Registered by
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
March 16, 2016
No. 396/28526
of December 24, 2015 No. 3054
About approval of Methodology of establishment of payment for accession to gas transmission and gas-distributing systems
According to the Laws of Ukraine "About the natural gas market", "About natural monopolies", Regulations on the National commission performing state regulation in the field of power and utilities the approved Presidential decree of Ukraine of September 10, 2014 715, the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of power and utilities decides No.:
1. Approve Methodology of establishment of payment for accession to gas-transport and gas-distribution systems which is applied.
2. Declare invalid the resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in the field of power, of January 31, 2013 No. 77 "About approval of the Procedure of payments of payment for accession of objects of customers to gas networks", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 20, 2013 at No. 298/22830.
3. On regulation of the relations in the oil and gas sphere in accordance with the established procedure to provide to department submission of this resolution on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
Commission chairman
D. Vovk
Approved by the Resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in the field of power and utilities of Ukraine of December 24, 2015 No. 3054
1. This Technique determines the main requirements and conditions of calculation of payment for accession of objects of customers to gas transmission or gas-distributing systems.
2. This Methodology does not extend to the relations connected with accession of objects of customers to gas networks or objects which are not gas-transport or gas-distribution system.
3. Accession of objects of customers to gas transmission or gas-distributing systems is performed according to the Code of gas-transport system approved by the resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of power and utilities, of September 30, 2015 No. 2493, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 6, 2015 for No. 1378/27823 (further - the Code of gas-transport system), or the Code of gas-distribution systems approved by the resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of power and utilities, of September 30, 2015 No. 2494, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 6, 2015 for No. 1379/27824 (further - the Code of gas-distribution systems).
4. In this Methodology terms are used in the following values:
the Treaty of Accession to gas transmission or gas-distributing systems (Treaty of Accession) - the written agreement between the customer of accession and the relevant operator of gas-transport or gas-distribution system who consists according to requirements of the Code of gas-transport system or the Code of gas-distribution systems and determines legal relationship of the parties in case of connection of object of the customer to gas-transport/gas-distribution system;
the additional salary - remuneration for work over the established regulations, for labor progress and ingenuity and for special working conditions. It includes surcharges, allowances, the warranty and compensation payments provided by the current legislation; the awards connected with accomplishment of production tasks and functions;
the customer - physical person or legal entity or physical person the entrepreneur which based on the Treaty of Accession orders services in accession of own object (parcel of land) to gas-transport or gas-distribution system;
coefficient of growth of expenses on compensation - the relation of the established sizes of minimum wages as of January 01 of the current year and on January 1 the previous calendar year;
the place of ensuring capacity (point of ensuring capacity) - the place (point) on the existing object of the gas-transport or gas-distribution system belonging to the operator of gas-transport system or the operator of gas-distribution system on the property right of economic maintaining, use or operation from which the construction (development) of gas networks to the customer's object (accession point) is performed and/or is provided necessary power level, ordered for subject to accession;
base pay - remuneration for the performed work according to the established work regulations (regulations of time, development, servicing, job responsibilities);
connection of gas networks of internal gas supply - provision of gas-transport or gas-distribution system of service by the operator to the customer from physical connection of gas networks of internal gas supply in accession point on border of balance sheet accessory with gas networks of outside gas supply which is accession component and its cost is determined according to this Methodology or joins in payment for accession that is standard;
connection of gas networks of external gas supply - provision of gas-transport or gas-distribution system of service by the operator to the customer from physical connection of gas networks of external gas supply in the place of ensuring capacity with the operating gas-transport or gas-distribution system which is accession component and its cost is determined according to this Methodology or joins in payments for accession that is standard;
accession to gas-transport or gas-distribution system set of organizational and technical actions, including the works directed to creation of technical capability for provision of service of transportation / distribution of natural gas which are carried out in connection with connection of construction object or the existing customer's object to gas-transport / gas-distribution system;
gas start-up - provision of the gas-transport or gas-distribution system of service by the operator to the customer from the actual start-up of natural gas in gas networks of internal gas supply performed according to requirements of the Code of gas-transport system or the Code of gas-distribution systems is also component of accession to gas-transport or gas-distribution system, and its cost is determined according to this Methodology and joins in payment for accession;
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