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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

January 11, 2016

No. 25/28155


of December 17, 2015 No. 821

About ensuring activities of the Central commission on development of gas, gas-condensate, oil fields of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine

According to Articles 35, 36 Laws of Ukraine "About oil and gas", article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "About scientific and scientific and technical examination", the subitem 20 of item 4 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of April 6, 2011 No. 382, order:

1. Approve enclosed:

1) Regulations on the Central commission on development of gas, gas-condensate, oil fields of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine;

2) Approval procedure of projects of development of fields (deposits) of oil and gas.

2. To department of oil and gas complex of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine (Kuyda V. A.) provide:

provision of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure;

promulgation of this order on the official website of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

4. I reserve control over the implementation of the order.


V. Demchishin

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine of December 17, 2015 No. 821

Regulations on the Central commission on development of gas, gas-condensate, oil fields of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine

I. General provisions

1. The central commission on development of gas, gas-condensate, oil fields of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine (further TsKR Ministry of Energy) is the standing advisory body created for the purpose of ensuring execution of the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine according to the technological projects (schemes) of industrial or trial mining (deposit), complex projects its arrangement executed according to the legislation, investment projects (programs) of industrial and trial development of oil and gas deposits (further - the project of development).

2. In the activities TsKR Ministry of Energy is guided by acts of the legislation of Ukraine, orders of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine and this Provision.

3. In this Provision terms are used in the values given in the Laws of Ukraine "About oil and gas", "About scientific and scientific and technical examination".

II. Organization of activities of TsKR Ministry of Energy

1. The chairman, the first deputy chairman, the vice-chairman, members and the secretary of the commission, representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine, other central executive bodies (in coordination), oil-and-gas production enterprises, organizations and the organizations of all patterns of ownership (in coordination with their heads), scientists, representatives of public associations in the oil and gas sphere are part of TsKR Ministry of Energy (in coordination).

The staff of TsKR Ministry of Energy affirms the order of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine.

Representatives of other central executive bodies, companies, organizations and organizations can be in case of need invited to meeting of TsKR Ministry of Energy.

2. Tasks and TsKR functions of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining:

1) consideration of the oil-and-gas subsoil provided by users:

projects of development;

feasibility statements on investment projects on development of fields:

analysis of current status of development of fields;

examination conclusions;

2) preparation of offers on approval of projects of development;

3) establishment of amounts of oil extraction, gas, gas condensate during trial development of fields.

3. TsKR Ministry of Energy has the right:

To receive 1) according to the procedure, established by the legislation, from oil-and-gas production enterprises, joint-stock companies and the companies, research and design institutes, other companies, organizations and the organizations project and actual geological and industrial information and results of scientific research concerning oil extraction, gas and gas condensate, developments, necessary for complete, comprehensive and objective examination of projects, and acceptance of reasoned decision;

To represent 2) to management of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine offers concerning the petition for conducting checks by monitoring bodies in the sphere of mountain supervision and protection of subsoil in the presence of information on violation by the user of oil-and-gas subsoil of requirements of the current legislation on use and protection of subsoil;

3) to initiate development by research and design institutes of regulations of project documents, techniques, instructions and other regulating documents for development of fields.

4. Chairman of TsKR of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining:

1) TsKR Ministry of Energy performs management;

2) is responsible for the organization of work of TsKR Ministry of Energy;

3) gives personal errands to members of TsKR Ministry of Energy, obligatory to execution.

In case of absence of the chairman of TsKR Ministry of Energy of its function the first deputy performs.

5. Members of TsKR Ministry of Energy participate in its work, in decision making, submit proposals on their realization, increases in overall performance of TsKR Ministry of Energy.

6. Preparation of meetings of TsKR Ministry of Energy is performed by her secretary. Protocols of TsKR Ministry of Energy are stored is termless. Storage of protocols is provided by the secretary.

7. Form of work of TsKR Ministry of Energy are meetings which are held as required, but at least once a quarter.

The schedule of meetings of TsKR Ministry of Energy affirms its chairman.

Members of TsKR Ministry of Energy, in case of need other persons, are invited to meeting by the direction of letters (invitations) in paper and/or electronic type.

The meeting of TsKR Ministry of Energy is considered competent if are present at it at least 2/3 its structures.

8. Decisions of TsKR Ministry of Energy are made by a simple majority vote.

The user's representative oil-and-gas subsoil - the project orderer of development if he is member of TsKR Ministry of Energy, does not participate in vote on this project of development.

In case of equal number of votes the voice of the chairman is decisive.

9. Decisions of TsKR Ministry of Energy are drawn up by protocols which sign the chairman (in case of its absence - the first deputy) and the secretary.


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