Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  October 26, 2018 according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of October 10, 2018 years No. 983


of April 10, 1996 No. 214

About compulsory national insurance of the military personnel and citizens having military training

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 17.04.2018 No. 327)

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for carrying out compulsory national insurance of the military personnel and citizens having military training it (is applied).

2. Determine that compulsory insurance of the military personnel is performed by the insurance companies (organizations) having licenses and having the minimum social capital established by the Insurance law.

3. To the Ministry of Defence:

develop lists of wounds, contusions, injuries and mutilations of heavy, average and easy degree;

in coordination with the State insurance supervision under the Ministry of Finance to approve the list of the documents necessary for submission to insurance companies in case of approach of insurance events.

4. Declare invalid the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova N 512 of August 3, 1992. "About the national compulsory personal insurance of the military personnel and citizens having military training" (The monitor of Parliament, 1992, N 8, the Art. 231);

Item 5 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova N 372 of June 18, 1993. "About the principles of activities and social protection of military observers and the military contingent on providing ceasefire regime and safety in conflict zone".


Prime Minister Ruspubliki Moldova

Andrey Sangeli

Regulations on procedure for carrying out compulsory national insurance of the military personnel and citizens having military training

1. Compulsory national insurance of the military personnel and citizens having military training is carried out by insurance companies (organizations) having necessary reserve funds for risk types of insurance and the license.

2. The sizes of insurance premiums on categories of the military personnel are established by insurance companies (organizations) in coordination with the State insurance supervision and the Ministry of Defence.

Insurance is performed at the expense of the funds allocated to the Ministry of Defence from the government budget.

3. The amounts of insurance premiums are transferred by the Ministry of Defence to insurance companies (organizations) with which the relevant agreement is signed.

4. The procedure and terms of transfer of insurance premiums are established by the agreement signed between insurance companies (organizations) and the Ministry of Defence.

Control of completeness and timeliness of transfer of insurance premiums is performed two times a year by insurance companies and drawn up by the act signed by the representative of insurance companies and representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the State insurance supervision.

In case of not transfer of insurance premiums at the scheduled time they are collected in procedure without acceptance, with exposure for collection.

5. Conditions, regulations and the procedure for insurance coverage provided by this provision extend on:

a) the military personnel of the Ministry of Defence irrespective of the place of execution of service by them living in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and beyond its limits;

b) the military personnel of the Ministry of Defence dismissed in reserve;

c) the citizens performing the reduced military service and the reservists called on charges by the Ministry of Defence.

6. Treat insured events:

a) death insured in case of fulfillment of duties of military service;

b) death insured, come before the expiration of one year after dismissal in reserve owing to damage of health in case of fulfillment of duties of military service;

c) establishment insured disability owing to damage of health in case of fulfillment of duties of military service;

d) establishment insured disability before the expiration of one year after dismissal in reserve owing to damage of health in case of fulfillment of duties of military service;

e) obtaining insured in case of the fulfillment of duties of military service of mutilation, wound, injury or contusion brought in the list approved by the Ministry of Defence.

7. As execution by the serviceman of obligations of military service it is understood:

a) participation in fighting;

b) execution of job responsibilities;

c) accomplishment of obligations on alarm;

d) participation in military exercises and trainings;

e) stay in the territory of military unit in time provided by daily routine or in other time if it is caused by office need;

f) stay in business trip, participation in peacekeeping transactions or stay on treatment;

g) movement to the duty station, business trips or treatments and back;

h) participation in military charges;

i) protection of life, health, honor and advantage of the personality;

j) assistance to law enforcement agencies in law enforcement and law and order;

k) participation in the actions directed to the prevention and natural disaster response, technogenic accidents and catastrophic crashes;

l) other actions of the serviceman regarded by degree of jurisdiction as the actions made for the benefit of the personality, society and the state;

m) stay in captivity (except as specified voluntary surrender), in provision of the hostage or interned;

n) unknown absence of the serviceman before its recognition in the procedure established by the law the missing person or announcements his dead.

8. The serviceman is not considered insured and payment of insurance sums is not made in the cases similar specified in Item 7, but come owing to:

a) making of stipulated by the legislation socially dangerous acts;

b) making of the actions which were consequence of the voluntary use of alcoholic drinks, toxic or narcotic substances;

c) making of suicide or attempt at suicide if these actions were not caused by pathological condition or bringing to suicide;

d) stays out of arrangement of military unit - on vacation, in dismissal or leave or stays out of arrangement of military unit without the permission of, except as specified, provided by subitems i) - n) Item 7;

e) other actions which are not connected with fulfillment of duties of military service.

9. Insurance companies (organizations) pay insurance sums in the following sizes:

1) in case of the death of the serviceman or the citizen having military training (charges of reservists), which occurred in case of execution by him of service duties, or his death which came before the expiration of one year from the date of dismissal in reserve (the end of charges of reservists) as a result of mutilation (wound, injury, contusion), the diseases got by it on duty (insurance sums are paid to his family):

a) for the contract serviceman - insurance sum in the amount of cash allowance in month of death, but not below the average salary on the republic, in 10 years of military service;


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