of September 16, 2016 No. ZRU-407
About law-enforcement bodies
Accepted by Legislative house on August 12, 2016
Approved by the Senate on August 24, 2016
The purpose of this Law is regulation of activities of law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - law-enforcement bodies).
The main objectives of law-enforcement bodies are protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, property of physical persons and legal entities, the constitutional system, ensuring rule of law, safety of the personality, society and state, and also the prevention and prevention of offenses.
The legislation on law-enforcement bodies consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.
Law-enforcement bodies within the competence perform activities for the following main directions:
protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens;
protection of public order and ensuring public safety;
implementation of investigation verification, operational search activities, conducting inquiry and pretrial investigation on criminal cases;
fight against crime and terrorism, including by participation in suppression of acts of terrorism and release of hostages, and also counteraction to human trafficking;
prevention of offenses, identification and elimination of the reasons and conditions promoting them identification of persons inclined to making of offenses;
execution of measures of restraint, criminal penalty and other measures of criminal law action, and also organization of works on search of persons;
production on cases on administrative offenses, execution of resolutions on application of administrative punishments;
traffic safety;
ensuring execution of requirements of passport system, implementation of the works on issue and document creation necessary for departure and entry into the Republic of Uzbekistan, permissions to permanent and temporary residence, control of observance of passport system and rules of stay in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
control in the sphere of turnover of civil and office weapon and ammunition to it, explosive materials of industrial function, and also pyrotechnic products, drugs, their analogs, psychotropic substances and precursors
;implementation of expert and criminalistic activities;
protection of the state, especially important, kategorirovanny and other objects, property of physical persons and legal entities;
licensing and issue of documents of allowing nature, and also control of observance of licensed and allowing requirements and conditions;
implementation of military and mobilization works and actions for civil protection;
participation in legislative activities and work on increase in legal consciousness and legal culture in society.
The basic principles of activities of law-enforcement bodies are legality, unity, observance and respect of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, openness and transparency.
Staff of law-enforcement bodies in the activities shall observe and perform precisely requirements of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, this Law and other acts of the legislation.
Any departure from exact execution and compliance with laws, by whatever motives it was caused, is violation of legality and involves the established responsibility.
Staff of law-enforcement bodies cannot in justification of the illegal actions (failure to act) in case of accomplishment of service duties refer to the interests of service, economic feasibility, illegal requirements, orders and orders of higher officials or any other circumstances which are not corresponding to the law. The staff of law-enforcement bodies is forbidden to incite, to decline, to induce in direct or indirect form someone to making of illegal actions.
Law-enforcement bodies are law enforcement agencies and constitute the single system headed by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Law-enforcement bodies perform the activities on the basis of observance and respect of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens.
Law-enforcement bodies provide protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens irrespective of floor, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, beliefs, personal and social standing.
The activities of law-enforcement bodies limiting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens immediately stop if the legal objectives are achieved or it became clear that this purpose cannot or shall not be reached by restriction of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens.
The employee of law-enforcement body is forbidden to resort to tortures, violence, another to the cruel or degrading human dignity address. The employee of law-enforcement body shall stop actions by which the citizen is intentionally hurt physical or moral suffering.
Law-enforcement bodies have no right to disclose the data discrediting the honor, advantage or goodwills of the citizen relating to his private life if other is not provided by the law.
Law-enforcement bodies shall provide to each citizen access to the documents and materials which are directly affecting its rights, freedoms and legitimate interests available for them if other is not established by the law.
The employee of law-enforcement body in case of the address to the citizen shall:
call the position, rank, surname, name, middle name, to show the official ID upon the demand of the citizen then to report the reason and the purpose of the address;
in case of application to the citizen of the measures limiting its rights and freedoms to explain it the reason and the bases of application of such measures, and also arising with respect thereto the rights and the citizen's obligations.
The employee of law-enforcement body in case of the address of the citizen to him shall call the position, rank, surname, name, middle name, to attentively listen to him, to take adequate measures within the powers or to explain whose competence includes the solution of the question posed.
Law-enforcement bodies perform the activities is open and transparent, in interaction with state bodies, self-government institutions of citizens, other organizations and citizens, and also with mass media.
Physical persons and legal entities have the right according to the procedure, established by the legislation, to obtain the reliable information about activities of law-enforcement bodies and also which is directly affecting the rights and legitimate interests of physical persons and legal entities, except for information, access to which is limited by the law.
Law-enforcement bodies provide information access about the activities according to the procedure, established by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About openness of activities of state governing bodies".
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