Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of August 28, 2001 No. 899

About approval of the Regulations on accounting treatment and the taxation of the raw materials (goods) received for conversion from the economic agents who are in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and not having tax relations with its budget system

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 06.07.2017 No. 522)

For the purpose of creation of optimum conditions for activities of local producers and in pursuance of article 4 of the Law on the budget for 2001 N 1392-XIV of November 30, 2000. The government of the Republic of Moldova DECIDES:

1. Determine that internal tax posts do not apply the VAT for raw materials supplied by the customer (goods), according to the list of appendix N 1, received for conversion by the local economic agents specified in appendix N 2, from the economic agents who are in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and not having tax relations with its budget system.

2. The services in raw materials supplied by the customer conversion rendered on the basis of agreements to the economic agents who are in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and not having tax relations with its budget system are assessed with the VAT in accordance with general practice at the rate of 20%.

3. Approve Regulations on accounting treatment and the taxation of the raw materials (goods) received for conversion from the economic agents who are in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and not having tax relations with its budget system it (is applied).

4. To the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economics and the Industry ministry after two months from the date of entry into force of this resolution to carry out the analysis of the course of its accomplishment and if necessary to provide offers on introduction in it of changes and amendments.


Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova

Vasile Tarlev

Appendix No. 1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of August 28, 2001 No. 899

The list of the raw materials (goods) received for conversion from the economic agents who are in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and not having tax relations with its budget system

No. of payment order

Name of raw materials (goods)

Tariff pozieiya


Fabrics from natural silk or schappes



Yarn cotton (except sewing threads), containing at least 85 masses. cotton %, not packed up for retail sale



Yarn cotton (except sewing threads), containing less than 85 masses. cotton %, not packed up for retail sale



Fabrics the cotton containing at least 85 masses. in cotton %, area density  at least 200 g/m2



Fabrics the cotton containing at least 85 masses. in cotton %, area density  more than 200 g/m2



Fabrics the cotton containing at least 85 masses. cotton %, with addition generally or exclusively chemical fibers, area density  no more than 200 g/m2



Fabrics the cotton containing at least 85 masses. cotton %, with addition generally or exclusively chemical fibers, area density  more than 200 g/m2



Other cotton fabrics



The fabrics from synthetic fibers containing at least 85 masses. % of these fibers



The fabrics from synthetic fibers containing at least 85 masses. % of these fibers, with addition generally or only cotton,  no more than 170 g/m2 having area density



The fabrics from synthetic fibers containing at least 85 masses. % of these fibers, with addition generally or only cotton,  more than 170 g/m2 having area density



Other fabrics from synthetic fibers



The fabrics from artificial fibers containing at least 85 masses. % of artificial fibers



Appendix No. 2

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of August 28, 2001 No. 899

The list of the economic agents rendering on the basis of agreements services in conversion of the raw materials (goods) received from the economic agents who are in the territory of the Republic of Moldova and not having tax relations with its budget system

JSC Ionel, mun. Chisinau

JSC Faurarul, mun. Chisinau

JSC Rada, mun. Belts

JSC Flautex, mun. Belts

JSC Mioara, mun. Belts

JSC Noustil. Forty

JSC Dana. Forty

JSC Galanta, Mr. Orkhey

JSC Succes, Basarabyask

Lorcin company, Basarabyask

JSC Modern, Mr. Edinets

JSC Tricon, Mr. Kakhul

JSC Cicec, Comrat

JSC Ravis-Ben

JSC Marfconsum. Rubber

JSC Fantezie, Ryshkan

JSC Speranta, Mr. Tarakliya

JSC Floresteanca, Floresht

JSC Diana, Felesht

JSC Scop, Chadyr-Lunga

JSC Stil, Vulkenesht

JSC Codreanca, Kelerash

JSC Covoare-Ungheni, Ungen

JSC Tezaur, Ungen

JSC Marfconsum-Sud, Mr. Tarakliya


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of August 28, 2001 No. 899


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