Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


(It is accepted by the Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 8, 1996)

(as amended on 29-03-2023)

Section 1. General provisions

1. The regulations of the Majilis of Parliament establish:

1) conditions and procedure for holding meetings of the Majilis of Parliament;

2) procedure for forming of working bodies of the Majilis of Parliament;

3) organization of activities of the Majilis of Parliament and its working bodies;

4) conditions and procedure deputies and officials of the Majilis of Parliament of the powers;

5) features of the organization and operating procedure of fractions of political parties. Regulations of the Majilis of Parliament, change and amendment to it are accepted at the plenary sessions of Chamber by a majority vote from total number of deputies of the Majilis and affirm the resolution of the Majilis of Parliament.

2. The plenary sessions of the Majilis of Parliament are open and can be broadcast online on the Internet – resource of the Majilis.

In the cases provided by these Regulations, the Chamber has the right to hold closed meetings.

3. The Majilis of Parliament consists of ninety eight deputies. Powers of the deputy of the Majilis of Parliament begin with the moment of its registration as the deputy of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Central Election Commission of the Republic.

4. In the Majilis of Parliament work is conducted in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

Section 2. Procedure for holding plenary sessions of the Majilis of Parliament

Chapter 1. Plenary sessions of the Majilis of Parliament

5. The plenary session of the Majilis of Parliament is convened by the Chairman of the Majilis.

Plenary sessions of the Majilis are held on environments and Thursdays from 10 to 18 o'clock, with break from 13 to 15 o'clock 00 minutes.

The Majilis or Bureau of the Majilis can make the decision on other time of holding plenary session.

The chairman announces break at plenary meetings on own initiative or according to the offer of the majority from number of the present deputies of the Majilis of Parliament.

When plenary sessions of Parliament and Majilis are not held, deputies work in working bodies of Parliament.

Parliamentary hearings are, as a rule, carried out on Fridays, and "government hour" - on Mondays.

For maintenance of relations of deputies of the Majilis with voters it is provided to them up to ten calendar days quarterly for departure to regions. The Majilis or Bureau of the Majilis can make the decision on other terms and frequency of departure to regions. During joint and separate sittings of Chambers of Parliament the meeting of working bodies of Parliament is not allowed.

6. The plenary session of the Majilis of Parliament is competent if at it there are at least two thirds of total number of deputies of Chamber.

For determination of competence of plenary meeting before its beginning, and also after each break inundated registration of deputies is carried out. Before vote additional inundated registration of deputies can be carried out. Before vote on points of order additional inundated registration of deputies is not carried out.

6-1. The first plenary session of the Majilis of Parliament of new convocation opens and the Chairman of Central Election Commission of the Republic before election of the Chairman of the Majilis conducts.

After election of the Chairman of the Majilis the further plenary session of Chamber is conducted by the Chairman of the Majilis of Parliament.

6-2. At the first plenary session of the Majilis the chairman reports Chamber of surname of the elected deputies of the Majilis according to the list officially the deputies registered by Central Election Commission constituted on the opening day of the first plenary session of the Majilis.

6-3. At the first plenary meeting of new convocation the Majilis by a majority vote elects open voting the Commission on control of use of electronic system from number of the elected deputies of Chamber.

The decision of the Majilis on this matter affirms the resolution.

6-4. No. 1413-VI MT is excluded according to the Resolution of the Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 23.12.2020

7. Presiding over the plenary session of the Majilis:

Opens 1), conducts and closes the plenary sessions of Chamber;

2) No. 1413-VI MT is excluded according to the Resolution of the Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 23.12.2020

3) announces data about registered for performance in debate through electronic system. At the same time record on performances is kept on each case in point separately;

4) gives floor for performances according to the procedure of strict priority on electronic board;

5) in case of violation by the speaker Reglamenta has the right to warn him, and in case of further violation - to deny the right to speak;

6) gives floor out of turn on points of order;

7) will be organized by vote according to drafts of the laws, resolutions and other acts of the Majilis, proposals of deputies on the questions considered at plenary meeting and announces results of vote;

8) provides the procedure for plenary meeting established by these Regulations. In case of discussion of questions at the plenary session of the Majilis the chairman has no right to give assessment and to comment on speeches of deputies.

8. The agenda and procedure for consideration of questions of plenary meeting are considered previously on Bureau (including polling) and affirm at plenary meeting by open voting by a majority vote from total number of deputies of Chamber.

Offers and notes according to the agenda and operating procedure are accepted by open voting according to each offer by a majority vote from total number of deputies of Chamber.

9. Time for reports at the plenary sessions of Chamber is provided up to fifteen minutes, for supporting reports – up to ten minutes, for performance in debate – up to seven minutes, in case of repeated performance in debate - up to five minutes, in case of discussion of candidates - up to three minutes, for performances on points of order, for reference and questions - up to two minutes. In case of excess of the established time the microphone automatically is switched-off. In case of need the chairman can provide extra time no more than two minutes.

For statement of questions and answers to them no more than one hour, and for debate - are allotted no more than one and a half hours. After close of pleadings the speaker and the co-reporter have the right to make concluding remarks to ten minutes.

By a majority vote from total number of deputies the Chamber can establish other time.

Performances are made from tribune or from the place, but no more than two times on the discussed question. Applications for provision of the word are submitted from the place.

To the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan at its request it is given floor for performance at any time.

At the request of the Chairman of the Majilis, the Prime Minister and members of the government, the Chairman of National Bank, the Attorney-General, the Chairman of Committee of homeland security, the Counselor of state, the Head of Presidential Administration, representatives of the President and the Government for performance on the discussed question it is given the floor out of turn.

Nobody has the right to speak at the plenary session of the Majilis without the permission of the chairman.

10. The plenary sessions of the Majilis are open.

Officials of state bodies and local government bodies on which need of presence at plenary meeting the decision of Chamber is made shall arrive to meeting of the Majilis of Parliament and give necessary explanations on the questions entering its competence. The Majilis of Parliament has no right to make similar decisions on the President of the Republic.

Lists of the invited persons on the plenary sessions of the Majilis are determined by cases in point of the agenda by standing committees of Chamber.

Invited having no right to interfere with activities of the Majilis, shall abstain from manifestations of approval or disapproval of its work, to observe established procedure and to carry out orders of the chairman.

The chief of staff of the Majilis notifies the invited persons on need of presence them in the hall of meeting and on the questions which are subject to consideration in advance.

The procedure for the admission of the invited persons in assembly hall of the Majilis is determined by the Chief of staff of the Majilis.

11. According to the proposal of the deputy of the Majilis the Chamber can hold closed meetings if the majority from total number of the present deputies voted for it.

The president of the Republic, the Prime Minister and members of the government, the Chairman of National Bank, the Attorney-General, the Chairman of Committee of homeland security of the Republic, the Counselor of state, the Head of Presidential Administration has the right to be present at any plenary sessions of the Majilis.

Representatives of the President, the Government and the Attorney-General in the Majilis have the right to be present at committee meetings of Chamber, the plenary sessions of the Majilis and if necessary can give references, do messages.

12. The plenary sessions of Chamber of Parliament are taken shorthand and their video is conducted. The shorthand report is signed presiding over meeting. Shorthand reports of open sessions are placed on Internet resource of the Majilis.

12-1. During the plenary meeting for information support the automated system, and for the organization of process of conducting meetings of Chamber electronic system of registration and counting of votes is used.

13. The speaker at the plenary session of the Majilis has no right to violate rules of deputy ethics, to use the rough, abusive terms causing dignitary harm of deputies and other persons in the speech, to allow insubstantial accusations in someone's address, to use obviously false information, to call for illegal actions.

In case of violation of this requirement the chairman warns the speaker, and when repeating violation denies it the right to speak.

The deputy in time allowed to him cannot be denied the right to speak by the chairman, except cases:

1) expirations of time of performance;

2) digressions of the discussed question;

3) violations of the requirements provided by part one of this Item.

14. During the debate the chairman provides detection of variety of opinions on the discussed question.


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