of May 3, 2016 No. 28
About approval of the Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective inspection of physical persons at road check points through Frontier of the Republic of Belarus on studying of unorganized import and commodity exportation by physical persons and orientations of flows of the international tourism
Based on the Regulations on National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 26, 2008 No. 445 "About some questions of bodies of the state statistics" the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
2. Declare invalid Item 2 of the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of February 16, 2015 No. 11 "About approval of forms of the state statistical observations and the Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective inspection of physical persons at road check points through Frontier of the Republic of Belarus on studying of unorganized import and commodity exportation by physical persons and orientations of flows of the international tourism" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 12.03. 2015, 7/3064).
3. This resolution becomes effective in fifteen working days after its signing.
I. V. Medvedev
It is approved Chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus May 3, 2016 |
Yu.A.Senko |
It is approved Chairman of the State boundary committee of the Republic of Belarus April 27, 2016 |
L. S. Maltsev |
Approved by the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of May 3, 2016 No. 28
1. This Instruction establishes procedure for the organization and carrying out the state statistics by bodies, customs authorities and bodies of the border service of selective inspection of physical persons at road check points through Frontier of the Republic of Belarus on studying of unorganized import and commodity exportation by physical persons and orientations of flows of the international tourism (further - inspection).
2. Examination is conducted at road check points through Frontier of the Republic of Belarus (further - check points):
Berestovitsa, Brest, "Bruzgi", Domachevo, Peschatka (on border with the Republic of Poland);
Benyakoni, "Stone Log", Kotlovka, Privalka (on border with the Republic of Lithuania);
Urbana, Grigorovshchina (on border with the Republic of Latvia);
"New Guta", "New Rudnya" and Mokrana (on border with Ukraine).
3. Inspection is based on the principle of anonymous participation of the physical persons crossing Frontier of the Republic of Belarus at check points (further - respondents).
4. Main objective of the organization and carrying out inspection is receipt of primary statistical data necessary for forming of official statistical information:
about amounts and structure of the goods imported and exported by the physical persons crossing Frontier of the Republic of Belarus, not considered by customs statistics (for forming of balance of foreign trade in goods and paying balance of the Republic of Belarus);
about tourism expenditures on the purposes of trips to the Republic of Belarus and out of its limits.
5. For the organization and carrying out inspection bodies of the state statistics, customs authorities and bodies of the border service perform:
5.1. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (further - Belstat):
methodological management of the organization and carrying out inspection;
providing territorial authorities of the state statistics with forms of forms of the state statistical observations (further if other is not determined, - questionnaires):
6-ves (entrance) "The questionnaire of anonymous inspection of the physical persons driving to the Republic of Belarus on road check points through Frontier of the Republic of Belarus" (further - form 6-ves (entrance));
6-ves (departure) "The questionnaire of anonymous inspection of the physical persons leaving the Republic of Belarus on road check points through Frontier of the Republic of Belarus" (further - form 6-ves (departure));
processing of the primary statistical data obtained during inspection;
forming of official statistical information;
5.2. territorial authorities of the state statistics:
providing customs authorities and bodies of the border service with forms of questionnaires;
participation in carrying out inspection;
coding and transfer to Belstat of the completed questionnaires received from customs authorities at check points;
5.3. customs authorities:
distribution of forms of questionnaires among respondents in case of absence of bodies of the border service in case of entrance to the check point;
collection of the completed questionnaires from respondents in "red" corridor or at check points where there are no "red" and "green" corridors;
transfer of the completed questionnaires to authorized persons of territorial authorities of the state statistics;
5.4. bodies of the border service:
distribution of forms of questionnaires among respondents in case of finding of bodies of the border service on entrance to the check point;
informing respondents in "green" corridor about places of collection of questionnaires.
6. Examination is conducted by employees of bodies of the state statistics, customs authorities and bodies of the border service at check points two times a year in II and IV quarter. Dates and time of carrying out inspection are determined by approval between the specified bodies.
Other interested state organizations can direct for participation in carrying out inspection of the workers.
7. Questionnaires for filling are issued to each respondent driving to the check point individually or as a part of groups.
8. The completed questionnaires shall be created on each check point separately.
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