of September 16, 2016 No. 925
About priority of goods of the Russian origin, works, the services which are carried out, rendered by Russian persons in relation to the goods coming from foreign state, to the works, services which are carried out, rendered by foreign persons
According to Item 1 of part 8 of article 3 of the Federal law "About Purchases of Goods, Works, Services as Separate Types of Legal Entities" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Establish priority of goods of the Russian origin, works, the services which are carried out, rendered by Russian persons when implementing purchases of goods, works, services by carrying out tender, auction and different ways of purchase, except for purchases at the single supplier (the contractor, the contractor), in relation to the goods coming from foreign state, to the works, services which are carried out, rendered by foreign persons (further - priority).
1(1). The priority specified in Item 1 of this resolution is applied to the goods coming from the Donetsk People's Republic, the Luhansk People's Republic, on equal terms with goods of the Russian origin.
The goods origin from the Donetsk People's Republic, the Luhansk People's Republic is confirmed by the certificates of origin issued by authorized bodies (organizations) of the Donetsk People's Republic, the Luhansk People's Republic.
2. When implementing purchases of goods, works, services by carrying out tender or otherwise in case of which the winner of purchase is determined on the basis of evaluation criteria and comparison of the applications for participation in purchase specified in documentation on purchase, or the winner which person who offered bottom price of the agreement is recognized, assessment and comparison of applications for participation in purchase which contain offers on delivery of goods of the Russian origin, performance of works, rendering services by Russian persons, on cost evaluation criteria are made at the agreement price reduced by 15 percent offered in the specified requests, at the same time the agreement is signed at the price of the agreement offered by the participant in the application for participation in purchase.
2(1). When implementing purchases of radio-electronic products, and also intellectual management systems electric grid economy (systems of remote monitoring and diagnostics, intellectual systems of accounting of electrical energy (capacity), automated process control systems of substations, the automated systems of technological management of control centers of networks) and (or) the software used as component of the specified systems by carrying out tender or otherwise in case of which the winner of purchase is determined on the basis of evaluation criteria and comparison of the applications for participation in purchase specified in documentation on purchase, or the winner which person who offered bottom price of the agreement, assessment and comparison of applications for participation in purchase which contain offers on delivery of the radio-electronic products included in the unified register of the Russian radio-electronic products is recognized, and (or) the software included in the unified register of the Russian programs for electronic computers and databases on cost evaluation criteria are made at the agreement price reduced by 30 percent offered in the specified requests, at the same time the agreement is signed at the price of the agreement offered by the participant in the application for participation in purchase.
3. When implementing purchases of goods, works, services by holding the auction or otherwise, in case of which determination of the winner is carried out by decrease in the starting (maximum) price of the contract specified in the notice on purchase for the "step" established in documentation on purchase if the winner of purchase submits the application for participation in purchase containing the offer on delivery of the goods coming from foreign states or the offer on performance of works, rendering services by foreign persons, the contract with such winner is signed at the price reduced by 15 percent from the agreement price offered them.
3(1). When implementing purchases of radio-electronic products, and also intellectual management systems electric grid economy (systems of remote monitoring and diagnostics, intellectual systems of accounting of electrical energy (capacity), automated process control systems of substations, the automated systems of technological management of control centers of networks) and (or) the software used as component of the specified systems by holding the auction or otherwise in case of which determination of the winner is carried out by decrease in the starting (maximum) price of the contract specified in the notice on purchase for the "step" established in documentation on purchase if the winner of purchase submits the application for participation in purchase containing the offer on delivery of the radio-electronic products which are not included in the unified register of the Russian radio-electronic products, and (or) the software not included in the unified register of the Russian programs for electronic computers and databases, the contract with such winner is signed at the price reduced by 30 percent from the agreement price offered them.
4. When implementing purchases of goods, works, services by holding the auction or otherwise, in case of which determination of the winner is carried out by decrease in the starting (maximum) price of the contract specified in the notice on purchase for the "step" established in documentation on purchase if the winner of purchase when which carrying out the price of the agreement is reduced to zero and which is carried out on the right to sign the agreement submits the application for participation in purchase which contains the offer on delivery of the goods coming from foreign states or the offer on performance of works, rendering services by foreign persons, the contract with such winner is signed at the price increased by 15 percent from the agreement price offered them.
4(1). When implementing purchases of radio-electronic products, and also intellectual management systems electric grid economy (systems of remote monitoring and diagnostics, intellectual systems of accounting of electrical energy (capacity), automated process control systems of substations, the automated systems of technological management of control centers of networks) and (or) the software used as component of the specified systems by holding the auction or otherwise in case of which determination of the winner is carried out by decrease in the starting (maximum) price of the contract specified in the notice on purchase for the "step" established in documentation on purchase if the winner of purchase when which carrying out the price of the agreement is reduced to zero and which is carried out on the right to sign the agreement submits the application for participation in purchase which contains the offer on delivery of radio-electronic products the Russian radio-electronic products, and (or) the software which is not included in the unified register of the Russian programs for electronic computers and databases which are not included in the unified register, the contract with such winner is signed at the price increased by 30 percent from the agreement price offered them.
5. Determine that condition of provision of priority is inclusion in documentation on purchase of the following data determined by regulations on purchase:
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