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of December 30, 2015 No. 1174

About approval of the Regulations on Public service of geology and subsoil of Ukraine

(as amended on 28-09-2019)

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

Approve Regulations on Public service of geology and subsoil of Ukraine which are applied.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

A. Yatsenyuk

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 30, 2015 No. 1174

Regulations on Public service of geology and subsoil of Ukraine

1. Public service of geology and subsoil of Ukraine (Gosgeonedr) is the central executive body which activities go and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Energy and environment protection and realizing state policy in the sphere of geological studying and rational use of subsoil.

2. State geosubsoil in the activities is guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other acts of the legislation.

3. The main objectives of Gosgeonedr is:

1) realization of state policy in the sphere of geological studying and rational use of subsoil;

2) submitting for examination of the Minister of Energy and environment protection of offers on ensuring forming of state policy in the sphere of geological studying and rational use of subsoil.

4. State geosubsoil according to the tasks assigned to it:

1) generalizes practice of application of the legislation on the questions which are within its competence develops suggestions for improvement of legal acts, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, normative legal acts of the ministries and in accordance with the established procedure represents them to the Minister of Energy and environment protection;

2) performs functions of the customer of the public contract on stock gain of minerals;

Conducts 3):

state accounting of fields, inventories and shows of minerals;

state stock balance of minerals;

state inventory of fields and shows of minerals;

state accounting of underground waters and water inventory;

catalog of data on geological information;

4) is created by the state reserve of fields of precious metals and gemstones;

5) is created by the state fund of mineral deposits and reserve of this fund;

6) performs state registration and accounting of the works and researches connected with geological studying of subsoil;

7) develops cards of seismic division into districts of the territory of Ukraine;

8) will organize and coordinates work in the relation:

accounting of parametrical, search, exploratory and operational oil and gas wells;

maintaining unified information system of use of natural resources;

carrying out monitoring of mineral resources, geological circle and underground waters;

9) issues in accordance with the established procedure special permissions to use of natural resources (including on use of oil-and-gas subsoil);

Stops 10) and cancels in accordance with the established procedure action of special permissions to use of natural resources (including on use of oil-and-gas subsoil), recovers their action in case of stop;

11) performs renewals of special permissions to use of natural resources (including on use of oil-and-gas subsoil), introduction of changes in them and issue of duplicates, extends the validity of special permissions to use of natural resources (including on use of oil-and-gas subsoil);

12) exercises the state control of geological studying of subsoil (the state geological control) both rational and their effective use, in particular for:

justification of application of techniques and technologies, quality, complexity, efficiency of works on geological studying of subsoil;

accomplishment of decisions concerning methodical ensuring work on geological studying and use of subsoil;

observance of standard rates, standards and other requirements for geological studying and use of subsoil, conditions of special permissions to use of natural resources (including on use of oil-and-gas subsoil) and agreements on conditions of use of natural resources (including agreements on conditions of use of oil-and-gas subsoil);

completeness of studying of geological structure of subsoil, mining, engineering-geological, geological and ecological and other conditions of studying of mineral deposits;

use of technical means and methods of work on geological studying of the subsoil excluding unjustified losses of minerals and deterioration in their quality;

timeliness and compliance to the established requirements of commissioning of the reconnoitered mineral deposits;

observance in case of trial operation of mineral deposits of technologies which provide their necessary studying, without reducing at the same time industrial value;

preserving prospecting excavations and wells for development of mineral deposits, preserving geological documentation, examples of breeds, duplicates of tests which can be used in case of further studying of subsoil;

justification of the directions of search, prospecting and other works on geological studying of subsoil;

timeliness and correctness of state registration of works on geological studying and use of subsoil, availability of special permissions to use of natural resources and accomplishment of the conditions provided by them;

completeness and reliability of basic data about quantity and quality of inventories of the main and jointly the lying minerals and the components containing in them and also to representation by the companies and organizations of reporting stock balances of minerals;

accounting of oil extraction, gas and the accompanying components;

accomplishment of decisions of the State Commission on Mineral Reserves by subsoil users;

carrying out explorative and other works on geological studying of underground waters;

compliance of exploration works and scientific research to public contracts and order, and also projects of carrying out such works;

accomplishment of state programs of exploration works, geological tasks and orders;

Constitutes 13) within the powers provided by the law, protocols on administrative offenses considers cases on administrative offenses and imposes administrative punishments;

14) carries out scheduled and unscheduled inspections of subsoil users by results of which (in case of identification of violations of requirements of the legislation) draws up statements, publishes obligatory for execution of specifying (instruction) about elimination of the revealed shortcomings and violations of requirements of the legislation;

15) exercises the state control of observance of rules and standard rates of use of oil-and-gas subsoil;

16) exercises in accordance with the established procedure control of effective and target use of the funds of the government budget allocated for geological studying of subsoil;


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