Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since October 1, 2021 according to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova of September 14, 2021 No. 113


of June 15, 2016 No. 85

About approval of Standard documentation for carrying out public procurements of goods, services, works by means of the negotiation procedure

1. Approve Standard documentation for carrying out public procurements of goods, services, works by means of the negotiation procedure (according to appendix).

2. The buying bodies in case of initiation and holding procedures for purchase of goods, services and works by means of the negotiation procedure to oblige to constitute documentation on award according to the approved Standard documentation.

3. When filling documentation on award, for the purpose of initiation of the procedure of public procurement of goods, services and works by means of the negotiation procedure, the buying body, upon the demand of public procurements Agency to oblige to constitute the Information reference in which to reason for need of introduction of qualification criterions and factors of assessment. Need of reasoning of factors of assessment arises only in cases of use of evaluation criterion "the most economic offer".

4. This order becomes effective from the date of its publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

Minister of Finance

Octavian to Armash


Standard documentation for carrying out public procurements of goods, services and works by means of the negotiation procedure

Purchase subject: Acquisition ____________________________________________________________________________



CPV code: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

The buying body: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Procurement procedure: _________________________________________________________________________________________

РиÑунок к Приказу МФ РМ от 15.06.2016 г. â„–85

Section 1. Instruction for Candidates (IC)

Chapter I – General provisions

1. Procedure purpose

1.1. The buying body specified in the Card of data on purchase (KDZ) publishes Documentation on award for the purpose of delivery/accomplishment of goods/services/works as it is specified in Section 4. The subject and number of the procedure are specified in KDZ. The name and number of lots are specified in KDZ.

2. Principles of award of the agreement on public procurements

2.1. The basic principles of award of the agreement on public procurements of works are:

1) free competition;

2) effective use of public funds;

3) transparency;

4) equal relation;

5) confidentiality.

3. Legislation applicable to the negotiation procedure

3.1. Award of the agreement on public procurements is performed according to provisions of the following regulations existing in the Republic of Moldova:

2. The resolution on carrying out public procurements by means of the negotiation procedure.

4. Financing source

4.1. To the buying body public funds as it is specified in KDZ, for payments according to the agreement for which this document on award was published were allocated.

5. Candidates of procurement procedure

5.1. Any economic operator with the status of the entrepreneur, resident or nonresident, physical person or legal entity having the participation right in the conditions of the Law No. 131 of July 3, 2015 on public procurements, in the procedure of award of the agreement on public procurements can be the candidate.

5.2. Several economic operators can unite for giving of the general candidate, not at the same time owed draw up such consolidation somehow officially. However the agreement on consolidation needs to be provided in writing. The buying body has the right to demand to draw up officially such consolidation only if the general offer wins competition, and such measure is necessary condition for fair agreement performance. The participant has the right to include in the technical proposal condition about opportunity to sign contracts of sub contracting that does not reduce responsibility in that, as for procedure for execution of future agreement on public procurement at all. Upon the demand of the buying body the ofertant shall provide information on condition(s) of the agreement of sub contracting and data on expected subcontractors.

5.3. The candidate submits the declaration according to the form from Section 3 (F3.4), concerning the fact that it (including members of Consolidation) is not in conflict of interest concerning its participation in the procedure, namely: (i) is not and was not in the past member of consolidation, directly or indirectly, with any consultant or other organization which prepared specifications and other documents according to this procedure; and (ii) submits the one and only offer (it does not limit participation of subcontractors in several offers).


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