of December 15, 2015 No. 1206, on December 28, 2015 No. 814
About approval of criteria for evaluation of risk degree and checking sheets in the field of industrial safety
According to Item 5 of Article 141, Item 1 of article 143 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan PRIKAZYVAYEM:
1. Approve:
1) the criteria for evaluation of risk degree applied to carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety and checks on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions according to appendix 1 to this joint order;
2) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities according to appendix 2 to this joint order;
3) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities in case of geological exploration, production and conversion of uranium according to appendix 3 to this joint order;
4) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities in case of production of beryllium, its connections and products from them according to appendix 4 to this joint order;
5) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities in case of the address with sources of ionizing radiation according to appendix 5 to this joint order;
6) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities in case of production of ftoristovodorodny acid according to appendix 6 to this joint order;
7) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities in case of operation of heavy lift gears according to appendix 7 to this joint order;
8) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities in case of operation of the equipment working under pressure according to appendix 8 to this joint order;
9) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities in case of operation of compressor stations according to appendix 9 to this joint order;
10) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities on gas supply according to appendix 10 to this joint order;
11) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning the hazardous production facilities conducting works on conversion of solid minerals according to appendix 11 to this joint order;
12) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning tail and slurry farms of hazardous production facilities according to appendix 12 to this joint order;
13) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities of coal mines according to appendix 13 to this joint order;
14) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities on production of fusions of ferrous, non-ferrous, precious metals and alloys on the basis of these metals according to appendix 14 to this joint order;
15) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning the hazardous production facilities conducting mining operations by underground method according to appendix 15 to this joint order;
16) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning the hazardous production facilities conducting mining operations by open method according to appendix 16 to this joint order;
17) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning the hazardous production facilities conducting exploration works according to appendix 17 to this joint order;
18) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities on storage and conversion of vegetable raw materials according to appendix 18 to this joint order;
19) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities of chemical industry according to appendix 19 to this joint order;
20) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning the hazardous production facilities conducting explosive works according to appendix 20 to this joint order;
21) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities of petrochemical, oil processing industries according to appendix 21 to this joint order;
22) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities of petroleum storage depots and gas stations according to appendix 22 to this joint order;
23) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities of oil and gas industries according to appendix 23 to this joint order;
24) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities in case of operation of bulk distribution lines according to appendix 24 to this joint order;
25) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities on preparation and conversion of gases according to appendix 25 to this joint order;
26) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning the hazardous production facilities performing carrying out oil operations at the sea according to appendix 26 to this joint order;
27) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety in case of operation and repair of reservoirs for oil and oil products according to appendix 27 to this joint order;
28) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities in case of operation of technology pipelines according to appendix 28 to this joint order;
29) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities of gas economy of the companies of ferrous metallurgy according to appendix 29 to this joint order;
30) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning professional (object) rescue services in the field of industrial safety according to appendix 30 to this joint order;
31) checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning the legal entities certified on the work right in the field of industrial safety according to appendix 31 to this joint order;
32) the list of requirements which violation attracts application of measures of rapid response, and also determination concerning specific violations of requirements of specific type of measure of rapid response with indication of effective period of this measure (if necessary), according to appendix 32 to this joint order.
2. Declare invalid the joint order of the acting minister on investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 26, 2015 No. 717 and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 8, 2015 No. 509 "About approval of criteria for evaluation of risk degree and forms of checking sheets in the field of industrial safety" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan at No. 11878, published in information system of law of Ad_let on October 16, 2015).
3. To committee of industrial development and industrial safety of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (to Erzhanov A. K.) provide:
1) state registration of this joint order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this joint order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan the direction it the copy in printing and electronic type on official publication in periodic printing editions and information system of law of Ad_let, and also in the Republican center of legal information for entering into reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) placement of this joint order on Internet resource of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on the intranet portal of state bodies;
4) within ten working days after state registration of this joint order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of Item 3 presents of the joint order.
4. To impose control of execution of this joint order on the supervising vice-minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. This joint order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
_______________ A. Isekeshev |
Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
_______________ E.Dosayev |
It is approved Chairman of Committee on legal statistics and special accounting of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan December 24, 2015 |
_________________ S. Aytpayeva |
Appendix 1
to the joint Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 15, 2015 No. 1206, on December 28, 2015 No. 814
1. These Criteria for evaluation of risk degree applied to carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety and checks on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions (further - criteria) are developed according to the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the Code), the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About civil protection" (further - the Law), Rules of forming by the regulatory state agencies of system of assessment and risk management approved by the order of the acting minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 22, 2022 No. 48 (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 28577) the order of the acting minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 31, 2018 No. 3 "About approval of form of checking leaf" (No. registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts 17371).
2. In Criteria the following concepts are used:
1) point – quantitative measure of calculation of risk;
2) normalization of data – the statistical procedure providing reduction of the values measured in different scales to conditionally general scale;
3) insignificant violations – non-compliance with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety which are not attracting to emergence of accidents, incidents on hazardous production facilities;
4) considerable violations – non-compliance with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety attracting to possible emergence of incidents on hazardous production facilities;
5) gross violations – non-compliance with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety attracting to possible emergence of accidents on hazardous production facilities;
6) risk – probability of damnification as a result of activities of the subject of control and supervision of life or to health of the person, the environment, legitimate interests of physical persons and legal entities, valuable interests of the state taking into account severity of its effects;
7) criteria for evaluation of risk degree – set of the quantitative and qualitative indexes connected with direct activities of the subject of control and the supervision, the features of industry development and factors influencing this development, allowing to carry subjects (objects) of control and supervision to different risk degrees;
8) objective criteria for evaluation of risk degree (further – objective criteria) – the criteria for evaluation of risk degree used for selection of subjects (objects) of control and supervision depending on risk degree in certain field of activity and which are not depending directly on separate subject (object) of control and supervision;
9) subjective criteria for evaluation of risk degree (further – subjective criteria) – the criteria for evaluation of risk degree used for selection of subjects (objects) of control and supervision depending on results of activities of specific subject (object) of control and supervision;
10) system of assessment and risk management – process of acceptance of the management decisions directed to decrease in probability of approach of adverse factors by distribution of subjects (objects) of control and supervision on risk degrees for the subsequent implementation of preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision and (or) checks on compliance to requirements for the purpose of minimum possible extent of restriction of freedom of enterprise, providing at the same time admissible risk level in the corresponding fields of activity, and also directed to change of risk level for specific subject (object) of control and supervision and (or) release of such subject (object) of control and supervision from preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision and (or) checks on compliance to requirements;
11) the checking sheet – the list of requirements imposed to activities of subjects (objects) of control and supervision which non-compliance involves threat of life and to health of the person, the environment, legitimate interests of physical persons and legal entities, the states;
12) sample (selection) – the list of the estimated subjects (objects) carried to homogeneous group of subjects (objects) of control and supervision in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety according to Item 2 of article 143 of the Code.
3. For risk management objectives when implementing preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety and checks on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions criteria for evaluation of risk degree for carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety and checks on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions are created by means of objective and subjective criteria.
4. Risks in the field of industrial safety arise in case:
1) not observance by the hazardous production facilities and organizations operating dangerous technical devices, requirements of industrial safety;
2) not timeliness of carrying out engineering certifications of the technical devices used on hazardous production facilities, dangerous technical devices;
3) not readiness of the hazardous production facilities and organizations operating dangerous technical devices for work on liquidation and localization of accidents and their effects;
4) inadequate carrying out the certified work types in the field of industrial safety;
5) not readiness of professional rescue services in the field of industrial safety to accomplishment of mine-rescue, gas-rescuing, antigushing works on hazardous production facilities.
5. After carrying out the analysis of possible risks subjects (objects) of control and supervision are distributed on three risk degrees by objective criteria (high, average and low).
6. Belong subjects (objects) of control and supervision which are subject to obligatory declaring according to the Law, on which to high risk:
1) are made, used, processed, will be formed, stored, transported (on pipelines), the dangerous substances (having the signs established by the subitem 1) of article 70 of the Law) are destroyed;
2) fusions of ferrous, non-ferrous, precious metals and alloys on the basis of these metals are made (having the signs established by the subitem 2) of article 70 of the Law);
3) mining, exploration, drilling, explosive operations, works on mining and conversion of mineral raw materials, work in underground conditions are conducted (having the signs established by the subitem 3) of article 70 of the Law);
Also subjects (objects) belong to high risk:
1) the operating dangerous technical devices (having signs, stipulated in Item 2 articles 71 of the Law) which fulfilled the normative service life established by manufacturing plant;
2) the mine-rescue, gas-rescuing, antigushing works performing on hazardous production facility;
3) the performing certified work types in the field of industrial safety.
7. Subjects (objects) of control and supervision which are not subject to obligatory declaring on which emergence of accident, incident with stop of engineering procedure and damnification of life and to health of production personnel, on which is possible belong to average risk degree:
1) are made, used, processed, will be formed, stored, transported (on pipelines), the dangerous substances (having the signs established by the subitem 1) of article 70 of the Law) are destroyed;
2) fusions of ferrous, non-ferrous, precious metals and alloys on the basis of these metals are made (having the signs established by the subitem 2) of article 70 of the Law);
3) mining, exploration, drilling, explosive operations, works on mining and conversion of mineral raw materials, work in underground conditions are conducted (having the signs established by the subitem 3) of article 70 of the Law).
Also subjects (objects) of control and supervision which operate the dangerous technical devices (having signs, stipulated in Item 2 articles 71 of the Law), which did not fulfill the normative service life established by manufacturing plant belong to average risk degree.
8. Subjects (objects) of control and supervision on which production and conversion of popular minerals are conducted belong to low risk degree.
9. Concerning subjects (objects) of control and supervision carried to high and average risk degree by objective criteria it is performed on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions, preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision and unscheduled inspections.
Concerning subjects (objects) of control and supervision carried to low risk degree by objective criteria it is performed on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions and unscheduled inspections.
10. Determination of subjective criteria is performed using the following stages:
1) forming of the database and information collection;
2) information analysis and risk assessment.
11. Forming of the database and information collection are necessary for the identification of subjects (objects) of control and supervision violating the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of industrial safety.
12. For assessment of risk degree the following sources of information are used:
1) results of the previous checks and preventive control with visit by subject (object) of control and supervision;
2) availability of the adverse incidents which arose because of subject (object) of control and supervision (incidents, accidents and accidents);
3) it is excluded according to Joint the Order of the deputy. The Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Acting Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 29.03.2023 No. 166, 29.03.2023 No. 38
4) analysis results of the data represented by state bodies and the organizations;
5) it is excluded according to Joint the Order of the deputy. The Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Acting Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 29.03.2023 No. 166, 29.03.2023 No. 38
For selection of subjects of entrepreneurship when conducting checks on compliance to allowing requirements on the additional source of information issued to permissions is results of certification, examinations of employees of subjects of control and supervision.
13. Based on the available sources of information the subjective criteria which are subject to assessment are created.
In the analysis and assessment the data of subjective criteria which are earlier considered and used concerning specific subject (object) of control and supervision or data according to which the term of limitation period according to the Civil code of the Republic of Kazakhstan expired are not applied.
14. Depending on possible risk and the importance of problem, singularity or systemacity of violation, the analysis of the decisions made earlier on each source of information requirements imposed to activities of subjects (objects) of control and supervision correspond to extent of violation – rough, considerable and insignificant.
Extents of violation of requirements imposed to activities of subjects (objects) of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety when carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision are stated according to appendix 1 to these criteria.
Extents of violation of requirements imposed to activities of subjects (objects) of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety when conducting the inspections which are carried out on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions are stated according to appendix 2 to these criteria.
15. Proceeding from priority of the applied sources of information and the importance of indicators of subjective criteria, according to risk exponent procedure of payments by the subjective criteria determined in Chapter of 6 these criteria the risk exponent by subjective criteria on scale from 0 to 100 points is calculated.
On risk exponents by subjective criteria the subject (object) of control and supervision belongs:
1) to high risk – in case of exponent of risk from 71 to 100 inclusive;
2) to average risk degree – in case of exponent of risk from 31 to 70 inclusive;
3) to low risk degree – in case of exponent of risk from 0 to 30 inclusive.
16. It is excluded according to Joint the Order of the deputy. The Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Acting Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 29.03.2023 No. 166, 29.03.2023 No. 38
17. It is excluded according to Joint the Order of the deputy. The Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Acting Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 29.03.2023 No. 166, 29.03.2023 No. 38
18. Frequency rate of carrying out preventive control with visit of subjects (objects) of control and the supervision referred to high and average risk degrees is determined by results of the carried-out analysis and assessment of the received data on subjective criteria, but is not more often than two times a year.
Frequency rate of conducting the checks on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions referred to high risk is determined by results of the carried-out analysis and assessment of the received data on subjective criteria, but is not more often than once a year.
19. Preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision is carried out based on semi-annual lists of preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and the supervision created according to item 4 of article 144-2 of the Code.
On compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions it is performed based on the schedule of checks on compliance to requirements created according to Item 2 of article 144 of the Code.
20. Subjects (objects) of control and supervision are transferred using information system from high risk in average risk degree in cases:
1) complete replacement of the dangerous technical devices which fulfilled the normative service life established by manufacturing plant by the dangerous technical devices which did not fulfill established by manufacturing plant normative service life;
2) replacements of the dangerous substance applied on hazardous production facility by not dangerous substance;
3) replacements of technology of production of popular minerals with carrying out drilling-and-blasting works on technology of production of popular minerals without carrying out drilling-and-blasting works (mechanical otboyka).
21. The system of assessment and risk management is conducted with use of the information systems carrying subjects (objects) of control and supervision to specific risk degrees and creating schedules or lists of holding control actions and also is based on the state statistics, results of departmental statistical observation, and also information tools.
22. Measure calculation of risk degree by subjective criteria, and also risk exponents according to which the subject of control and supervision treats high, average or low risk degrees are established according to appendix 3 to these criteria.
23. Measure calculation of risk degree by subjective criteria (R) is perfromed in the automated mode by summing of exponent of risk on violations by results of the previous checks and preventive control with visit of subjects (objects) of control and supervision (SP) and exponent of risk by the subjective criteria determined according to Item of 15 these criteria (SC), with the subsequent normalization of values this in the range from 0 to 100 points.
Rprom = SP + SC, where
Rprom – intermediate exponent of risk by subjective criteria,
SP – risk exponent on violations,
SC – risk exponent by the subjective criteria determined according to Item of 15 these criteria.
Calculation is made on each subject (object) of control and supervision of homogeneous group of subjects (objects) of control and supervision in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety. At the same time the list of the estimated subjects (objects) of control and supervision carried to homogeneous group of subjects (objects) of control and supervision in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety forms sample (selection) for the subsequent normalization of data.
24. According to the data obtained by results of the previous checks and preventive control with visit of subjects (objects) of control and supervision the risk exponent on violations estimated in points from 0 to 100 is created.
In case of identification of one gross violation on any of the sources of information specified in Item of 12 these criteria, the subject of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety the exponent of risk of 100 points is equated and concerning it preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety and check on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions is carried out.
In case of not identification of gross violations the risk exponent on violations is calculated total indicator on violations of considerable and insignificant degree.
In case of measure definition of considerable violations 0,7 coefficient is applied.
This indicator is calculated by the following formula:
SRZ = (SP2 x 100/SP1) x 0,7, where:
SRZ – indicator of considerable violations;
SP1 – the required number of considerable violations;
SP2 – the number of the revealed considerable violations;
In case of measure definition of insignificant violations 0,3 coefficient is applied.
This indicator is calculated by the following formula:
SRN = (SP2 x 100/SP1) x 0,3, where:
SRN – indicator of insignificant violations;
SP1 – the required number of insignificant violations;
SP2 – the number of the revealed insignificant violations;
The risk exponent on violations (SP) is calculated on scale from 0 to 100 points and is determined by summing of indicators of considerable and insignificant violations by the following formula:
SP = SRZ + SRN, where:
SP – risk exponent on violations;
SRZ – indicator of considerable violations;
SRN – indicator of insignificant violations.
The received risk degree measure value on violations joins in measure calculation of risk degree by subjective criteria.
25. Measure calculation of risk degree by the subjective criteria determined according to Item of 15 these criteria is made on scale from 0 to 100 points and performed on the following formula:
xi – indicator of subjective criterion,
wi – specific weight of indicator of subjective criterion of xi,
n – quantity of indicators.
The received risk degree measure value by the subjective criteria determined according to Item of 15 these criteria joins in measure calculation of risk degree by subjective criteria.
26. The values calculated by subjects (objects) by indicator are normalized by R in the range from 0 to 100 points. Normalization of data is performed on each sample (selection) with use of the following formula:
R – risk exponent (final) by subjective criteria of separate subject (object) of control and supervision,
Rmax – the greatest possible value on risk degree scale by subjective criteria on subjects (objects) entering one sample (selection) (the upper bound of scale)
Rmin – minimum possible value on risk degree scale by subjective criteria on subjects (objects) entering one sample (selection) (the lower bound of scale)
Rprom – the intermediate exponent of risk by subjective criteria calculated according to Item of 23 these criteria.
to criteria for evaluation of risk degree, applied to carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety and checks on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions
See Appendix 1
to criteria for evaluation of risk degree, applied to carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety and checks on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions
See Appendix 2
to Criteria for evaluation of risk degree, applied to carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety and checks on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions
The list of subjective criteria for determination of risk degree by subjective criteria in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning subjects (objects) of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety
№ of payment order |
Indicator of subjective criterion |
Source of information on indicator of subjective criterion |
Specific weight on the importance, point (in the amount shall not exceed 100 points), wi |
Conditions/values, xi | |||||
condition 1/value |
condition 2/value |
condition 3/value |
condition 4/value |
condition 5/value |
condition 6/value | ||||
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 | |||||
For preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision in the field of industrial safety | |||||||||
1 |
Number of incidents |
availability of the adverse incidents which arose because of subject (object) of control and supervision (incidents, accidents and accidents) |
20 |
0 |
1 |
2 - 5 |
6 and more |
0% |
25% |
75% |
100% |
2 |
Number of accidents |
availability of the adverse incidents which arose because of subject (object) of control and supervision (incidents, accidents and accidents) |
20 |
0 |
1 |
2 and more |
0% |
75% |
100% |
3 |
Number of accidents |
availability of the adverse incidents which arose because of subject (object) of control and supervision (incidents, accidents and accidents) |
20 |
0 |
1 |
2 - 3 |
4 and more |
0% |
25% |
75% |
100% |
4 |
The number of the dangerous technical devices staying on the registry in territorial subdivision of authorized body in the field of industrial safety |
analysis results of the data represented by state bodies and the organizations |
20 |
0 |
1 – 5 |
6 – 15 |
16-50 |
51-99 |
100 and more |
0% |
10% |
20% |
50% |
75% |
100% | ||||
5 |
Quantity registered declarations of industrial safety |
analysis results of the data represented by state bodies and the organizations |
20 |
0 |
1-3 |
3 and more |
0% |
75% |
100% |
For checks on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions | |||||||||
1 |
Availability of administrative punishment for violation of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan when carrying out the certified work types in the field of industrial safety, stipulated in Article 299 Codes of the Republic of Kazakhstan about administrative offenses |
analysis results of the data represented by state bodies and the organizations |
20 |
1 |
100% |
2 |
Certificate availability on the work right in the field of industrial safety |
analysis results of the data represented by state bodies and the organizations |
40 |
0 |
1 |
0% |
100% |
3 |
Certificate availability on the carrying out right on hazardous production facility of mine-rescue, gas-rescuing, antigushing works |
analysis results of the data represented by state bodies and the organizations |
40 |
0 |
1 |
0% |
100% |
Appendix 2
to the joint Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 15, 2015 No. 1206, on December 28, 2015 No. 814
The state body which appointed preventive control with visit
subject (object) of control and supervision _____________________________________
The act of purpose of preventive control with visit of subject (object)
control and supervision
No., date
Name of subject (object) of control and supervision ________________________
(Individual identification number), business and identification number
subject (object) of control and supervision _____________________________________
Location address _________________________________________________
№ |
List of requirements |
Conforms to requirements |
Does not conform to requirements |
1. |
The regulation availability about production supervision in the field of industrial safety approved by the order of the head of the organization, accomplishment of the conditions necessary for the organization and implementation of production control over observance of requirements of industrial safety |
2. |
Availability of results and accomplishment of recommendations of inspection and diagnosing of factory buildings, technology constructions |
3. |
Availability of reports on results of engineering certifications of the technical devices used on hazardous production facilities, dangerous technical devices |
4. |
Availability of results and accomplishment of recommendations of examination of the technical devices which fulfilled normative service life |
5. |
Admission availability to work on hazardous production facilities of officials and workers |
6. |
Availability of analysis results of origins of the accidents, accomplishment of the actions plan directed to mitigation of consequences of accidents and to prevention of similar accidents, provision of information on their execution in territorial subdivision of authorized body in the field of industrial safety |
7. |
Availability and maintaining register of accidents, incidents, providing its filling with complete and reliable information |
8. |
Observance, established by the passport or the operation manual on regulation on timely updating of the technical devices which fulfilled normative service life |
9. |
Availability of completeness of the staff of employees of hazardous production facility |
10. |
Observance of requirements for ensuring preparation, retraining and examination of heads of legal entities, members of permanent examination committees, specialists, workers in the field of industrial safety (the schedule of training and examination, the curriculum and training programs, examination cards and (or) electronic programs of testing; protocols, certificates and certificates of examination of employees of the organization) |
11. |
Agreement availability with professional rescue service in the field of industrial safety (further – PASS) on carrying out scheduled and mine-rescue, gas-rescuing, antigushing maintenance on hazardous production facilities and its compliance by the number of rescue equipping, regular rescuers, the special equipment, regimentals and equipment or creation of own professional object rescue services in the field of industrial safety and its compliance by the number of rescue equipping, regular rescuers, the special equipment, regimentals and equipment. |
12. |
Availability of information on registration, removal from accounting of hazardous production facilities in territorial subdivision of authorized body in the field of industrial safety |
13. |
Availability of the notification and entry in the passport of the dangerous technical device about its registration, removal from the accounting issued and made by territorial subdivision of authorized body in the field of industrial safety |
14. |
Availability of the project documentation approved and coordinated in the field of industrial safety on construction, expansion, reconstruction, upgrade, preservation and liquidation of hazardous production facility |
15. |
Availability of acceptance test reports, the engineering certifications which are carried out when commissioning hazardous production facilities with participation of the state inspector |
16. |
Availability of the liquidation plan of accidents (further - PLA) approved by the head of the organization and approved about PASS, compliance of PLA to the valid provision on hazardous production facility |
17. |
Availability of reserve of material resources on work according to PLA |
18. |
Availability of monitoring systems, communications and supports in permanent readiness of local warning systems in case of accident, incident on hazardous production facilities and ensuring their steady functioning |
19. |
Availability of plans and acts of carrying out educational alarms and antiemergency trainings, written informing territorial subdivision of authorized body on carrying out educational alarms, ensuring training of workers in actions in case of accident, incident on hazardous production facilities |
20. |
Availability of the existing certificate on the work right in the field of industrial safety |
21. |
Availability of permissions to use of the technologies applied on hazardous production facilities, dangerous technical devices |
22. |
Availability of permission to permanent use of explosives and products on their basis |
23. |
Availability of permission to production of explosive works |
24. |
Availability of license for activities on development, production, acquisition, realization, storage explosive and pyrotechnic (except for civil) substances and products with their application |
25. |
Availability approved and registered in authorized body in the field of industrial safety of the declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facility and the changes of the conditions influencing ensuring industrial safety made to the declaration (in case of modification of the declaration it is subject to repeated registration no later than three months after modification in time) |
26. |
Provision of information on the happened accidents, incidents and accidents in territorial subdivision of authorized body in the field of industrial safety |
27. |
Provision of complete and reliable information on the general level of danger of hazardous production facility, on identification of hazardous production facilities in territorial subdivision of authorized body in the field of industrial safety |
Official person(s)
_____________________________________ ______________
position signature
surname, name, middle name (in the presence)
Head of the subject of control and supervision
____________________________________ _______________
position signature
surname, name, middle name (in the presence)
Appendix 3
to the joint Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 15, 2015 No. 1206, on December 28, 2015 No. 814
See. Checking leaf in the field of the state control and supervision in the field of industrial safety concerning hazardous production facilities in case of geological exploration, production and conversion of uranium (0.11Mb In original language)
Appendix 4
to the joint Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 15, 2015 No. 1206, on December 28, 2015 No. 814
The state body which appointed preventive control with visit
subject (object) of control and supervision ____________________________________
The act of purpose of preventive control with visit of subject (object)
control and supervision _____________________________________________________
No., date
Name of subject (object) of control and supervision ________________________
(Individual identification number), business and identification number
subject (object) of control and supervision _____________________________________
Location address _________________________________________________
№ |
List of requirements |
Conforms to requirements |
Does not conform to requirements |
1. |
Availability on beryllium productions of production schedules and normative and technical documents, the establishing rules of conducting works |
2. |
Availability on beryllium productions of passports of reservoirs, processing equipment, pipelines, armature, safety devices, devices of control systems, management, the building and construction |
3. |
Acquaintance (under list) all again accepted workers with the existing liquidation plan of accidents which action extends to zone of performance of works |
4. |
Non-admission of modification of the technology scheme, hardware registration, in control systems, communications, the notification and the antiemergency automatic protection without modification of project and technical documentation approved with developer of the project or with the organization specializing in designing of similar objects, manufacturing plant of the equipment. Non-admission of acceptance in operation of the new and reconstructed objects having subquality work and departures from the project and non-compliant to the requirements |
5. |
Observance of procedure for accomplishment of gas dangerous works and works of the increased danger. Availability of the list of gas dangerous works and works of the increased danger, and also the procedure for their accomplishment approved by the technical lead of the organization |
6. |
Availability of the service exercising control of the following indicators: 1) content of beryllium in air of the working area; 2) efficiency of ventilation; 3) efficiency of cleaning of integuments; 4) impurity of the handed-over scrap metal; 5) illumination condition on workplaces; 6) noise level and vibrations on workplaces; 7) microclimate parameters |
7. |
Availability of stationary posts for control of content of beryllium in air on workplaces according to maximum permissible levels and concentration on beryllium content |
8. |
Availability of special service of the organization exercising periodic control of impurity degree beryllium and its connections of roads, sidewalks and other territory of the industrial platform. Availability of the approved schedule determining frequency of implementation of this control |
9. |
Non-admission of the device of account warehouses in cellars of buildings |
10. |
Distance compliance from storage locations of reservoirs with the compressed or liquefied gases to walls of factory buildings, at least 20 meters |
11. |
Availability of the lightning protection devices which are turning on interception rods, conductor cables and grounding conductors for protection of buildings and constructions |
12. |
Availability of the rounded-off form of interface of the walls and ceilings, walls and floor designed or the reconstructed buildings |
13. |
Availability of special vacuum system in rooms for cleaning of dust of processing equipment |
14. |
Placement of rooms in which the equipment of remote control of technical devices in net zone, and availability of observation ports for observation is located |
15. |
The device of entrance to production rooms only through the sanitary and household rooms organized as the sanitary inspection room |
16. |
Implementation of acceptance of dirty special clothes in washing in the individual containers corresponding to types of special clothes |
17. |
Availability before entrance in shower, container for collection of the used respirators |
18. |
Non-admission of entrance of personnel in overalls in net sanitary and household and administration rooms |
19. |
Availability of the warning signs, identification coloring and marking guards |
20. |
Availability of material safety data sheets on the chemicals applied in case of production of beryllium and its connections |
21. |
Availability of systems and means of automatic fire extinguishing and isolation of the seat of fire during the designing, installation and operation of ventilating networks on beryllium dust spontaneous ignition case in air ducts of the exhaust ventilation or on filters |
22. |
Availability in production rooms exhaust and forced ventilation. Finding of production rooms of beryllium production under discharge in relation to the atmosphere |
23. |
Implementation before emission in the atmosphere, special purification of the air deleted by ventilating installations from workshops or sites on processing of beryllium and its alloys |
24. |
Equipment by protective coatings of the air ducts deleting the air containing vapors of acids and alkalis together with the compounds of beryllium, protective coatings permanent to their impact |
25. |
Non-admission of consolidation in one system of air ducts from all-exchange and local exhaust systems |
26. |
Availability of documentation on ventilating systems and gas-purifying constructions: 1) the magazine on operation and repair of ventilating systems and pylegazoochistny constructions; 2) production schedules on operation and repair of the equipment or work instructions; 3) graphics of cleaning of air ducts, replacements of solutions in devices of wet cleaning; 4) graphics of scheduled preventive maintenance; 5) passports of all ventilating systems with schemes of distributing of air ducts and specifying of line items |
27. |
Availability on ventilating system and pylegazoochisny devices of stationary instrumentations with the recorders which are taken out on the control panel of operator zone, the light and sound alarm system. Availability of automation and blocking of the equipment for its concurrent work with ventilation |
28. |
Availability of acts of investigation of cases of exceeding of threshold limit value of beryllium in air of the working area. Availability by results of investigations of actions for non-admission of exceeding of threshold limit value of beryllium in air of the working area and environment |
29. |
Availability in sanitary locks on entrance to rooms (boxes, canyons) where operations with big allocation of aerosols of beryllium, devices for cleaning of overalls and special footwear are performed. Implementation of purification of the deleted air before emission in the atmosphere according to the project documentation |
30. |
Availability of fountainlets, cranes, sinks of self-help, emergency shower with connection to economic drinking water supply system in production rooms where ignition of clothes or chemical burns is possible |
31. |
Availability of the following systems of the sewerage: 1) economic; 2) special; 3) storm. Availability of separate system of the sewerage for the production sewage containing toxic substances. The direction of production sewage on slurry pipeline or specialized machines on the tailings dam |
32. |
Availability of emergency lighting with the independent power supply on sites of the increased danger |
33. |
The device of the lighting fixtures established in production rooms in dust and water tight execution |
34. |
Compliance of tension of figurative electric lighting is not higher than 42 Volts, during the work in metal reservoirs, furnaces, coppers, wells, mills, places where air contains explosive gases, dust and vapors, lamps in explosion-proof execution not higher than 12 Volts shall be used to figurative lighting |
35. |
Availability of the isolated rooms, for the grinding processing of beryllium and its alloys equipped with the complete shelter of zone of placement of the processed detail and the abrasive tool, provided with the local exhaust ventilation |
36. |
Availability of the local exhaust ventilation in case of hot pressing, melting and casting of beryllium and alloys on its basis |
37. |
Availability of special boxes for preparation and razves of burdening materials |
38. |
Application of the closed container when moving in rooms of the tool contaminated by beryllium, devices, special clothes, tests and production products |
39. |
Observance of the technical characteristics of operation of the equipment established in operation manuals |
40. |
Availability of the schedule of maintenance and repair for all equipment approved by the technical lead of the organization |
41. |
Providing processing equipment of beryllium production by the automated or mechanized management, for trouble-free operation, control and regulation of engineering procedure |
42. |
Availability and fulfillment of requirements of the production schedules developed according to operational documentation of the technical device taking into account conditions of production, and also requirements of the work and technology instruction developed on process, transaction |
43. |
Non-admission of works on the defective equipment, use of defective devices and tools |
44. |
Availability of specially allocated and equipped sites for collection, sorting and short-term storage of waste |
45. |
Availability of protection against accumulating of charges of static electricity of reservoirs, processing equipment, the pipelines, drain devices connected with acceptance, conversion and movement of the liquids and loose substances which are dielectrics |
46. |
Availability of the schedules approved by the technical lead of the organization and implementation of routine maintenance and overhaul repairs of the capital and service equipment, instrumentations and automatic equipment |
47. |
Availability of acts of carrying out cleaning of the production products which are in it and deactivation before repair, the equipment (devices, reservoirs and so forth) |
48. |
Availability of the certificate of cleaning and control of purity of the surface issued by the laboratory which was carrying out control before export of the equipment from the production room |
49. |
The availability of protection devices on production equipment preventing harmful effects of aerosols, dust, electromagnetic fields of high frequency, thermal radiations, noise and vibration |
50. |
Detachment from the operating systems of the equipment which is not used in the existing technology scheme |
51. |
Placement in the isolated rooms of the equipment of fire-dangerous processes, the shumovibrogeneriruyushchy and pylegazovydelyayushchy equipment. In case of impossibility of complete sealing, processing equipment is located in canyons with depression maintenance at least five pascal. Availability in the specified rooms of the equipment of control of pressure difference |
52. |
Implementation only through stationary sanitary locks or platforms, depending on necessary degree of protection of the room, the message between rooms in case of placement of the equipment in canyons, cameras, boxes mutual isolation |
53. |
Placement in the separate isolated canyons of melting furnaces of decomposition and recovery |
54. |
Placement separately from other production sites of the vacuum furnaces intended for refinement, melting and receipt of ligatures |
55. |
Availability on technology sites of utility rooms for storage of not used equipment and stock |
56. |
Compliance in case of installation of the equipment of the following conditions: 1) the main central passes for journey of transport shall be at least three meters wide; 2) the main passes in the permanent residences working shall be at least two meters wide; 3) the main passes on the front of servicing of devices and other equipment shall be at least one and a half meters wide; 4) passes between devices in need of circular servicing shall be width of at least 0,8 of meter; 5) passes for survey, recurring inspection and adjustment of the equipment, armature and devices width is at least meter 0,8; 6) passes from workplaces to emergency exits (for evacuation of people) at least one meter |
57. |
Availability of the equipped room for cleaning and wash of the dismantled equipment, containers for sink of fine details and tools |
58. |
Availability of special containers for collection and the direction of fine details and tools to the washing room |
59. |
Arrangement of manholes in the equipment for internal survey and cleaning taking into account open entry to them |
60. |
Availability of the production schedules, work, technology instructions, cards of the repairs developed by the organization and approved by the technical lead on which technology and auxiliary works are carried out |
61. |
Sealing of engineering procedures. Non-admission of operation of the equipment having leaks of solutions, release of gases and dust |
62. |
Mechanization of production operation, connected with release of dust and aerosols. Depression availability in cameras, canyons and boxes in case of impossibility of mechanization of process, for accomplishment of manual transactions with the open raising dust products in glove boxing |
63. |
Distributing availability for clean air in each camera, canyon or boxing which is applied when using pneumosuits, space suits, hose individual protection equipment of respiratory organs. Non-admission of entrance to these cameras, canyons, boxes for servicing and repair of the equipment without the specified individual protection equipment, or using regular individual protection equipment without preliminary cleaning of the equipment and the room |
64. |
Availability of systems of automation and remote control of processes and devices |
65. |
Use of the equipment working in the closed cycle with automatic control and adjustment of technology parameters for processes of evaporation and crystallization |
66. |
Mechanization of processes of loading and unloading of melting furnaces, furnaces of decomposition and recovery, the vacuum furnaces intended for refinement, melting and receipt of ligature are as much as possible mechanized. Availability of remote control of engineering procedure of console and operator rooms |
67. |
Implementation of preliminary chilling and aeration before opening of vacuum furnaces. Carrying out cleaning of sublimates only the intrinsically safe tool |
68. |
Accomplishment of the equipment for crushing of beryllium and receipt of its powders hermetic, excluding release of dust in the surrounding atmosphere. Placement of this equipment in separate canyons, boxes, in case of impossibility of implementation of hermeticity |
69. |
Implementation of loading of compression molds powder and extraction of products from them in the certain room, boxing, canyon |
70. |
Availability and use of pneumovacuum transport for cleaning of shaving, dust |
71. |
Availability and maintaining magazines of systematic survey of flange connections of pipelines and elimination of leak of solutions |
72. |
Implementation of packing of the containing materials which are raising dust beryllium in production and laboratory rooms in cases or boxes with hermetically the built-in chamber gloves |
73. |
Non-admission of works with release of toxic substances in case of failure of ventilating system or clearing construction (in the absence of emergency ventilation) |
74. |
Implementation of collection of scatterings and floods of production products by wet or vacuum cleaning |
75. |
Availability and maintaining magazines of systematic check of protection devices on efficiency of protection and their content in good repair |
76. |
Availability of local ventilating suctions: 1) in processing equipment in case of which operation harmful vapors, gases, beryllium aerosols can be allocated; 2) in loading and discharging gears of mills of dry and wet grinding on sites of crushing, bunkers and qualifiers; 3) in arc furnaces for melting of beryllium concentrate, bunkers; 4) in furnaces of decomposition, refinement and melting |
77. |
Availability of the metal cabins supplied with local suctions for vibromills in which crushing is made with excessive pressure of inert gas |
78. |
Protection availability the materials resistant in this circle of devices, affected by aggressive, explosive or combustible substances |
79. |
Availability of overflow pipes on the capacity equipment, excluding flood of pulp and solutions, depending on the substance which is in it |
80. |
Implementation of dumpings of toxic gases, vapors and aerosols in case of operation of the safety valve in receivers or clearing devices |
81. |
Availability and use of emergency and reserve reservoirs for discharge and pumping in case of emergency release of devices the substances containing in them |
82. |
The availability of insulating covering of the equipment and pipelines having temperature of outside surface 450C and above in order to avoid receipt of thermal burns |
83. |
Lack of gap between located in production rooms by guards, panels and cases and wall |
84. |
Arrangement in certain rooms of electropanel board distribution points and equipments of control of electroreceivers |
85. |
Availability of two inputs with automatic input of reserve from independent source of electric utility service for prevention to sudden stop of the equipment which can lead to accident |
86. |
Availability in manufacture workshops of workshops for repair and adjustment of electric equipment, electrical accessories |
87. |
Workshop availability for carrying out preventive repair of instrumentations and automatic equipment and their checking, the room for storage of revolving and reserve fund of devices, near the room panel board |
88. |
Availability of castle devices with consolidation on doors of devices and guards for prevention of penetration of gases, dust |
89. |
Availability of consolidations on openings in the body of the device or guard for input of wires |
90. |
Placement of all devices and regulators in central panel board or in panel board local management systems |
91. |
Non-admission of placement in panel board and over it processing equipment and communications which can be the cause of hit of technology product to the room |
92. |
Availability of technical data sheets on all devices with marks about carrying out repair and date of checking |
93. |
Accomplishment of intra shop posting of telephone communication is hidden (pipes, shtroba and so forth) |
94. |
Accomplishment in dust and water tight execution of the equipment of the connection established in production rooms |
95. |
Availability of barriers, continuous or mesh with size of cells of 20х20 millimeters, the open moving parts of the equipment located at height to 2,5 of meters, counterloads, the tense cables and to that similar parts of the equipment or mechanisms |
96. |
Availability of the safety devices interfering capture of clothes and fingers the giving rollers working on, rollers and to that similar devices |
97. |
Availability on machines, oborudovaniye of screens (barriers), protecting workers from the flying-away shaving and splinters |
98. |
Availability of automatic blocking with the starting arrangements ensuring functioning of the moving equipment only in case of protective provision of the removable barriers excluding access to elements of the moving equipment |
99. |
Availability of continuous barrier, at least 15 centimeters, in order to avoid fall of objects in the lower part of the platforms, transitions, mounting apertures, hatches located at height |
100. |
Availability of removable barriers on flanges of the pipelines transporting aggressive and toxic substances, hot water and vapor for prevention of hit of these substances on service personnel |
101. |
Availability of constantly closed covers on wells thermal, sewer and to that similar networks |
102. |
Availability of platforms with handrail, ladders with hand-rail or stationary ladders with hand-rail, for safe and convenient equipment maintenance, pipelines, instrumentations and automatic equipment and to that similar |
103. |
Marking availability on the materials arriving in the container (sacks, cistern cars, barrels) specifying the name of substance, material and storage condition |
104. |
Ensuring storage of all semifinished products and procurements of beryllium production in the container which is not allowing dusting |
105. |
Availability of acid-resistant suits, respirators and points during the work with acids, alkalis which storage is performed in the separate, not contaminated by beryllium body |
106. |
Ensuring mechanization of giving and unloading of beryllium concentrate |
107. |
Ensuring transportation of the main and the intermediate firm raising dust products from one workshop in another, in the workshop from one site on another pneumo-vibro-vakuumtransportom or in containers with densely closed covers |
108. |
Availability in production rooms of pumps of the solutions and pulps excluding pollution by beryllium when transporting |
109. |
Non-admission of accumulating of products of beryllium production in the reservoirs which are not adapted for conducting engineering procedure |
110. |
Application of antidust respirators, gas masks (isolating or hose), pneumohelmets, pneumosuits and to that respiratory organs, similar for protection, against penetration into organism of compounds of beryllium |
111. |
Non-admission of finding of personnel in out-of-pocket production rooms of individual protection or in defective means |
112. |
Availability of registration number to each antigas box |
113. |
Availability of individual protection equipment with autonomous or hose system of airsupply in case of accomplishment of the repair work and other work types which are source of the increased impurity of air beryllium when it is impossible to provide with respirators and other fixed assets of individual protection effective protection of personnel |
114. |
Availability of stationary distributing of clean air for connection of space suits, pneumomasks, pneumojackets, etc. |
115. |
Providing consumption of the air given to individual protection equipment of respiratory organs, at least 15 cubic meters an hour |
116. |
Providing intake of air for pneumosuits with preliminary cleaning and heating during the cold period of year |
117. |
Availability of fire-resistant overalls for accomplishment of hot work |
118. |
Availability of additional sets of individual protection equipment of respiratory organs in special lockers on workplaces or sites where the possibility of emergency air pollution is not excluded by toxic substances |
119. |
Availability in sanitary inspection rooms of the first-aid kit, necessary inventory of soap, towels, basts, the disinfectants mitigating integuments. Implementation of observation of content and set of medicines management of the workshop or employee of medical aid station |
120. |
Availability of special places, for collection and temporary storage of waste |
121. |
Implementation of collection of waste separately, depending on: 1) type (liquid, firm); 2) availability or lack of beryllium in waste; 3) vzryvo-and inflammability |
122. |
Availability of container and the transport excluding pollution of roads and the territories of the industrial platform production products in transit of waste of beryllium production. Non-admission of use for these purposes of not equipped transport |
123. |
Availability of the equipped furnace with mechanization of process of loading, unloading and system of pyleulavlivaniye for destruction of production wastes, or their export on the tailings dam |
124. |
Ensuring cleaning and neutralization of vehicles after the end of transportation, for possibility of their further operation |
125. |
Non-admission of availability of naked flame in rooms where works with beryllium powders are carried out |
126. |
Availability of the special heat-resistant sealed containers filled with argon for storage and transportation of beryllium powders with average fineness less than five micrometers |
127. |
Availability of the isolated rooms equipped with primary and special fire extinguishing means for storage of containers with beryllium powder |
128. |
Non-admission of storage of beryllium powders together with flammable substances, strong oxidizers, acids and alkalis |
129. |
Non-admission of storage of beryllium powder under sheet of water |
130. |
Availability of supply with water, for chilling of high-temperature vacuum furnaces, from the shop networks of water supply powered from two independent sources |
131. |
Blocking availability on shutdown of the furnace in case of hit of water in working space |
132. |
Availability on the furnaces working under vacuum of explosive valves (membranes) |
133. |
Ensuring filling with inert gas, before opening, the furnaces working under vacuum on which internal walls sedimentation of aerosol particles of metal, inclined to spontaneous ignition, is possible |
134. |
Filling with nonflammable material of free spaces between air duct and opening in places of passing of air ducts through overlappings, partitions and walls |
135. |
Availability of latches in the channel (air duct) which are automatically closed in case of temperature increase to extreme value |
136. |
Availability of automatic latches on ventilating channels and air ducts before and after each camera of filters of the exhaust ventilation |
137. |
Availability of acts of testing of filter fabric for catching of powders of beryllium on combustibility together with the beryllium powder which is raised dust on it |
138. |
Availability of schedules and acts of implementation of regeneration of filtering sleeves, before limiting achievement of values of resistance of filters |
139. |
Ensuring storage of the removed filtering sleeves in dry rooms in leak-proof, nonflammable packages, before export on burial |
140. |
Non-admission of hit in systems of pylegazoochistka on powder transactions of water, vapors of flammable liquid, explosive gases, sources of ignition (sparks) and objects capable in case of blows about walls of the device to form sparks |
141. |
Non-admission of use of flammable liquids for washing and rubbing of structures of buildings, constructions and the equipment |
142. |
Availability of automatic latches at the beginning and the end of underground tunnels, in ventilating channels, in front of each camera and after it, for prevention of spread of fire |
143. |
Availability of automatic announcers in underground tunnels and ventilating channels on which signal latches are automatically closed and is disconnected the fan |
Official person(s)
_____________________________________ _______________
position signature
surname, name, middle name (in the presence)
Head of the subject of control and supervision
______________________________________ _______________
position signature
surname, name, middle name (in the presence)
Appendix 5
to the joint Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 15, 2015 No. 1206, on December 28, 2015 No. 814
The state body which appointed preventive control with visit
subject (object) of control and supervision _____________________________________
The act of purpose of preventive control with visit of subject (object)
control and supervision ______________________________________________________
No., date
Name of subject (object) of control and supervision _________________________
(Individual identification number), business and identification number
subject (object) of control and supervision ______________________________________
Location address __________________________________________________
№ |
List of requirements |
Conforms to requirements |
Does not conform to requirements |
1. |
Non-admission of acceptance in operation of the new and reconstructed subjects to use of atomic energy having subquality work and departures from the project |
2. |
Availability in the organization of information stands with regularly placed data on levels of ionizing radiation on workplaces and sizes of the received individual doses of radiation |
3.3. |
Availability of the operating organization of the list of persons allowed to work from sources of ionizing radiation until the receipt of sources, the order about appointment of the responsible persons providing accounting and storage of sources of ionizing radiation, the organization of collection, storage and delivery of radioactive waste, production control over radiation safety approved by the technical lead |
4.5. |
Availability of credit and debit register of sources of ionizing radiation |
5.6. |
Availability of written requests for receipt of sources of ionizing radiation if the organization owner of the sources of ionizing radiation transferred to temporary storage periodically uses them for production needs |
6.7. |
Availability of copies of technical data sheets (certificates) and orders requests on sources of ionizing radiation at responsible for accounting and storage. Ensuring permanent storage of credit and debit magazines with registration of issue and return of sources of radiation |
7.8. |
Availability of the equipped storages ensuring safety of sources of ionizing radiation and excluding access for strangers to them |
8.9. |
Availability of the exhaust ventilation in storages of sources of ionizing radiation |
9.10. |
Availability of the delivery-acceptance certificate of sources of radiation in case of dismissal (transfer) of persons allowed to works with radiation sources |
10:11. |
Availability of the annual order of the head of the organization for creation of the commission on inventory count of sources of ionizing radiation, on check of correctness of conducting their accounting |
11:12. |
Availability of the marked signs of radiation hazard on the equipment, containers, packagings, devices, portable installations, vehicles containing sources of ionizing radiation |
12:13. |
Compliance of engineering procedure to production schedules |
13:14. |
Availability of seals or brands of checking of instrumentations, established on the equipment where radioactive materials are used. Adherence to deadlines of check of the devices provided by management on their operation. Compliance of arrangement of manometers, indicators of weight and others control and measuring devices so that their indications clearly were visible to service personnel |
14:17. |
Availability and maintaining the magazine of survey of the equipment where radioactive materials are used, the responsible person for production supervision according to the approved schedule – at least once a quarter |
15:18. |
Observance of schedules of scheduled preventive maintenance of the equipment where radioactive materials are used |
16:19. |
Availability of the established ventilating and airclearing devices, the providing protection of air of working rooms and atmospheric air against radioactive pollution in rooms where works with open sources of ionizing radiation are conducted |
17. |
Availability of mechanical ventilation for rooms and certain sites in which the normalized microclimatic parameters and hazardous substance content in air of the working area are not provided with natural ventilation, and also for rooms and zones without natural airing |
18:20. |
Availability of the corresponding documentation on adjustment and testing for efficiency and acceptance in operation by the commission appointed by the head of the organization, ventilating installations after the end of installation |
19:21. |
Availability of the order on appointment of the responsible person for serviceable condition and safe operation of ventilating installations |
20:22. |
Availability of passports, repair cards and magazines of operation of all ventilating installations |
21:23. |
Ensuring continuous work of all main forced-air and exhaust ventilating installations in operating time of processing equipment. Non-admission of closing of ventilating latches and shiber, stitched and exhaust openings (channels) |
22. |
Non-admission of operation of processing equipment which work is followed by allocation of dangerous and hazardous substances in case of defective systems of ventilation |
23. |
Implementation of inclusion of ventilating systems before launch of processing equipment and shutdown after its stop with the endurance of time excluding possibility of creation in air of concentration of the hazardous or dangerous substances exceeding them limiting admissible |
24:24. |
Availability of automatic gas analyzers with the device of the light and sound alarm system providing continuous control of condition of the air circle in rooms in which is exercised production, storage or emergence of explosive, and also hazardous substances of 1 class of danger is possible |
25.25. |
Availability in places of organized allocation of harmful vapors and gases, local shelters (casings) |
26. |
Availability on ventilating installations adaptation (hatches, the union) for control and measurement of speed, pressure and air temperature in air ducts and devices for regulation of amounts of the moved air. |
27.26. |
Availability of grounding of all metal air ducts and equipment of ventilating systems (stitched and exhaust) |
28.27. |
Availability of system of automation and remote control, shielding of sources of radiation and reducing time of working activities for decrease in levels of external radiation of personnel from radiation sources |
29.28. |
Availability on doors of each room of information its appointment, class of the carried-out works and placement of sign of radiation hazard |
30. |
Implementation of complex of actions for deactivation of production rooms and the equipment during the works with sources of ionizing radiation |
31.29. |
Availability of results of check on hermeticity of the closed radiation sources according to the procedure and in the terms established by management of the manufacturer on their operation. |
32.30. |
Non-admission use of the closed radiation sources in case of violation of their hermeticity, and also after fixed term of operation |
33.31. |
Availability of signs of radiation hazard on devices in which the closed radiation sources are placed |
34.32. |
Observance of storage of the closed radiation sources in protection devices in non-working provision |
35.33. |
Availability of clear marking with indication of the name of radionuclide and its activity on doors of sections and packagings with radioactive materials |
36.34. |
Availability of the schematic map of placement in storage of sources of ionizing radiation |
37.35. |
Availability of metal or plastic packaging for the glass reservoirs containing radioactive liquids |
38.36. |
Availability indoors where works on stationary installations with the closed sources of radiation of systems of blocking and the alarm system about source provision (the block of sources) are carried out |
39.37. |
Non-admission when using devices with the closed sources of radiation of access for strangers to sources of radiation and ensuring safety of sources |
40. |
Implementation of installation, adjustment, reloading of sources of radiation and maintenance of radio isotope devices by specialists of the organizations allowed to works with sources of ionizing radiation or the specialized organizations |
41.38. |
Availability on installation of the provided devices for forced and remote moving of source of radiation to storage provision in case of installation power food shutdown, or in case of any other emergency situation |
42. |
Non-admission of extraction of sources of radiation from blocks if it is not provided by the operation manual. Availability of remote tools, filters and others devices when the operation manual provides their extraction |
43.39. |
Availability of the developed production schedules providing procedure for collection, temporary storage and transfer on burial of radioactive waste |
44. |
Non-admissions of work with sources of ionizing radiation, without availability of conditions for collection and temporary storage of radioactive waste in the organizations where formation of radioactive waste is possible |
45.40. |
Ensuring collection of radioactive waste is direct in places of their education, separately from regular waste taking into account: 1) classifications of liquid and solid radioactive waste; 2) aggregate state (firm, liquid); 3) physical and chemical characteristics; 4) nature (organic and inorganic); 5) half-life period of the radionuclides which are in waste; 6) vzryvo-and inflammability; 7) the accepted methods of conversion of waste |
46.41. |
Availability in the organization of the established containers for collection of solid radioactive waste. Equipment of the locations of containers defensors for decrease in radiation beyond their limits to admissible level |
47.42. |
Adherence to deadlines of temporary storage of radioactive waste of not exceeding one month |
48.43. |
Availability of the drawn-up acts by transfer of radioactive waste from the organization for conversion, long-term storage or burial in special container |
49.44. |
Non-admission of acceptance on burial of explosive, or self-igniting solid and liquid waste |
50.45. |
Availability of the developed project of conclusion from operation for radiation installations I of category not later than five years before the appointed date of termination of operation of all object, or its separate part, for radiation installations II of category not later than three years, for radiation installations III of category – in one year |
51. |
Availability of the program of radiation protection, approved as the head of the organization for transportation of sources of ionizing radiation with indication of methods and measures of protection of personnel and the population |
52.46. |
Availability on the packagings containing sources of ionizing radiation, and vehicles of the corresponding numbers their transporting, put, marking, the label, information plates and signs of danger |
53.47. |
Availability: 1) certificates on the packaging containing sources of ionizing radiation; 2) means for accident elimination and delivery of health care by the victim |
54. |
Availability on vehicles, the transporting sources of ionizing radiation: 1) control devices of registration of work-rest schedule of drivers (tachographs); 2) operational tools and the equipment, according to the Liquidation plan of accident; 3) individual protection equipment of the driver and attendant of personnel |
55.48. |
Availability of signs of radiation hazard on railway and automotive vehicles on which packagings, transport packets, or cargo container with sources of ionizing radiation are transported: 1) on two external sidewalls for the rail vehicle; 2) on two external sidewalls and on external back wall for the automotive vehicle |
56.49. |
Availability of signs of radiation hazard is direct on the module bearing load provided that they are easily distinguishable, in relation to reservoirs or cargo containers of the big sizes |
57.50. |
Availability at the driver of the following accompanying documents: 1) route of transportation of sources of ionizing radiation; 2) the action plan in emergency developed by the consignor; 3) the address and phones of carrier, the consignor, consignee, authorized bodies on control of ensuring safe operation of transport, traffic safety, the prevention and liquidation of the emergency situations located on traffic route |
58.51. |
Availability on production sites, in sanitary propusknik and medical aid station of radiation object of the first-aid kit with set of necessary means of first aid by the victim in case of accident, and on objects where work with radioactive materials – in the open form filled inventory of means of sanitary processing of persons which underwent to pollution is carried out |
Official person(s)
_____________________________________ _______________
position signature
surname, name, middle name (in the presence)
Head of the subject of control and supervision
_____________________________________ _______________
position signature
surname, name, middle name (in the presence)
Appendix 6
to the joint Order of the Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 15, 2015 No. 1206, on December 28, 2015 No. 814
The state body which appointed preventive control with visit
subject (object) of control and supervision ____________________________________
The act of purpose of preventive control with visit of subject (object)
control and supervision _____________________________________________________
No., date Name of subject (object) of control and supervision
(Individual identification number), business and identification number
subject (object) of control and supervision _____________________________________
Location address _________________________________________________
№ |
List of requirements |
Conforms to requirements |
Does not conform to requirements |
1. |
Availability of the production schedules developed and approved by the technical lead of the organization on all production processes |
2. |
Availability of protective barrier with installation of gate around the industrial platform |
3. |
Non-admission of modification of technology schemes, control systems, communications, notifications and antiemergency automatic protection without entering of corresponding changes into project and technology documentation, in coordination with the project organization, manufacturing plant of the equipment |
4. |
Application on objects of production of the warning signs, identification coloring and marking guards |
5. |
Security of officials and personnel with special clothes, special footwear and individual protection equipment. Admission prohibition to work of persons without appropriate means of individual protection |
6. |
Availability of barriers on height at least one meter and consecrations in night-time of holes, ditches, trenches, hatches, wells |
7. |
Availability of the transitional bridges protected with handrail in places of transition through ditches, trenches and holes |
8. |
Availability of schedules of scheduled preventive maintenance of factory buildings and constructions, inspections of the metal and steel concrete designs approved by the technical lead |
9. |
The floor device in production rooms where in engineering procedures liquids are used, shall be water-proof, with nonslipping covering and bias to the ladder or sump providing drain (use of stationary or portable devices for collection of floods from the floors which do not have biases is allowed) where aggressive substances – steady against their impact are applied |
10. |
Availability of protection against corrosion of all building constructions of the buildings and constructions which are under the influence of hostile environment |
11. |
Availability on gate of warehouses of the light alarm system for permission or prohibition of entrance and departure of vehicles and the sound alarm system for the notification about it the people working in rooms |
12. |
Availability of the light alarm system in buildings of workshops and warehouses in which bridge cranes work |
13. |
Availability of the schedule of control of air of the working area approved by the technical lead of the organization in production rooms where allocation of hazardous substances is possible |
14. |
Availability of system of local suctions with subsequent their cleaning in places of possible allocation of vapors of acids and dust |
15. |
Availability of the gas analyzers blocked with emergency exhaust systems and giving of light and sound signals for continuous control of air of the working area in case of possible allocation of hazardous substances of the first and second classes of danger |
16. |
Availability in production rooms of the platform on the front of servicing of control panels (in the presence of permanent workplaces) at least two meters wide |
17. |
Availability in production rooms of the platform for permanent equipment maintenance at least one meter wide and the platform for periodic equipment maintenance by width is at least 0,8 of meters; in case of equipment maintenance from all directions, width of platforms is accepted according to 1,0 meter and 0,8 of meters around |
18. |
Availability in production rooms of the platform for installation and dismantle of the equipment, sufficient for placement of the mounted and dismantled equipment, carrying out its repair without blocking up of working passes, the main and emergency exits and platforms of ladders |
19. |
Availability of the replaceable magazine for record of violations of technical operation, the found and eliminated defects of the operative equipment |
20. |
Availability of passports, operational documents of reservoirs, processing equipment, pipelines, fittings, safety devices, devices of control systems, managements, equipment of ventilation and pylegazoochistka, building and construction |
21. |
Availability of barriers, the sound or light alarm system, control and measuring and devices of safety, the blocking provided by equipment design |
22. |
Availability of the number assigned to technology devices corresponding to number of line item on the technology scheme |
23. |
Availability of the hung-out schemes of arrangement and technology communications of aggregates and pipelines directly at aggregates or the locations of service personnel |
24. |
Accomplishment of signal-alarm coloring of elements of building constructions of buildings, equipment, safety signs |
25. |
Availability of control acts of thickness of walls of reservoirs of the technology equipment and pipelines |
26. |
Availability of local suctions in case of the impossibility of complete sealing of processing equipment, the equipment and pipelines intended for work with harmful vapors, gases and dust. Non-admission of operation of the equipment with the broken sealing. Implementation of systematic surveys of the pressurizing devices |
27. |
Availability of barrier and exception of possibility of contact with personnel of moving parts of production equipment |
28. |
Availability of barrier of parts of production equipment (including pipelines, safety valves, power cables) which mechanical damage can cause emergence of danger |
29. |
Check of the operated equipment at least once a year for the purpose of establishment of levels of sound pressure and vibration on work locations |
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