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of September 5, 2016 No. 334

About approval of the Main directions of the state urban policy of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020

1. Approve the enclosed Main directions of the state urban policy of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020.

2. This Decree becomes effective after its official publication.

President of the Republic of Belarus

A. Lukashenko


Approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of September 5, 2016 No. 334

The main directions of the state urban policy of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020

Chapter 1. General provisions

The state urban policy of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020 (further - urban policy) is directed to realization of the rights of citizens of the Republic of Belarus to favorable living environment, development of social, engineering, transport and production infrastructure, protection and use of historical and cultural heritage, environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, fixing of beneficial effects of realization of the Main directions of the state urban policy of the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015 approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 30, 2011 No. 385 (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2011, No. 99, 1/12799).

The urban policy determines strategy, the main directions, tasks and mechanisms of the balanced development of systems of resettlement.

Realization of the Main directions of the state urban policy of the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015 promoted successful accomplishment of number of the state and industry programs on development of settlements, providing citizens with affordable and comfortable housing, implementation of new technology solutions on construction of energy efficient apartment houses, multipurpose complexes, public buildings and constructions, development of unique objects of natural and cultural heritage, reconstruction and restoration of historical and cultural ensembles, improvement of appearance of settlements.

The urban policy will allow to solve the available town-planning problems and to effectively regulate questions:

the balanced development of administrative and territorial units and settlements on the basis of preserving and strengthening of steady systems of resettlement;

complex development of living environment of the population and providing ecological safety of settlements;

enhancement of system of regional and city transport communications;

developments of engineering infrastructure of settlements;

harmonious development of architectural and planning structure of settlements taking into account preserving and rational use of historical and cultural heritage.

Chapter 2. Purpose, main directions and tasks of urban policy

The purpose of urban policy is further enhancement of living environment of the population on the basis of complex and effective use of resource potential of administrative and territorial units and settlements, innovative approaches and step-by-step implementation of plans of social and economic development of the state.

For 2016-2020 four main directions of urban policy are determined:

1. The balanced development of administrative and territorial units and settlements on the basis of preserving and strengthening of steady systems of resettlement.


development of the territories and settlements included in structure of the Minsk agglomeration and residential suburbs of the regional centers in coordination with forecasts of their social and economic development;

enhancement of social infrastructure of the small cities with population to 20 thousand inhabitants, agrotowns, rural settlements for the purpose of creation of comfortable conditions for accommodation and improvement of quality of servicing of the population living in the adjacent territories;

forming of the tourist and recreational territories on the basis of cluster approach, development of the tourist industry with creating favorable conditions for implementation of investment projects in the field of tourism and rest, and also ensuring safety of historical and cultural heritage and rational use of natural resources.

2. Complex development of living environment of the population and providing ecological safety of settlements.


transition from monofunctional zoning of the city to the integrated functional structure allowing to combine accomplishment in one territory of different functions;

application of new approaches to forming of public spaces taking into account interests of different national groups for increase in comfort and variety of the urban environment;

complex town-planning reconstruction of inefficiently used territories for the purpose of development of innovative productions, placements of multipurpose public city objects and apartment block;

implementation of intellectual management system life support of the city on the basis of modern information and communication technologies;

exception of distribution of the building which is not connected with recreational function on the landscape and recreational territories;

improvement of the landscape and recreational territories public and improvement of ecological condition of public and business zones of settlements;

implementation of universal design in creation of barrier-free living environment taking into account requirements of all national groups.

3. Development of transport and engineering infrastructure of settlements.


construction and reconstruction of the existing transport hubs in complex with objects of social infrastructure;

optimization of system of public transport with priority development of rail transport, urban electric transportation, the subway;

implementation of different types of parkings and automobile parkings in residential districts (quarters) of Minsk, the large cities with population from 250 thousand to 500 thousand inhabitants (further - the large cities) and big cities with population from 100 thousand to 250 thousand inhabitants (further - big cities);

enhancement of system of bicycle tracks in settlements;

forming of the engineering and transport infrastructure of residential districts (quarters) providing timely commissioning of apartment houses and objects of social infrastructure;

increase in electricity use in systems of heat supply for production and domestic needs for the purpose of rational capacity utilization of the Belarusian nuclear power plant;

use alternative and renewable energy resources (photovoltaic stations, wind turbines, heatpumping units and another) subjects to production, household, recreational and improving assignment for the purpose of economic and ecological ensuring economic activity;

development of system of separate collection, neutralization and involvement in civil circulation of secondary material resources, including construction of regional waste-processing complexes with sorting and overload stations.

4. Harmonious development of architectural and planning structure of settlements taking into account preserving and rational use of historical and cultural heritage.



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