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of July 26, 2016 №89

About approval of the Procedure for the organization of checking of measuring instrument

For the purpose of implementation of the subitem 3 of Item 9 of the Protocol on carrying out coordinated policy in the field of ensuring unity of measurements (appendix №10 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014) and according to Item 16 of appendix №2 to the Regulations of work of the Euroasian economic commission approved by the Decision of the Supreme Euroasian economic council of December 23, 2014 №98, Board of the Eurasian economic commission of decided:

1. Approve the enclosed Procedure for the organization of checking of measuring instrument.

2. Determine that the documents on checking of measuring instrument issued according to the legislation of state member of the Eurasian Economic Union before date of the introduction of this Decision in force are effective before date of the termination of term of their action.

3. This Decision becomes effective from the effective date the rules of mutual recognition of results of works on ensuring unity of measurements approved by the Eurasian economic commission, but not earlier than 30 calendar days from the date of official publication of this Decision.

Acting Chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission

K. Minasyan

Approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of July 26, 2016 №89

Procedure for the organization of checking of measuring instrument

1. This Procedure is developed according to the subitem 3 of Item 9 of the Protocol on carrying out coordinated policy in the field of ensuring unity of measurements (appendix № 10 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014), determines rules of the organization of checking of measuring instrument in state members of the Eurasian Economic Union (further respectively - checking, state members) and extends to the measuring instruments made in the territories of state members.

2. For the purposes of this Procedure mandatory metrological requirements to measuring instrument are understood as metrological requirements (characteristics) of measuring instrument specified in the description like measuring instruments (further respectively - mandatory metrological requirements, the description of type).

Other concepts used in this Procedure are applied in the values determined by the Protocol on carrying out coordinated policy in the field of ensuring unity of measurements (appendix No. 10 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014).

3. According to this Procedure measuring instruments concerning which mutual recognition of approval like these measuring instruments according to the rules of mutual recognition of results of works on ensuring unity of measurements approved by the Eurasian economic commission is performed are subject to checking.

4. Checking is carried out by the legal entities of state members, representatives (notified) according to the legislation of state members (further - authorized organization).

5. During checking measuring instrument compliance to mandatory metrological requirements is established.

6. When checking standards of units of sizes for which metrological traceability of the results of measurements received with their help to the International System of Units (SI), national (primary) standards and (or) international standards of units of sizes is provided are applied.

7. Checkings are subdivided on primary and the subsequent checkings.

8. Primary checking is carried out:

a) in case of release from production of measuring instrument;

b) when commissioning measuring instrument (if in case of release from production of measuring instrument checking was not carried out);

c) after repair of measuring instrument.

9. The subsequent checking is carried out on condition of carrying out primary checking and subdivided on:

a) periodic;

b) extraordinary;

c) after repair of measuring instrument;

d) checking in case of damage of signs of checking or seals for protection against unauthorized access to places of setup of measuring instruments, including the software.

10. Periodic checking is carried out concerning the measuring instruments which are in operation through time interval between checkings specified in the certificate on approval like measuring instrument.

11. Extraordinary checking is carried out before expiration of the certificate on checking at the initiative of the owner (user) of measuring instrument or other interested person.

12. Checking after repair of measuring instrument is carried out in volume of primary checking.

13. Checking of measuring instruments is carried out based on the request of the owner (user) of measuring instrument or other interested person (further - applicants).

14. For carrying out checking by the applicant are represented to authorized organization:

a) the request (with indication of the name of measuring instrument, the information about the applicant (the name, the location (address) of the legal entity or surname, name, middle name (in the presence), the residence of the physical person or physical person registered as the individual entrepreneur, phone number and the fax, the e-mail address (in the presence)), and also with indication of need of recognition of checking by state members according to the rules of mutual recognition of results of works on ensuring unity of measurements approved by the Eurasian economic commission);

b) certificate on the previous checking (in the presence);

c) measuring instrument in completeness according to the description of type;

d) information on the made repairs of measuring instrument (if the measuring instrument was exposed to repair).

15. In case of establishment as a result of checking of compliance of measuring instrument to mandatory metrological requirements on it the authorized organization applies sign of checking and (or) the certificate in form according to appendix is drawn up (further - the certificate). Signs of checking can be also applied on measuring instrument in the places specified in the description of type for protection against unauthorized access to places of setup of measuring instrument, including the software.

16. In case of establishment as a result of checking of discrepancy of measuring instrument to mandatory metrological requirements (one or several) authorized organization draw up and issued to the applicant the corresponding notice, the certificate on the previous checking which effective period did not expire is cancelled, the checking sign is extinguished.

17. The form of sign of checking and methods of its application, drawing and clearing are established by state member.

Information on the applied signs of checking is placed in information fund in the field of ensuring unity of measurements of state member.

18. Authorized organization when carrying out checking:

a) the procedures of checking specified in checking technique are performed;


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