved

Chairman of the Vitebsk regional executive committee

September 8, 2016


N. N. Sherstnev

It is approved

Chairman of the Gomel regional executive committee

September 8, 2016



It is approved

Chairman of the Grodno regional executive committee

September 8, 2016


V. V. Kravtsov

It is approved

Chairman of the Minsk regional executive committee

 September 9, 2016


S. B. Shapiro

It is approved

Chairman of the Mogilev regional executive committee

 September 9, 2016


V. V. Domanevsky

It is approved

Chairman of the Minsk city executive committee

 September 14, 2016



Appendix 1

to the Resolution of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the Republic of Belarus of September 14, 2016 No. 23


To the head


(name of the organization,


performing accounting, calculation and charge of payment

for housing and communal services and payments
for use of premises)


(surname, own name, middle name


(if that is available) the applicant)

living to the address: _________



registration at the place of residence)


(document type, certifying


personality (series (in the presence), number,

date of issue, name of state

body, it issued)

Statement for provision of non-cash housing subsidy

I ask to provide non-cash housing subsidy for partial payment of housing and communal services.

I confirm reliability of the provided data.


Appendix: on __ l.


___ __________ 20 ___.





(surname, own name, middle name
(if that is available)

Appendix 2

to the Resolution of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the Republic of Belarus of September 14, 2016 No. 23



To the head


(name of the organization,


performing accounting, calculation and charge of payment

for housing and communal services and payments

for use of premises)


(surname, own name, middle name


(if that is available) the applicant)

living to the address: _________



registration at the place of residence)


(document type, certifying


personality (series (in the presence), number,
date of issue, name of state
body, it issued)

Statement for the termination (renewal) of provision of non-cash housing subsidy

I ask to stop (to resume) provision of non-cash housing subsidy for partial payment of housing and communal services.


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