of July 21, 2016 No. 896
About approval of the Regulations on the procedure of certification of energy efficiency of buildings and their sections
Based on part (6) article 17 of the Law No. 128 of July 11, 2014 on energy efficiency of buildings (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2014, Art. No. 297-309, 609) DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve Regulations on the procedure of certification of energy efficiency of buildings and their sections it (is applied).
2. To assign monitoring and coordination of process of accomplishment of this resolution to the Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure.
Prime Minister |
Paweê Phillip |
Countersign: deputy. Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Affairs |
Octavian Kalmyk |
Minister of Regional Development and Construction |
Vasile Bytka |
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of July 21, 2016 No. 896
1. The regulations on the procedure of certification of energy efficiency of buildings and their sections (further – the Provision) are applied to the categories of buildings established in parts (1) and (2) article 3 of the Law No. 128 of July 11, 2014 on energy efficiency of buildings including to their sections.
2. This Provision is not applied to:
1) to the categories of buildings established in part (3) article 3 of the Law on energy efficiency of buildings;
2) to the apartments offered for sale or for hiring, which are in the buildings which do not have the certificate of energy efficiency;
3) to the sections of buildings having single system of heating for all buildings which cannot be used separately.
In the text of this provision the concept "building" includes also sections of buildings, except as specified, when the Provision directly does not provide other.
3. Certification of energy efficiency of buildings represents process of assessment of energy efficiency of buildings in the conditions of their standard use, using methodology of calculation of the energy efficiency of buildings approved by the central industry body of public management in the field of construction according to article 10 of the Law on energy efficiency of buildings.
4. Certification of energy efficiency of the building is performed based on the agreement signed between the company, conforming to requirements, the stipulated in Clause 29 Laws on energy efficiency of buildings, and the owner of the respective building. Certification of energy efficiency is performed by the energy appraiser authorized according to the procedure, the stipulated in Clause 30 Laws on energy efficiency of buildings, employed on this company based on the individual employment contract.
5. The certification process of energy efficiency of buildings shall be:
1) complete: for the purpose of determination of the building which is subject to certification of energy efficiency;
2) representative: for the purpose of collection of reliable and relevant data;
3) traceable: for the purpose of monitoring of source and data processing;
4) useful: to contain cost efficiency analysis on the established measures for improvement of energy efficiency of the building;
5) controlled: to allow the owner of the building to perform monitoring of goal achievement on implementation of measures for improvement of energy efficiency of the building.
6. The certification process of energy efficiency of buildings includes the following main stages:
1) preliminary conversation;
2) visit of the building;
3) data collection;
4) activities on the place;
5) analysis;
6) representation of results of certification of energy efficiency of the building;
7) termination of certification process of energy efficiency of the building.
7. During the preliminary conversation the energy appraiser shall establish the following with the owner of the building:
1) the building or the section of the building which is subject to certification of energy efficiency;
2) purpose of certification of energy efficiency of the building;
3) time frame necessary for completion of certification of energy efficiency of the building;
4) availability, reality and format of the data necessary for certification of energy efficiency of the building;
5) measurements and/or inspections which are supposed to be carried out to time of certification of energy efficiency of the building.
8. The energy appraiser shall request from the owner of the building any opinions, the ideas and the existing restrictions relating to potential measures for improvement of energy efficiency of the building.
9. The energy appraiser shall inform the owner of the building on any conflict of interest or any other situation which could affect impartiality of the energy appraiser as it is stipulated in Article 32 Laws on energy efficiency of buildings.
10. The purpose of visit of the building is informing the owner of the building and other concerned parties on the purpose of certification of energy efficiency of the building and the arrangement on the practical measures necessary for implementation of this process.
11. During visit of the building the energy appraiser shall establish the following together with the owner of the building:
1) methods of access for the energy appraiser, and also its personnel, to the building and, if necessary, to its rooms;
2) regulations of safety and protection, including zone with limited access and potential danger and risks to health;
3) data which the owner of the building shall provide;
4) non-disclosure agreements;
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The document ceased to be valid since September 26, 2024 according to Item 3 of the Order of the Government the Republic of Moldova of September 11, 2024 No. 621