Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of August 2, 2016 No. 160

About industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

(as amended of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 10.01.2023 No. 2)

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 29, 2016

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Purposes and scope of application

This Law determines legal, economic and social basis of ensuring safe operation of hazardous production facilities and is directed to the prevention of accidents on hazardous production facilities and ensuring readiness of the legal entities and individual entrepreneurs operating hazardous production facilities to localization and mitigation of consequences of the specified accidents.

Article 2. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) accident - destruction, damage of constructions, communications, the equipment, the transport and other technical means used on hazardous production facility, uncontrollable explosion, the fire or emission of dangerous substances;

2) the state register of hazardous production facilities (further - the state register) - the single databank (database management system and the single database of production facilities) based on the single methodological and program and technology principles and containing data on hazardous production facilities which are operated by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs (further - the organizations) in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;

3) identification of hazardous production facilities (further - identification) - identification and reference of object as a part of the organization to category of hazardous production facility and determination of its type according to requirements of this Law;

4) incident - refusal or damage of the technical devices used on hazardous production facility, variation from the mode of engineering procedure, violation of provisions of this Law, other regulatory legal acts establishing rules of conducting works on hazardous production facility;

5) hazardous production facility - production facility (the company, the workshop, the site, the platform, and also other object of the increased danger) constituting potential danger for life and human health, their property, the environment which can be implemented in case of accident;

6) industrial safety of hazardous production facilities (further - industrial safety) - condition of security of the vital interests of the personality and society from accidents on hazardous production facilities and effects of the specified accidents;

7) the technical devices used on hazardous production facility - machines, processing equipment, systems of machines and (or) the equipment, aggregates, the equipment, mechanisms used in case of operation of hazardous production facility;

8) modernization of hazardous production facility - the implementation of new technology, automation of hazardous production facility or its separate parts, upgrade or replacement of the technical devices used on hazardous production facility leading to change of engineering procedure;

9) requirements of industrial safety - conditions, prohibitions, restrictions and other mandatory requirements containing in this Law and other regulatory legal acts in the field of industrial safety;

10) examination of industrial safety - determination of compliance of the objects of examination of industrial safety specified regarding 1 article 13 of this Law to requirements of industrial safety imposed to them;

11) the specialized organization - the organization having the specialists certified in accordance with the established procedure who have special knowledge of area of industrial safety.

Article 3. Legal regulation in the field of industrial safety

1. Legal regulation in the field of industrial safety is performed by this Law and other regulatory legal acts in the field of industrial safety.

2. Regulatory legal acts in the field of industrial safety establish mandatory requirements to:

1) activities in the field of industrial safety, including to employees of hazardous production facilities, experts in the field of industrial safety;

2) safety of engineering procedures on hazardous production facilities, including to operations procedure in case of accident or incident on hazardous production facility.

Article 4. Requirements of industrial safety

Requirements of industrial safety shall meet standards in the field of protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations, sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population, environmental protection, ecological safety, fire safety, labor protection and construction.

Article 5. Hazardous production facilities

1. Belong objects on which to hazardous production facilities:

1) turn out, used, processed, will be formed, stored, transported, dangerous substances of the following types are destroyed:

a) flammable substances - gases which with normal pressure and in mix with air become flammable and which boiling temperature with normal pressure constitutes 20 degrees Celsius or below;

b) the oxidizing substances - the substances sustaining combustion, causing ignition and (or) promoting ignition of other substances as a result of oxidation-reduction exothermic reaction;

c) combustible substances - the liquids, gases capable to ignite spontaneously and also to flare up from source of ignition and to burn independently after its removal;

d) explosives - substances or the mixes of substances capable as a result of certain impacts or internal processes to explode, generating heat and forming strongly heated gases;

e) strong toxic agents - the chemical compounds having high toxicity and capable under certain conditions (generally in case of accidents on chemically dangerous objects) to cause mass poisonings of people and animals, and also to infect the environment;

e) Ceased to be valid according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 10.01.2023 No. 2

g) Ceased to be valid according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 10.01.2023 No. 2

2) the equipment working under the excessive pressure of more 0,05 of megapascal is used:

a) vapor, gas (in the gaseous, liquefied condition);

b) waters at temperature of heating more than 110 degrees Celsius;

c) other liquids at temperature exceeding temperature of their boiling with excessive pressure of 0,05 of megapascal;

3) stationary established heavy lift gears, escalators, ropeways, funiculars, elevators of industrial function are used;

4) fusions of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, alloys on the basis of these fusions turn out, transported, used;

5) mining operations (except for production of popular minerals and development of the loose mineral deposits which are carried out by open method without application of explosive works), works on mineral processing are conducted;


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