It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
August 22, 2016
No. 1160/29290
of July 29, 2016 No. 831
About approval of the Order of interaction of the Ministry of social policy of Ukraine with the central executive bodies which activities go and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of social policy of Ukraine
1. Approve the Order of interaction of the Ministry of social policy of Ukraine with the central executive bodies which activities go and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of social policy of Ukraine who is applied.
2. Determine:
Department of provision of pensions (V. Kudin) responsible for interaction with the Pension fund of Ukraine;
Department of the salary and working conditions (A. Tovstenko) and Department of social insurance and partnership (A. Savenko) responsible for interaction with Public service of Ukraine concerning work;
Management for veterans of war and participants of ATO (A. Tarasov) responsible for interaction with Public service of Ukraine for veterans of war and participants of anti-terrorist operation.
3. To provide to legal department (A. Tulin) submission of this order in accordance with the established procedure on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
4. Declare invalid Minsotspolitiki's order of September 24, 2012 No. 596 "About approval of the Order of interaction of the Ministry of social policy of Ukraine with the central executive bodies which activities go and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine - the Minister of social policy of Ukraine", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 10, 2012 for No. 1711/22023.
5. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
6. I reserve control of execution of this order.
A. Reva
1. This Procedure determines organizational and points of order of interaction of Minsotspolitiki with the Pension fund, Gostruda, Public service of Ukraine for veterans of war and participants of anti-terrorist operation (further - Service) in the course of forming and realization of state policy in the respective spheres.
2. The procedure is aimed at providing coordination, regularity and integrity of forming of state policy in the respective spheres, and also efficiency of its realization.
3. Responsible structural divisions of Minsotspolitiki for interaction (further - responsible division) with:
The pension fund is the Department of provision of pensions;
State work - Department of the salary and working conditions and Department of social insurance and partnership;
Service - Management for veterans of war and participants of ATO.
4. Heads of the Pension fund, Gostrud, Service submit for consideration of the Minister of social policy of Ukraine (further - the Minister) offers on ensuring forming of state policy in the respective sphere, in particular the drafts of the laws, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders Minsotspolitiki, and also line item developed by the Pension fund, Gostruda, Service on projects which developers are other central executive bodies.
In case of project development of the act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the Pension fund, Gostruda, Service analyze the state of affairs in the respective sphere of legal regulation, the factors causing need of preparation of the project determine subject of legal regulation, the mechanism of the solution of question which requires settlement, provide rules and procedures which, in particular, made impossible making of corruption offenses, and also predict results of implementation of the act and determine criteria (indicators) by which efficiency of its implementation will be estimated.
If implementation of the act needs financing from the government or local budget, the budget of the Pension fund or can lead to loss of the income, the Pension fund, Gostruda, Service carry out necessary financial and economic calculations.
2. The pension fund, Gostruda, Service send Minsotspolitiki the cover letter the draft of the act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine vised by the head together with the coordination materials provided by Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for its processing of Minsotspolitiki's device by structural divisions and coordination by the Minister.
3. Responsible division or other independent structural division of Minsotspolitiki to which project development of the act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, in accordance with the established procedure is charged:
checks compliance of the draft of the act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to the current legislation, requirements of Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, to priorities of pension fund activity, Gostruda, Services, certain Minister;
takes measures, determined by Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and this Procedure, for elimination of disagreements according to the draft of the act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
provides coordination of the draft of the act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure with independent structural divisions of Minsotspolitiki and Minsotspolitiki's management.
4. The responsible division or other independent structural division of Minsotspolitiki to which project development of the act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is charged in certain time informs the Pension fund, Gostrud, Service line item of the Minister of the draft of the act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine developed by the Pension fund, Gostruda, Service by sending the letter to which the draft of the act or the note vised by the minister encloses to it.
5. The draft of the act provided to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by the Pension fund, Gostruda, Service to which the note is stated returns to developer for completion and introduction in accordance with the established procedure to consideration of the Minister.
6. The pension fund, Gostruda, Service send the draft of the act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to coordination to the interested central executive bodies only after its vising by the Minister.
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The document ceased to be valid since June 11, 2021 according to item 4 of the Order of the Ministry of social policy of Ukraine of April 21, 2021 No. 200