Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since April 1, 2018 according to Item 5 the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of June 29, 2018 No. 307


of September 21, 2016 No. 498

About increase in level of social protection of needy families and strengthening of targeting of monthly allowances to the needy families having children

For the purpose of increase in system effectiveness of social protection of the needy families having children according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About public welfare payments in the Kyrgyz Republic", articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Establish the sizes since October 1, 2016:

- the guaranteed minimum income for purpose of monthly allowances to the needy families having children in the amount of 900 som;

- child allowances before achievement of age by them sixteen years (to pupils of the general education organizations and organizations of primary professional education, students of the educational organizations of average and higher education - before achievement of age by them eighteen years) in the amount of 810 som.

2. To the Ministry of Labour and social development of the Kyrgyz Republic to make recalculation of the amounts of monthly allowances to the needy families having children taking into account again established sizes of the guaranteed minimum income and the size of benefit specified in Item 1 of this resolution.

3. Bring in the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for purpose of public welfare payments" of December 29, 2009 No. 822 the following changes:

in Regulations on the procedure for purpose of public welfare payments approved by the above-stated resolution:

- in the paragraph the second Item 37 and the paragraph the second Item 37-1 of figure "705" to replace with figures "810".

4. Bring in the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for determination of comprehensive income of family for purpose of monthly allowance to the needy families having children" of December 29, 2009 No. 824 the following amendments and changes:

in Regulations on the procedure for determination of comprehensive income of family for purpose of monthly allowance to the needy families having children approved by the above-stated resolution:

- in Item 2 of Chapter VI:

to add the second paragraph after the word "car" with words and figures "with useful life, including year of release by manufacturing plant less than 20 years, and also with useful life, including year of release by manufacturing plant more than 20 years, with engine capacity of 2000 and more cubic centimeters (2 and more liters)";

add with the paragraph the fifth the following content:


- to state appendices 1 and 2 to the above-stated Provision in edition according to appendices 1 and 2 to this resolution.

5. Bring in the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About increase in level of social security of needy families and strengthening of targeting of monthly allowances to the needy families having children" of June 24, 2015 No. 408 the following change:

- recognize Items 1-3 invalid.

6. This resolution is subject to official publication and becomes effective since October 1, 2016.

Prime Minister

S. Zheenbekov

Appendix 1

"Appendix 1

Standard rates of the income from use of allotments

See Standard rates of the income from use of allotments

Appendix 2

"Appendix 2

Standard rates of the income from use of personal plots

See Standard rates of the income from use of personal plots


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