of August 30, 2016 No. 378
About approval of the Regulations on the BankID System of the National Bank of Ukraine
According to Articles 7, of 15, 56 Laws of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", on accomplishment of the Comprehensive program of development of the financial sector of Ukraine till 2020 approved by the resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of June 18, 2015 No. 391, for the purpose of creation and settlement of work of single national system of electronic remote identification of physical persons and legal entities as clients of commercial banks for receipt of services on the Single state portal of administrative services or from subjects of provision of the administrative services Board of the National Bank of Ukraine decide:
1. Approve Regulations on the BankID System of the National Bank of Ukraine which are applied.
2. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the vice-chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Smoliya Ya. V.
3. The resolution becomes effective from the date of, its official publication following behind day.
V. A. Hontareva
Approved by the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of August 30, 2016 No. 378
1. This Provision determines procedure for functioning of national system of electronic remote identification of physical persons (further - the BankID System of National Bank), procedure for connection, suspension and resumption of work of subscribers of the BankID System of National Bank, procedure for transfer of identification data in the BankID System of National Bank.
2. Requirements of this Provision extend to the relations arising at subscribers and users of the BankID System of National Bank on use of the BankID System of National Bank.
3. Terms in this Provision are used in such value:
1) the identifying subscriber - the bank of Ukraine which is subscriber of the BankID System of National Bank and directly performs functions of identification, authentication and verification of clients (bank) who are users of the BankID System of National Bank;
2) the subscriber - the service provider - public authority, local government body or other subject of provision of administrative services, bank and other financial institution, the legal entity which perform remote identification of users of the BankID System of National Bank with subsequent its use;
3) the subscriber of the BankID System of National Bank (further - the Subscriber) - the subscriber - the service provider or the identifying subscriber;
4) subscriber node of the BankID System of National Bank (further - subscriber node) - the complex of program technical means established at the Subscriber and intended for ensuring exchange of information between Subscribers through the BankID System of National Bank;
5) the automated system of bank - the complex of program technical means directed to automation of banking activity;
6) authenticity check - the electronic procedure which allows to confirm electronic identification of physical person;
7) the administrator of subscriber node - the worker(s) Abonenta who is responsible (yut) for ensuring functioning of subscriber node of the BankID System of National Bank;
8) the chief manager of the central node of the BankID System of National Bank (further - the chief manager) - the employee of National Bank to whom obligations of accomplishment of functions of the chief manager of the central node of the BankID System of National Bank are assigned;
9) data - information provided in the form suitable for its processing by electronic means;
10) remote identification - process of recognition of physical person by subscribers service providers with confirmation of successful authentication of the user of the BankID System of National Bank by the identifying subscriber;
11) Single agreement - Public offer of the National Bank of Ukraine (further - National Bank) on the conclusion of the Single agreement of bank servicing and provision of other services by National Bank placed on the page of official Internet representative office of National Bank;
12) the user of the BankID System of National Bank (further - the User) - physical person which initiated electronic request for remote identification through the BankID System of National Bank. The user is subject of personal data and uses services of the identifying subscriber of the BankID System of National Bank;
13) the organizational structure of the BankID System of National Bank is set of subjects, their functions, the rights and obligations, and also set of the relations arising between them by transfer of identification data and ensuring activities of the BankID System of National Bank;
14) the portal of services - the website, the web page or the web portal of the subscriber service provider on which the electronic request for identification is initiated;
15) the specification of interaction with the BankID System of National Bank (further - the specification of interaction) - the act of National Bank which determines technical parameters of information interaction between Subscribers, placed on the page of official Internet representative office of National Bank and on the web page of the central node of the BankID System of National Bank (https://id.bank.gov.ua/). In the specification of interaction methods and protocols of information interaction, the requirement to protection in system and other technical parameters are determined;
16) the central node of the BankID System of National Bank (further - the central node) - the complex of program technical means established in National Bank and intended for ensuring exchange of information between Subscribers;
17) electronic request for identification - component of remote identification in electronic form which is initiated by the User on the portal of the subscriber service provider;
18) electronic confirmation of identification - component of remote identification - information in the form of the electronic questionnaire which is created according to requirements of the specification of interaction and contains identification data of the User;
19) Legal entities are legal entities of all patterns of ownership, not being banks and other financial institutions, subjects of provision of administrative services.
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The document ceased to be valid since April 1, 2020 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of March 17, 2020 No. 32