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of August 10, 2016 No. 969

About Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Moldavian institute of standardization

(as amended on 25-08-2021)

Based on provisions of article 5 of the Law No. 20 of March 4, 2016 on national standartization (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, Art. No. 90-99, 170) DECIDES: the Government


Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Moldavian institute of standardization, according to appendix No. 1;

changes and additions which are made to some Orders of the Government, according to appendix No. 2.

Prime Minister

Paweê Phillip


deputy. Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Affairs


Octavian Kalmyk


Appendix №1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of August 10, 2016 No. 969

Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Moldavian institute of standardization

I. General provisions

1. This Provision establishes procedure for the organization and functioning of the Moldavian institute of standardization (further – Institute).

2. The institute is public organization in which the Ministry of Economics, the central industry body of public management responsible for quality infrastructure is founder.

3. The institute carries out the activities according to the current legislation, international treaties which party the Republic of Moldova is, and also with the agreements signed by Institute as national authority on standardization, and this Provision.

4. For implementation of the functions, powers and the rights the Institute cooperates with the central industry bodies of public management, physical persons and legal entities, with the European, international and interstate bodies on standardization, and also national authorities on standardization of other countries.

5. The institute has, according to the law, treasurer and bank settlement accounts, including in foreign currency, seal with the State Emblem of the Republic of Moldova and the name, stamped forms and own emblem protected according to the legislation.

6. The office of Institute is in mun. Chisinau.

II. Mission, main functions, powers and rights of Institute

7. The mission of the ministry consists in assistance to increase in competitiveness of national economy, to growth of welfare of the population and long-term use of resources. The mission of Institute is performed by acceptance as the Moldavian standards and ensuring general availability of the European and international standards, and also by promotion of standards and standardization.

8. The institute has the following main functions:

1) ensuring general availability of documents on standardization;

2) promotion of standards and standardization;

3) the organization of training and continual improvement in the field of standardization;

4) continuous strengthening of national system of standardization.

9. The institute is given the authority of national authority on standardization established in part (1) article 6 of the Law No. 20 of March 4, 2016 on national standartization.

The institute has the following main powers:

1) establishment of rules of national standartization;

2) development, approval and accomplishment of the program of national standartization;

3) development and approval of the Moldavian standards;

4) adoption of the European, international, interstate standards and standards of other countries, and also adoption of other documents on standardization as the Moldavian standards;

5) periodic consideration, change, review, confirmation and cancellation of the Moldavian standards;

6) accounting of the Moldavian standards;

7) ensuring access of the public to information on the Moldavian standards and to other relevant publications about national standartization;

8) trade in standards;

9) creation, registration and coordination of activities of technical committees on standardization;

10) development and the Bulletin edition of standardization and other editions in the field of national standartization;

11) participation in works on the European, international and interstate standardization;

12) representation of the Republic of Moldova as the member in the European, international and interstate standardization organizations and accomplishment of obligations as the member of the relevant organizations;

13) cooperation in the field of standardization with bodies for standardization of other countries and other organizations;

14) participation in exchange of information, concerning standards and activities for standardization, within systems of the European, international and interstate standardization;

15) development of National fund of standards and management of it;

16) ensuring clerical work of Council for standardization;

17) provision of services in the field of standardization;

18) making the conclusions, according to the appeal of bodies of the public power, on projects legislative and the regulations connected with standards and standardization including drafts of lists of the Moldavian standards which accept the harmonized European standards, or lists of other Moldavian standards to which references in legislative and regulations are made;

19) participation in programs and projects in the field of standardization with national, European, international or interstate financing;

20) assistance to application of standards and standardization;

21) accomplishment of any other functions connected with the main objective, provided by the Law No. 20 of March 4, 2016 on national standartization and other regulations.

10. The institute has the following rights:

1) to have the main and current assets;

2) to possess the credits and other banking services;

3) to receive technical and financial aid;

4) to request and receive from bodies of the central public management, administrative authorities and other organizations information and support necessary for accomplishment of the powers established in this Provision;

To attract 5), in case of need, specialists, experts, consultants, including for the contract, from domestic and foreign scientific and higher educational institutions;

6) to organize and participate in the conferences, seminars, trainings, master classes and other national and international actions concerning the performed activities;

7) to delegate specialists, experts, consultants for participation in the actions connected with standardization, held by the national, European, international or interstate organizations;

8) to initiate and carry out projects of public-private partnership in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and other countries, according to the current legislation;


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