of June 19, 2002 No. 803
About approval of the Regulations on procedure for establishment of the mode of the protected natural territory
The government of the Republic of Moldova DECIDES:
1. Approve Regulations on procedure for establishment of the mode of the protected natural territory according to appendix.
2. To legal entities and physical persons in case of development of offers on establishment of the mode of the protected natural territory for the most representative natural objects and complexes to be guided by requirements of the Regulations on procedure for establishment of the mode of the protected natural territory.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova
Vasile Tarlev
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 803 of June 19, 2002
1. The regulations on procedure for establishment of the mode of the protected natural territory (further - the Provision) are developed for determination of mechanisms of implementation of the Law on fund of the natural territories protected by the state N 1538-XIII of February 25, 1998 (further - the Law N 1538-XIII of February 25, 1998) and establish categories of the protected natural territories, the purposes and the mode of their management, procedure for documentation and consideration of offers on establishment of the mode of the protected natural territory, and also the authorities and organizations responsible for their representation and the analysis.
2. Natural objects and complexes for which the mode of the protected natural territory is set are allocated in the following categories:
a) international, national and local value;
b) the national level established by the Law N 1538-XIII of February 25, 1998 according to classification of International union by conservation (further - MSOP), namely:
national reserve;
national park;
nature sanctuary;
natural reserve;
landscape reserve (geographical landscape);
resource reserve;
territory of multipurpose use;
biospheric reserve;
c) the national level - established by the Law N 1538-XIII of February 25, 1998 which do not correspond to classification of MSOP:
dendrology garden;
monument of landscape gardening art;
d) established by the international regulations:
wetland territories of the international value (Ramsarsky convention);
the territories of special value for preserving (The Bern convention).
3. The purposes and control mode categories of the protected natural territories the following:
A. Scientific reserves
Scientific reserves represent the protected natural territories which purpose is protection and preserving the terrestrial and/or water habitats containing singular elements which are of scientific interest from the point of view of flora, faunae, geology, paleontology, pedology, speleology and other properties.
Management of scientific reserves provides high security of protection by means of which habitats remain as far as it is possible, in untouched condition. The territories of scientific reserves are distributed on zones. In zone with complete protection any activities are not allowed development of natural processes was not broken.
In other zones of scientific reserves the scientific research and other types of activity promoting increase in level of safety of the territory are carried out. Special recommendations for accomplishment in these zones of recovery cabins are developed.
Scientific reserves shall correspond to the category I MSOP entered in 1994 - "Strictly protected natural zonaokhranyaemy territory managed generally in the scientific purposes".
B. National parks
National parks are a protected natural territories which paramount task is protection and preserving some specific zones of national biogeographical space containing the natural elements which are of special value from the point of view of physiographic, vegetable, animal, water, geological, paleontologic, speleological, pedologist aspects and other properties, at the same time giving opportunity for their regulated visit in the scientific, educational, tourist purposes and for rest.
Management of national parks provides preserving physiographic properties in natural condition, protection of ecosystems, preserving genetic resources and biodiversity in the conditions of ecological stability, exception of any form of operation of natural resources and use of lands for the purpose of, not compatible to their appointment.
The mode of managing of national parks is set according to provisions and plans for their protection and preserving. Ecosystems or parts of terrestrial and water ecosystems, the least subject to impact of human activities will enter their perimeters. Especially valuable elements from structure of national parks can be differentiated and taken under the mode of strict protection corresponding to scientific reserves. As a rule, national parks are located on big squares. In perimeter of national parks the traditional types of activity practiced by communities from zone of national park are resolved.
National parks correspond to the category II MSOP accepted in 1994 and determined as "National park - the protected territory managed especially for protection of ecosystems and for rest".
C. Nature sanctuaries
Nature sanctuaries are a protected natural territories which purpose is the protection and preserving some natural valuable elements with the special ecological, scientific and landscape importance provided by rare species of plants and/or wild the animal, local or being under the threat of disappearance, century trees, vegetable and animal communities, geological yavleniyapeshcher, certificates of erosion, the gorge, water currents, falls and other phenomena and geological educations, ancient deposits, and also other natural elements important natural property thanks to the uniqueness and rarity.
Control of nature sanctuaries is exercised according to high security of protection which provides preserving specific natural properties. Depending on degree of their vulnerability access of the population to them can be limited or prohibited.
Nature sanctuaries correspond to the category III MSOP accepted in 1994 and determined as "Nature sanctuaries - the protected territory managed especially for preserving specific natural elements".
D. Natural reserves
Natural reserves are a protected natural territories which purpose is protection and preserving some types and habitats, significant from the point of view of flora, fauna, forest, hydrological, geological, speleological, paleontologic, pedologist aspects.
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