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of August 5, 2016 No. 614

About questions of examination of industrial safety

(as amended on 31-01-2023)

Based on paragraphs of the eighth and ninth of article 8 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 5, 2016 "About industrial safety" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 354-Z

1. Approve:

The regulations on procedure for certification of experts in the field of industrial safety (are applied);

The regulations on procedure for expertize of industrial safety (are applied);

the list of potentially dangerous objects and the technical devices operated on them which are subject to examination of industrial safety (is attached).

2. To the Ministry of Emergency Situations to take measures for implementation of this resolution.

3. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

A. Kobyakov

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 5, 2016 No. 614

Regulations on procedure for certification of experts in the field of industrial safety

1. This Provision determines procedure for certification of experts in the field of industrial safety.

2. For the purposes of this provision terms and their determinations in the values established by the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About industrial safety" and also the following terms and their determinations are used:

certification – assessment procedure of professional competence of applicants in the form of testing certification;

area of certification – field of activity of the expert in the field of industrial safety in certain objects of examination of industrial safety and engineering certification of potentially dangerous objects;

the applicant – the physical person applying for receipt of the certificate of the expert in the field of industrial safety;

the certificate of the expert in the field of industrial safety – the document confirming professional competence of the specialist for implementation of examination of industrial safety, engineering certification of potentially dangerous objects.

3. Certification of experts in the field of industrial safety is carried out by certifying commission of Department on supervision of safe operation to the industries of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (further – the commission).

The structure of the commission affirms the order of the head of the department of supervision of safe operation as the industry of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (further – the Gospromnadzor).

When carrying out certification of experts in the field of industrial safety of management of the state supervision of the main military inspection of Armed Forces, and also experts in the field of industrial safety of the organizations having permission to the right of carrying out engineering certification of military hoisting machines, examinations of industrial safety, engineering certification of potentially dangerous objects, productions and the related types of activity specified in the list of potentially dangerous objects, productions and the related types of activity having specifics of military application, which are subject to supervision, No. 66 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of January 29, 2013 (further, unless otherwise specified, – the expert in the field of industrial safety who is carrying out engineering certification and expertize of industrial safety concerning the objects having specifics of military application), the commissions the representative of management of the state supervision of the main military inspection of Armed Forces is included.

4. The following requirements are imposed to applicants:

4.1. availability of the higher education corresponding, as a rule, to area of certification of experts in the field of industrial safety according to appendix 1, and length of service as the technical lead or the specialist in the declared area of certification at least three years, except for the case provided in part two of this subitem.

If the education profile determined by the commission according to the Nation-wide qualifier of the Republic of Belarus OKRB 011-2009 "Specialties and qualifications" the approved resolution of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus of June 2, 2009 No. 36, does not match with the declared area of certification, the applicant shall have length of service as the technical lead or the specialist in the declared area of certification at least five years;

4.2. advanced training in the declared area of certification in organization of education at least once in five years;

4.3. availability of the certificate of competence by visual method of nondestructive control not below the second skill level in occupational sector (the preoperating or operating tests including production) – for the applicants certified on carrying out engineering certification of potentially dangerous objects;

4.4. in case of primary passing of certification:

the expert in the field of industrial safety, except for certifications of the expert in the field of industrial safety who is carrying out engineering certification and expertize of industrial safety concerning the objects having specifics of military application – passing of training by the applicant under the leadership of the employee of the Gospromnadzor – the expert in the field of industrial safety having length of service at least five years in the declared area of certification with participation in carrying out at least three examinations of industrial safety (engineering certifications of potentially dangerous objects – for the applicants certified on carrying out engineering certification of these objects) in the declared area of certification;

the expert in the field of industrial safety who is carrying out engineering certification and expertize of industrial safety concerning the objects having specifics of military application – passing by the applicant of training under the leadership of the official of management of the state supervision of the main military inspection of Armed Forces – the expert in the field of industrial safety in the declared area of certification with participation in expertize of industrial safety (at least three engineering certifications of potentially dangerous objects – for the applicants certified on carrying out engineering certification of these objects) in the declared area of certification.

The legal entity with whom the applicant consists in employment relationships, or the applicant addresses to the Gospromnadzor for passing of training.

In case of discrepancy of the applicant to the requirements containing in subitems 4.1-4.3 of this Item within three working days from the date of the address the refusal in holding training in writing is drawn up and is brought to the attention of the applicant or the legal entity with whom the applicant consists in employment relationships.

The decision on appointment of the applicant as the trainee, and also the head of training is drawn up by the relevant order of the Gospromnadzor.

The training is held according to the programs of training for each area of certification (examination of industrial safety, engineering certification) developed and approved by the Gospromnadzor.

5. For carrying out certification to Gospromnadzor are represented:


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