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of May 18, 2002 No. 632

About studying, use and protection of mineral waters

(as amended on 21-11-2018)

For the purpose of rational use and protection of hydromineral resources of the Republic of Moldova and observance of the rights of consumers to high-quality and safe products the Government of the Republic of Moldova DECIDES:

1. Approve Regulations on studying, use and protection of mineral waters in the territory of the Republic of Moldova it (is applied).

2. Recognize to invalid:

The resolution of Council of Ministers of the Moldavian SSR N 125 of April 9, 1974. "About approval of the Regulations on protection of hydromineral resources of the Moldavian SSR" (Sheets of MSSR, 1974, N 4, the Art. 35);

The order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova N 667 of October 13, 1992. "About coordination of works on use and protection of mineral waters" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 1992, N 10, the Art. 309).


Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova

Vasile Tarlev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 632 of May 18, 2002

Regulations on studying, use and protection of mineral waters in the territory of the Republic of Moldova

I. General provisions

1. The regulations on studying, use and protection of mineral waters in the territory of the Republic of Moldova (further - the Provision) are obligatory for execution by all economic agents (irrespective of pattern of ownership) acting in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and performing investigation and development of fields of mineral waters, and also designing, construction or reconstruction of objects for operation of these fields.

2. In the territory of the Republic of Moldova selection of mineral waters is allowed only from the reconnoitered fields with approved according to the procedure, established by the current legislation, operational inventories of mineral waters.

The field of mineral waters can be operated by means of single well, group of wells, piping of natural exits to the surface of underground waters in the form of springs or other types of piping of underground waters.

3. Operation of fields of mineral waters is performed by the economic agents who obtained the license for this type of activity according to the procedure, established by the current legislation, in case of the positive conclusion of the state environmental assessment.

4. For occupation activities for operation of the field of mineral waters each economic agent shall have:

a) the report on the carried-out hydrogeological works with calculation of operational inventories of mineral water, the protocol of the State Commission on Mineral Reserves of the Republic of Moldova according to results of hydrogeological works and to calculation of operational inventories of mineral waters;

b) the project (scheme) of operation of the field of mineral waters developed according to requirements of the existing regulating documents;

c) the approved projects of zones of sanitary and hydrogeological protection and their delimitation;

d) executive documentation on the works which are carried out according to the project of operation of the field of mineral waters, the project of improvement and technical data sheet of kaptazhny constructions;

e) the instruction for carrying out regime observations and operation of fields of mineral waters constituted taking into account specific features of the field;

f) the positive conclusion of the state environmental assessment of project and executive documentation on operation of the field of mineral waters.

II. Geological exploration and preparation for operation of fields of mineral waters

5. According to the current legislation investigation of underground waters, including mineral, in the territory of the Republic of Moldova is made by exclusively republican departmental body the national production association on exploration works of the Republic of Moldova as "AGeoM".

6. Investigation of mineral waters is performed at the expense of means of the customer on contractual basis.

Legal cause to start exploration works are the request and the specification with indication of the needs for mineral water of certain quality for its use in particular purposes.

The choice of the site of investigation and the subsequent placement of water intaking constructions are performed after receipt of the conclusions of bodies of local public authority, land users, the public geological service (now - the national production association on exploration works of the Republic of Moldova by "AGeoM"), National agency of public health of the central body of the state on management of natural resources and environmental protection. The national agency of public health determines if it is possible, differentiation of zones of sanitary protection.

7. Exploration works are performed based on the special projects developed according to requirements of normative and methodical documents in the field of exploration works. At the same time the field shall be rather studied for reliable assessment of operational inventories of mineral waters, their quality, service conditions and receipt of other data necessary for creation of the project (scheme) of mining with obligatory observance of requirements of environmental protection.

8. Degree of study of quality of mineral waters for internal and outside application shall provide the quantity characteristic of those indicators and properties of underground waters which determine their medical value or limit possibility of use of waters to destination.

Degree of suitability of mineral waters for the treatment-and-prophylactic purposes and commercial bottling is established based on special researches of balneological properties, qualities and safety of mineral water of the specific field or the source which are carried out by the National agency of public health and drawn up in the form of the official conclusions.

9. The report on the carried-out hydrogeological works with calculation of operational inventories of mineral water and the conclusion of the National agency of public health is submited the State Commission on Mineral Reserves of the Republic of Moldova which determines reliability of stock counting of mineral waters and degree of readiness of the field for industrial development according to Classification of operational inventories and forecast resources of underground waters.

10. Transfer of the reconnoitered field of mineral waters is made for industrial development by the interdepartmental commission formed of representatives of the republican departmental body conducting exploration, the economic agent accepting the field, services of the state mining supervision and state geological control, the central body of the state for management of natural resources and environmental protection and, if necessary, other regulatory authorities, the ministries and economic agents in coordination with them.

11. On the basis of the results of hydrogeological works the project (scheme) of operation of the field of mineral waters according to requirements of the acting regulating documents which is subject to state examination of use of natural resources both the state technical and environmental assessment in the procedure established by the current legislation is developed.


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