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of December 28, 2015 No. 1456

About measures for implementation of the Federal Law "About the Federal Budget for 2016"

(as amended on 19-11-2016)

The government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Accept to execution the federal budget for 2016.

2. To chief managers of the income of the federal budget to take measures for ensuring receipt of taxes, charges and other obligatory payments, and also for reducing debt on their payment and implementation of the actions interfering its origin.

3. To chief managers of the income of the federal budget - to federal bodies of the government (state bodies), authorized to transfer implementation of separate powers of the Russian Federation to public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, to provide till December 28, 2015 bringing to public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation the legal acts approved with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation determining procedure for administration by public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation for the income enlisted in the federal budget by the corresponding codes of classification of the income of the federal budget.

4. To the main managers of means of the federal budget - to federal bodies of the government (state bodies), other organizations performing powers of the main manager of means of the federal budget according to the budget legislation of the Russian Federation (further - the main managers of means of the federal budget) to provide within the limits of the budget obligations brought to them distribution and bringing in accordance with the established procedure to subordinated receivers of means of the federal budget of limits of the budget obligations:

on implementation of purchases of goods, works and services - no later than the first 30 working days of 2016 or 30 working days from the date of entry into force of the Federal Law on introduction of amendments to the Federal law "About the Federal Budget for 2016" (further - the Federal Law);

on implementation of budget investments, on provision of subsidies for implementation of the capital investments in capital construction projects of state-owned property of the Russian Federation, and also on provision of subsidies to budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation on joint financing of capital construction projects of state-owned property of subjects of the Russian Federation (municipal property) - no later than the first 45 working days of 2016 or 45 working days from the date of entry into force of the Federal Law on introduction of amendments to the Federal Law.

The Federal Treasury within 5 working days after approach of the specified terms sends to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation information on amounts of the corresponding limits of the budget obligations (by codes of budget classification of the Russian Federation) distributed by the main managers of funds of the federal budget on the terms specified in paragraphs second and third this Item.

5. Provisions of item 4 of this resolution do not extend:

on limits of the budget obligations of no more than 10 percent of total amount of limits of the budget obligations specified in item 4 of this resolution;

on limits of the budget obligations which are subject to redistribution between the main managers of means of the federal budget on the bases provided by legislative and other regulatory legal acts;

on limits of the budget obligations connected with execution of the international obligations.

The main managers of means of the federal budget no later than the first 10 working days of 2016 send information on amounts of limits of the budget obligations provided by the paragraph third this Item to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

6. Determine that in 2016 introduction in accordance with the established procedure of changes in summary budget list of the federal budget on expenses for 2016 (further - summary budget list) is performed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation based on the offers provided till February 25, 2016 by the main managers of the means of the federal budget in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation providing increase in budgetary appropriations and limits of the budget obligations:

a) on payment of the signed public contracts on delivery of goods, performance of works, rendering the services which were subject in accordance with the terms of these public contracts to payment in 2015 - in the amount which is not exceeding remaining balance of the limits of the budget obligations which are not used for the beginning of 2016 on execution of the specified public contracts;

b) on provision to budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation of the subsidies and other interbudget transfers having purpose which provision was performed in 2015 within the amount necessary for payment of monetary commitments of receivers of budget funds of the subject of the Russian Federation which source of financial provision were the specified interbudget transfers, - in the amount which is not exceeding remaining balance of the limits of the budget obligations which are not used in 2015 on the specified purposes.

7. In need of increase according to the subitem "an" of Item 6 of this resolution of budgetary appropriations at payment of the public contracts which are not performed in 2015 connected with implementation of the capital investments in objects of state-owned property of the Russian Federation:

a) the main managers of means of the federal budget approve in the procedure for the offer on increase in budgetary appropriations and limits of the budget obligations established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on payment of the signed public contracts with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and regarding budgetary appropriations in capital construction projects and actions (the integrated investment projects) included in the state defensive order for 2016 - with board of the Military-industrial commission of the Russian Federation;

b) The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation after entering by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of changes into indicators of summary budget list makes corresponding changes to federal targeted investment program according to Item 33 of the Rules of forming and realization of federal targeted investment program approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2010 No. 716 "About approval of Rules of forming and realization of federal targeted investment program" (further - Rules of forming of federal targeted investment program).

8. Receivers of means of the federal budget no later than June 1, 2016 if other term is not established by the Government of the Russian Federation, provide completion of payment under unexecuted obligations of 2015 according to public contracts, stipulated in Item 6 these resolutions.

9. The main managers of means of the federal budget within 5 working days after the termination of the term specified in Item 8 of this resolution withdraw the unused limits of the budget obligations finished to receivers of funds of the federal budget for payment of public contracts, stipulated in Item 6 these resolutions in the procedure established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

10. Territorial authorities of the Federal Treasury no later than June 2, 2016 according to the procedure of, established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, perform suspension of finishing limits of the budget obligations on execution of public contracts, stipulated in Item 6 these resolutions, and also carrying out the cash transactions arising based on the specified public contracts and within one working day after term, stipulated in Item 9 these resolutions, withdraw the limits of the budget obligations which are not withdrawn according to Item 9 of this resolution.

11. Redistribution to the withdrawn in the procedure for unused limits of the budget obligations established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, finished receivers of funds of the federal budget for payment of public contracts, stipulated in Item 6 these resolutions, on other directions of expenses of the federal budget is performed by introduction of amendments to the Federal Law.


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